Terrorist related incidents - PN259 Flashcards
Review date: 13 March 2018 Last amended date: 1/1/17
Terrorist related incidents
What is the generic term for a terrorist bomb?
The generic term for a terrorist bomb is an Improvised Explosive Device (IED).
(Policy 259, 2.1)
Terrorist related incidents
What are the three main components of an IED?
- Packaging.
- Main filling.
- Means of initiation.
(Policy 259, 2.1)
Terrorist related incidents
What is an IED ‘likely’ to look like?
It may look like many things but it is unlikely to look like a bomb.
(Policy 259, 2.2)
Terrorist related incidents
A call to a bomb or terrorist related incident would normally fall into three categories. What are they?
- No warning - device actuated.
- Warning given - device actuated.
- Warning given - device not actuated, made safe.
(Policy 259, 3.4)
Terrorist related incidents
Who has overall responsibility for control and coordination of any incident having terrorist origins?
The Police IC.
(Policy 259, 3.2)
Terrorist related incidents
Regardless of what criteria the call received falls into, what three things should Incident Commanders and Crew Managers in particular (and all personnel in general) consider?
- Think - Secondary Devices
- Think - Safe Cordon Distances
- Think - Safety! Do not touch.
(Policy 259, 3.5)
Terrorist related incidents
At a terrorist related incident who is responsible for rescue operations?
The Fire Brigade Incident Commander (Fire Silver/Tactical) will, in consultation with the Police Incident Commander (Police Silver/Tactical) be responsible for fire fighting and rescue operations.
(Policy 259, 3.3)
Terrorist related incidents
The use of appliance and hand held radios is subject to the following minimum distance restrictions on transmission?
- Appliance and Main Scheme Radios - 50m.
- Hand Held Radios - 10m.
- Brigade pagers may be worn.
(Policy 259, 5.1)
Terrorist related incidents
Effective cordon control is paramount when dealing with IEDs, what is the cordon distance for a suspect suitcase size IED?
Up to suitcase size - more than 100m.
(Policy 259, 6.1)
Terrorist related incidents
Effective cordon control is paramount when dealing with IEDs, What is the cordon distance for a suspect car/ light vehicle?
Car/light vehicle - More than 200m.
(Policy 259, 6.1)
Terrorist related incidents
What is the cordon distance for a suspect HGV/ lorry?
HGV/lorry - More than 400m.
(Policy 259, 6.1)
Terrorist related incidents
Before siting appliances and/or committing personnel into a suspected IED area, consideration must also have been given to?
- Not in direct line of sight
- Away from glass
- Away from secondary hazards. (parked vehicles, Garages etc
- Behind hard cover
- Upwind if any suspicion of chemical or biological agent
- Beware secondary devices
- Request police - if not in attendance.
(Policy 259, 6.2)
Terrorist related incidents
At an IED incident, how should appliances be sited?
Appliances should be sited facing away from the IED with their windows open and under the direction of the police.
If the police are not in attendance, Incident Commanders should establish their Command Point in such a way as to make it readily movable should the police request this. Personnel are also to be mindful of the fact that any vehicles parked may become part of the crime scene in the event of detonation taking place.
(Policy 259, 6.2)
Terrorist related incidents
When could LFB personel be expected to search for suspect devices?
Only when the suspect device is reported to be on a fire station or premises to which the personnel undertaking the search are attached.
(Policy 259, 4.1)
Terrorist related incidents
What action should an appliance commander take (regarding comms) if the appliance is within 50m of the suspect package?
If, for operational reasons, it is necessary for an appliance to approach within 50m, the radio should be switched off. This is to prevent both speech and data transmission.
(Policy 259, 5.2)
Terrorist related incidents
What size cordon should be implemented if there is any doubt as to the size of the suspect package?
(Policy 259, 6.1)
Terrorist related incidents
When may it be neccesary for LFB personel to work within the minimum safe distance when secondary devices are known or suspected?
To fight an outbreak of fire (to prevent the fire becoming the greater risk to public) and firefighter safety.
(Policy 259, 7.5)
Terrorist related incidents
What consideration needs to be made regarding appliances before they can leave the scene?
All vehicles taken to the scene should be left in situ until they have been examined and cleared by the police.
(Policy 259, 8.2)