Water Concept Flashcards
3 types of water
Non potable
Process water
4 routes of exposure to water
Skin absorption
Water fit for consumption
Potable water
Water not fit for consumption
Non potable water
Water used for cooling towers, boilers and industrial processes, can be either potable or non potable.
Process Water
Feature 30: Fundamental Water Quality is a pre condition for …
all 3 project types
Feature 30: Fundamental Water Quality. Part 1: Sediment requires water sample to have?
Turbidity level of less than 1.0 nephelometric turbidity unit NTU
Water clarity is measured in terms of?
Amount of cloudiness in a liquid
Higher turbidity means?
Greater sedimentation. This is bad.
Unit of measure for turbidity
Feature 30: Fundamental Water Quality requires public drinking water be?
Maximum 5.0 NTU
Feature 30: Fundamental Water Quality requires water utilities be maintained at what level?
0.1 NTU
Why is low turbidity important?
Low turbidity - important so UV light treatment can be used. If high, sediments block UV rays
Feature 30: Fundamental Water Quality. Part 2: Microorganisms requires water be?
Requires that water must be tested to ensure no coliforms
Microorganisms including E.Coli
Increased coliforms means?
Presence of other pathogens
Infectious such as bacteria, virus, fungu
Test the effectiveness of a project’s water filtration
Total Coliform Teset
Feature 31: Inorganic Contaminants precondition for all?
3 project types
Element or compound found in water, such as from mining etc
Inorganic contaminant
Feature 31: Inorganic Contaminants. Part 1: Dissolved Metals addresses what?
Addresses 6 major contaminants such as
arsenic lead mercury antimony nickel copper
ALMANC levels?
ALMANC .01 Arsenic - less than 0.01 Lead - less than 0.01 mg/L Mercury - less than 0.002 Antimony - less than 0.006 Nickel - less than 0.012 Copper - less than 1.0
2 types of water filtration
Reverse Osmosis
Kinetic degradation fluxion KDF
Filtration type that uses semi permeable membrane to filter water; very fine filter that only allows water molecules to pass through
Reverse Osmosis
Pros/Cons of Reverse Osmosis
Effective at removing contaminants, but wastes 50 to 80% of incoming water supply
Some circulate back to building for non potable purposes
Filtration system that contains flakes or granules of copper and zinc
Kinetic degradation fluxion KDF
Kinetic degradation fluxion KDF pros/cons
Effective up to 98% in removing inorganic contaminants
o Not effective at removing chemicals or parasites
Human made compound from industrial activities
Organic Contaminants
Feature 32: Organic Contaminants lists 8 key pollutants. Which are?
What the required level for Styrene?
Requirements: Benzene - Toluene - Tetrachloroethylene - Styrene - Polychlorinated biphenyls - Vinyl Chloride - Ethylbenzene - Xylenes -
If levels are high, what to do?
BTTSPVEX (bts pa-vet tnx).001 15 Benzene - less than 0.001 Toluene - less than 0.15 Tetrachloroethylene - less than 0.05 Styrene - less than 0.0005 mg/L Polychlorinated biphenyls - less than 0.0005 Vinyl chloride - less than 0.002 Ethylbenzene - lesss than 0.3 Xylenes (m p and o) - less than 0.5
If levels in a building are higher than these, conduct granular activated carbon filtration
A filtration that uses oxygen treated carbon to chemically bond with the organic contaminants in water
Granular activated carbon filtration
Granular activated carbon filtration
- are mostly used in?
- effective at?
- required at?
Mostly used in homes
Effective at removing organic contaminants but not sodium and flourine
A maintenance and filter replacement should be in place before final occupancy
3 types of Agricultural Contaminants
Pesticide, herbicide or fertilizer
Feature 33: Agricultural Contaminants precondition for?
all 3 project types
Feature 33: Agricultural Contaminants. Part 1: Herbicides and Pesticides identifies required levels for each?
Requirements for: Atrazine Glyphosate Simazine 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Atrazine - less than 0.001 , controls broadleaf weeds in crops. Most commonly detected pesticide in water
Glyphosate - less than 0.70; used in many pesticides
Simazine - less than 0.0002; used to control weeds.
2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - less than. 0.07; major herbicide that can run off or leach into ground
Used to destroy, repel, or control plants and animals
Type of pesticide to destroy or inhibit unwanted plants; used in farming