water cycle and energy balance Flashcards
what are the properties of water
- Hydrogen Bonding
High specific heat: amount of energy needed to raise 1g by 1 degree Celsius
- High heat of vaporization: quantity of heat needed to convert 1g form liquid to gas
cohesion and adhesion?
B/c water is polar:
Cohesion: holding together of like substances
Adhesion: holding together of unlike substances
water flow in a terrestrial system: input, absorption, infiltration, output
Input – precipitation
Absorption – uptake by plants
Infiltration and Percolation – baseflow
Output – evapotranspiration and runoff
Infiltration – amount of water in the soil
what is the main input of water
- Main input is precip
- Interception - foggy environments - humidity in air is high enough for the water to condense onto surface - can be harvested in aired environments
○ Substancial (10-50%) in closed canopy forests
describe throughfall and stem flow
- Throughfall and stemflow- interception of water by plants impacts the flow - stemflow = canopy draws the water down the stem - catching water and directing it so its more available to the plant
- Stemflow - enhances flow by creating little spaces + stem adheres water = water goes down toward root system + help make it go deeper into the root system and less available to competition
when is infiltration lower?
Wet OR Clay soil – lower water
describe groundwater
Ground water – below access of roots
-Experiences same forces (matrix and
gravitational) that water on surface
does, it is just slower due to the soil
texture found that low in the soil
what is the water cycle coupled with?
is coupled with the energy cycle à Energy absorbed by water to vaporize it, is made from
input; a high latent heat of energy is associated with cooling through evaporation
The amount of water on earth has overall been around for millions of years = a cycle
why do Different biomes have different latent heat energy and sensible heat flux?
They lose heat with vaporization at different rates because confiner loose more than deciduous.
why do different plants have different rooting depth?
Regions that have dry periods – plants have long roots
Regions with short season – plants have shallow roots to get water quickly as there is a lot of
water available (snow melt, precipitation)
what is water potential?
Water potential ( ψ ) – the capacity of water to do work, amount of free energy in wate
How does water move from soil to plants?
Water moves from areas to high to low water potential
- Depends on its concentration in solution and various pressure
water moves from soil to plant when ψ plant < ψ soil
pure water potential? what is the typical water potential?
Pure water at soil surface has potential of zero
- Water potential is generally negative
when is water potential more stable? what does water movement depend on?
More stable at lower concentration
- Water movement into the soil depends on soil particle size and matric forces (adhesion+