Air Concept Flashcards
The Air Concept contains xx features that address design choices and policies.
The first xx features are predominantly preconditions, except for one optimization for New and Existing Interiors in Feature 08.
Set of symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, eye irritation, and breathing difficulties, believed to be caused by indoor pollutants and poor environmental control that typically affects workers in modern airtight office building
Sick building syndrome (SBS)
Known as demand controlled ventilation, is ventila-tion provided by mechanically powered equipment, such as motor-driven fans and blowers, but not by devices such as wind-driven turbine ventilators and mechanically operated windows.
Mechanical ventilation
Can be vectors for mold growth and can easily spread contaminants such as dust.
Mechanical ventilation systems
Movement of air into and out of a space primarily through intentionally provided openings (such as windows and doors), through nonpowered ventilators, or by in filtration.
Natural ventilation
Can easily allow the infiltration of humidity and air pollution, such as tobacco smoke and outdoor chemicals
Natural ventilation systems
Feature 01, Air Quality Standards, is a precondition for
all three project types that limits the levels of indoor air pollutants.
The levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in an indoor environment can be xx times higher than outdoor levels
The release of chemicals or particulates into the air from substances and solvents used in the manufacture of a building product.
A colorless gas compound that is used for manufacturing melamine and phenolic resins, fertilizers, dyes, and embalming fluids
Air Concept Part 1a requires that a project limit the levels of formaldehyde in the air to
less than 27 parts per billion (ppb).
Contains carbon and hydrogen that evaporates and diffuses easily at ambi-ent temperature and is emitted by a wide array of building materials, paints, wood preservatives, and other common consumer products.
volatile organic compound (VOC)
Air Concept Part 1b requires that a project limit the levels of VOCs in the air to
less than 500 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3).
A colorless, odorless, and highly poisonous gas formed by incomplete combustion. It replaces oxy-gen in hemoglobin, which limits the ability of blood to deliver oxygen and can lead to death.
Carbon monoxide
Part 2a requires that a project limit CO levels to
To less than 9 parts per million (ppm).
Complex mixture of elemental and organic carbon, salts, mineral and metal dust, ammonia, and water that co-agulate together into tiny solids and globule
Particulate matter
Particulate matter larger than 2.5 micrometers (µm) and smaller than 10 µm in diameter.
coarse particle (PM10)
Particulate matter 2.5 µm or smaller in di-ameter.
fine particle (PM2.5 )
Part 2b requires that a project limit PM2.5 levels in the air
to less than 15 µg/m3.
Part 2c requires that a project limit PM10 levels in the air to
less than 50 µg/m3
Triatomic form of oxygen that is hazardous to the respiratory system at ground level. It can be released into the air by photocopiers, printers, and air cleaners.
Part 2d requires that a project limit the ozone level in the indoor air to
less than 51 ppb.
Radioactive, carcinogenic noble gas generated from the decay of natural deposits of uranium.
Part 3 requires that a project limit the radon levels at its ____ level to _____
lowest occupied levelless than 0.148 Bq/L (4 pCi/L)
Feature 2 Part 1 Indoor Smoking Ban
No smoking within the building
Part 2: Outdoor Smoking Ban of Feature 02 requires the placement of signs that indicate a smoking ban near entrances and in specific exterior spaces. These signs must indicate that smoking is banned within
within 7.5 m (25′) of all entrances, operable windows, and building air intakes.
Part 2 also requires signs that educate oc-cupants about the hazards of smoking in the specific areas where smoking is allowed (beyond the 7.5 m [25′] distance). These signs should be
placed on all walkways within the area in intervals of 30 m (100′) at the mos
Part 1: Ventilation Design of Feature 03 uses which standard?
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
Part 1a requires that the ventilation rates for mechanically ventilated projects meet the
Ventilation Rate Proce-dure or IAQ Procedure within ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013.
Part 1b requires naturally ventilated projects to comply with
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013 and
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) set forth by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Projects are required to demonstrate that the air surrounding the building for a distance of?
1.6 km (1 mile)
either complies with the NAAQS or passes the requirements of Feature 01, Air Quality Standards, for at least 95% of all hours in the previous year.
Demand Controlled Ventilation of Feature 03 applies to any occupied spaces in the building that are
46.5 m2 (500 ft2) or larger and have an actual or expected occupant density of 25 people per 93 m2 (1000 ft2)
Feature 3 Part 2 requires that demand controlled ventilation system regulates outdoor air to keep CO2 levels to _____ measured at ______
to below 800 ppm (measured at 1.2 m to 1.8 m [4′ to 6′] above the floor).
Typically, outside air has CO2 levels of
300 ppm to 400 ppm
System Balancing of Feature 03 requires that all HVAC systems (within the last xx years) undergo or be scheduled to undergo testing and balancing after the substantial completion but before occupancy of a project.
The five parts of this feature cover VOC reduction requirements for
interior paints and coatings, interior adhesives and sealants, flooring, insulation, and furniture and furnishings
Feature 4 VOC Reduction. Part 1: Interior Paints and Coatings requires that VOCs from newly applied interior paints and coatings be limited. Projects must meet one of the following requirements for paints and coatings:
All (100%) of the installed products must either meet California Air Resources Board (CARB) 2007, Suggested Con-trol Measure (SCM) for Architectural Coatings, or South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113 for their VOC content.
At a minimum, 90%, by volume, of the paints and coatings must meet California Department of Public Health (CDHP) Standard Method v1.1-2010 for their VOC emissions
Must meet applicable national VOC regulations or testing of VOC content must be performed in accordance with ASTM D2369-10; ISO 11890, part 1; ASTM D6886-03; or ISO 11890-2.
Feature 4 VOC Reduction Part 2: Interior Adhesives and Sealants requires projects must meet one of the following requirements for adhesives and sealants
All (100%) of the installed products must meet SCAQMD Rule 1168 for their VOC content.
At a minimum, 90%, by volume, of the adhesives and sealants must meet CDHP Standard Method v1.1-2010 for their VOC emissions.
The adhesives and sealants must meet applicable national VOC regulations or testing of VOC content must be performed in accordance with ASTM D2369-10; ISO 11890, part 1; ASTM D6886-03; or ISO 11890-2.
Feature 4 VOC Reduction Part 3: Flooring requires that the VOC content of newly installed flooring be limited. Projects must limit the VOC content of all newly installed interior floors in accordance with
CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010
Feature 4 VOC Reduction. Part 4: Insulation requires that the VOC content of newly installed interior thermal (excluding duct) and acoustic in-sulation be limited. Projects must limit the VOC content of all newly installed insula-tion in accordance with
CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010.
Feature 4 VOC Reduction. Part 5: Furniture and Furnishings requires that the VOC content of newly purchased interior furniture and furnishings within the scope of the project be limited. Projects must limit the VOC content of at
at least 95%, by cost, of all newly purchased furniture and furnishings per ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011 Furniture Sustainability Standard, sections 7.6.1 and 7.6.62, when tested in accordance with ANSI/BIFMA Standard Method M7.1-2011. Alternatively, the furniture and furnishings may meet CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010.
Feature 05, Air Filtration, is a precondition for
for all three project types
A value assigned to an air filter that describes the amount of different types of particles removed when the filter is operating at the least effective point in its life
Minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV)
The higher the MERV number,
the greater the air filter performance
Part 1: Filter Accommodation of Feature 05 applies to projects in which recirculated air is used. Projects must have?
1) rack space available and identify rack locations for future implementation of carbon filters or combination particle/carbon filters in the main air ducts.
2) Also, the mechanical system must be sized to accommodate additional filters
Part 2: Particle Filtration of Feature 05 requires that a project meet …
MERV 13 filters (at a minimum) in HVAC systems for filtering outdoor air.
Part 2b requires that a project demonstrate that the levels of particulate matter in the air surrounding the project site for _____ km for at least ____ %?
for 1.6 km (1 mile) meet the standards set in Feature 01, Air Quality Standards, for at least 95% of all hours for the last calendar year
Part 3: Air Filtration Maintenance of Feature 05 requires that the project _____ submit records of proper air filtration maintenance to the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI). Filters must be maintained as specified by the manufacturer’s recommendations
Thrives in constantly wet environments
Feature 06, Microbe and Mold Control, is a precondition for
for all three project types
Feature 06, Microbe and Mold Control. Part 1: Cooling Coil Mold Reduction applies to buildings that use mechanical HVAC and require the use of
UVGI - ultraviolet germicidal irradiation devices, such as ultraviolet lamps, to control the growth of mold on cooling coils and drain pans.
A sterilization method that uses ultraviolet (UV) light to break down microorganisms by destroying their DNA
Ultraviolet germicidal irradia-tion (UVGI)
In order to prevent the generation of ozone, the wavelength of the UV lamps must be
254 nanometers (nm).
Feature 06, Microbe and Mold Control. Part 1b requires that a building’s HVAC system be inspected for mold growth on a xx basis
If mold growth is found
HVAC system must be cleaned
Dated photographic evidence of the moldinspection must be submitted to IWBI every
Every year for review
Feature 06, Microbe and Mold Control. Part 2: Mold Inspections require that a mold inspection be performed in what form?
visually. The building must be inspected for:
discoloration and mold on the ceilings, walls, and floors
as well as for signs of water damage and pooling
Feature 07, Construction Pollution Management, is a precondition for
for all three project types
Feature 07, Construction Pollution Management. Part 1: Duct Protection requires protective measures to prevent construction debris from entering the ventilation system. Per Part 1a, all newly installed ductwork are either:
Sealed and protected from contaminants
Vacuumed out prior to installing registers, grills, and diffusers.
If those proper preventive protection measures are not used, Part 1b requires that the ductwork be thoroughly cleaned before ____?
be thoroughly cleaned before the registers, grilles, and diffusers are installed
If a project’s HVAC system runs during construction that occurs within one year before performance verification, Feature 07, Construction Pollution Management. Part 2: Filter Replacement requires
that the air filters be replaced with clean filters before occupancy
Feature 07, Construction Pollution Management. Part 3 Moisture Absorption addresses the need to prevent certain materials and products from absorbing water of a building that occurs within..
What’s the solution?
…. within one year before performance verification
Separate area be designated to store and protect absorptive materials or products.
Feature 07, Construction Pollution Management. Part 4: Dust Containment addresses the containment or capture of dust and debris during
during construction that occurs within one year before performance verification.
Feature 07, Construction Pollution Management. Part 4: Dust Containment and Removal Requirements (List 3)
1) physical separation of active construction spaces from other spaces through the sealing of openings or installation of temporary barriers.
2) installation of walk-off mats at entryways to reduce the dust, dirt, and other pollutants that may be spread on the soles of shoes or on the wheels of carts or dollies.
3) saws and other power tools must have guards or collectors to capture any generated dust or debris.
Feature 08, Healthy Entrance, is a pre-condition for
Core and Shell and New and Existing Buildings project types
Feature 08, Healthy Entrance, is an optimization for
New and Existing Buildings
Feature 08, Healthy Entrance requires project team implement one of 3 strategies. What are these?
What are the guidelines?
- Permanent entryway system comprising grilles, grates, or slots
- Rollout mats
- Material manufacture as an entryway walk-off system
Must be maintained on a weekly basis. Strategy must be as wide as the entrance width and at least 3m (10’) long in the primary direction of travel (sum of indoor and outdoor length)
Feature 8 Healthy Entrance Part 2: Entryway Air Seal limits outdoor air to indoor area. It requires 3 strategies.
What are these?
- Building entry vestibule with two normally closed doorways
- Revolving entrance doors
- At least 3 normally shut doors that separate occupied spaces from outdoor spaces
Feature 9: Cleaning Protocols
Precondition for NEI and NEB
An infectious biological agent such as bacterium, virus, or fungus capable of causing disease
Environmental substance that can produce allergies (remember: pollens
Feature 9: Cleaning Protocol. Part 1: Cleaning Plan for Occupied Spaces requires plan created to reduce pathogens, allergens, etc. Must contain the ff:
- Part 1a: requires cleaning plan include Cleaning Equipment and Training Section of Table A4 in Appendix C of WELL
- Part 1b: include a list of approved product seals with which all cleaning products must comply with Cleaning, Disinfection and Hand Hygiene Product section Table A4 in Appendix C
- Part 1c: include a list of high touch surfaces and schedule of sanitation or disinfection
- Part 1d: include cleaning schedule that specified extent and frequency of cleaning
- Part 1e: required dated, maintained cleaning logs to be available to all occupants
A surface frequently touched by building users and occupants ie door handles, light switches, etc
High touch surface
Feature 10: Pesticide Management
Precondition for C&S and NEB
A chemical used to destroy, repel or control plants and animals
Feature 10 Pesticide Management Part 1: Pesticide Use requires elimination of …
… pesticide or herbicide use on outdoor plants. It requires
After elimination of pesticide, what does Feature 10 Pesticide Management Part 1a requires?
Requires creation of pest management plan in place of pesticide or herbicide use
Pest Management PLan should be based on?
Should be based on Chapter 3 of San Francisco Environment Code Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program
Feature 10: Pesticide Management Part 1b requires pesticides that are what tier ranking?
Pesticides with a hazard tier ranking of 3 (least hazardous) be used on project site. As per TableA2 in Appendix C of WELL
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety is a precondition for?
All 3 project types
Naturally occurring metal found deep within ground that was used in plumbing, lighting etc.
Naturally occurring mineral used in insulation because of its properties. Found in fireproofing materials, gaskets, floor and ceiling tiles, and roofing felt
Compound present in products before the 1979 PCB ban. Can be found in electrical equipment and fluorescent lights
PCB or polychlorinated biphenyl
Poisonous metal element that can be found in earth’s surface
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 1a: Asbestos and Lead Restriction requires what?
No asbestos-containing materials installed in the project
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 1b limits amount of lead in plumbing system to be at what percent?
Weighted average of 0.25%.
Solder or flux is limited to 0.20%
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 1c limits amount of lead in all other building materials to?
no more than 100ppm (by weight)
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 2 Lead Abatement applicable for what?
What must be done?
…repairs, demolition, of projects that were constructed before banning lead by law
Lead evaluation
What guidelines must be followed in evaluating lead?
WELL follows US EPA lead standards,
EPA 40 CFR Part 745.65
EPA 40 CFR Part 745.277 and
US CFR Part 1926.62
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 2 requires 3 items when inspection for lead.
1) presence of lead in paint, dust, soil for residential dwellings or child-occupied facilities
2) all commercial and institutional with lead-based hazard use US EPA 40 CHR
3) future rulings from EPA regarding lead repair, renovation, supersedes US EPA 40 CFR Part 745 for residential and child occupied facilities
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 3 Asbestos Abatement applies to?
Buildings constructed prior to applicable laws on asbestors
How often should an asbestos inspection be?
By an?
Every 3 years
Accredited professional per AHERA, and NESHAP
What will be the standards used during asbestos inspection?
- Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act AHERA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan MAP
- NESHAP National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
Who should conduct asbestos inspection
Asbestos consultant
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 3 Asbestos Abatement Part 3B development update on?
In accordance with which standard?
Must address what?
Development update asbestos management plans
In accordance with AHERA.
Must address minimizing asbestos through procedures outlined in Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools (EPA 40 CFR Part 763)
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 3 Asbestos Abatement Part 3C requires post abatement clearance be conducted in accordance with?
AHERA and Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools (EPA 40 CFR Part 763)
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 4 Polychlorinated Biphenyl Abatement requires a policy in place for future work which are:
Conduct evaluation and abatement of materials
…in accordance with US EPA Steps to Safe PCB Abatement Activities.
Conduct removal and safe disposal of PCB containing fluorescent lights in accordance with EPA
Feature 11: Fundamental Material Safety Part 5 - Mercury limitation. Projects must comply with 4 strategies which are:
1) Thermometers or electrical used do not contain mercury
2) Lamps comply with low mercury limit from Table A5 in Appendix C of WELL. Non compliant lamps must be replaced
3) Only LED exit signs may be used or LEC light emitting capacitor lamps
4) Mercury vapor or probe-start metal halide high intensity discharge (HID) lamps are not used.
Feature 12: Moisture Management
Precondition for Core and Shell and New and Existing Building
When water enters building in the form of leaks due to damaged building envelope. Can also enter through plumbing or damaged HVAC
Bulk Water
When water enters building through porous building materials and finishes ie concrete, mortar, and insulation
Capillary water
When water enters building thru water vapor or humidity. Think condensation.
Air-transported moisture
Infiltration of water vapor through vapor-permeable material such as gypsum board, concrete blocks, and brick
Vapor diffusion
Feature 12: Moisture management Part 1: Exterior Liquid Water Management requires team develop a narrative addressing infiltration of water from exterior sources.
Narrative should include what?
And must address (4 items)?
Narrative should include project location, climate and weather of area.
Narrative must address the ff:
- Site drainage and irrigation
- Local water table
- Building penetration (windows, MEP)
- Porous building materials connected to exterior sources of water
Feature 12: Moisture management Part 2: Interior Liquid Water Management requires a narrative that address the infiltration of water from exterior sources (4 items)
- Plumbing leaks
- Appliances directly connected to water
- Porous building mats connected to interior sources of water
- New building mats that have high “built in” moisture content or have been wetted during construction and brought into the interior
Feature 12: Moisture management Part 3: Condensation Management requires narrative on condensation and addresses the ff: (4 items)
- High interior relative humidity levels
- Air leakage that could wet exposed interior materials through condensation
- Cooler surfaces ie basements or closets/cabinets on exterior walls
- Oversized AC units that cycle on and off quickly
Feature 12: Moisture management Part 4: Material Selection and Protection describes how moisture-tolerant materials have been selected and/or moisture sensitivea re being protected, considering the ff: (5 items)
- Exposed entryways and glazing
- Porous cladding materials
- Finished floors in wet rooms
- Interior sheathing in wet rooms
- Sealing and storing of absorptive materials during construction
Air Optimization Feature 8: Healthy Entrance optimization for
New and Existing Interior
Air Concept Feature 13: Air Flush
Optimization for all 3 project types
Used to remove or reduce airborne contaminants by running ventilation system for extended period
Air flushing
What temp should be followed during air flushing?
Interior temp must be maintained minimum 15 deg cel and no more than 60% relative humidity
When to air flush?
Can be prior to occupancy or..
Split between before and after occupancy
Air Concept Feature 13: Air Flush. Part 1 requires air flush at one of the 2 volumes which are
Total volume of outdoor air of 4266 m3 per m2 of floor area
First flush requires outdoor air volume of 1066 m3 per m2 of floor area prior to occupancy,
2nd flush of 3,200sqm post occupancy.
During flush, ventilation must provide at least 0.1 m3 per minute of outdoor air per sqm of floor area.
Feature 14: Air Infiltration Management
optimization for all 3 project types
Feature 14: Air Infiltration Management requires what?
Requires building envelope commissioning and plan for action and remediation
Air Infiltration Management Pros/Cons?
Can reduce indoor Air Quality and
Increase cost of heating
Movement of air into a conditioned building space through unwanted void
Air infiltration
Movement of air OUT of a conditioning building
Air exfiltration
During warm weather, what happens?
When cold weather?
Warm weather: air infiltration can bring humidity
Cold weather: warm air can leak
(Think Car AC)
Both cases create condensation that can damage and create mold
Feature 14: Air Infiltration Management. Part 1 Air Leakage Testing requires the ff is performed after ____ to ensure structure is airtight.
Must be in accordance with?
If unacceptable, what must be dune?
Performed after substantial building completion but before occupancy
ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005 and National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Guideline 3-2021.
Plan for action should say what needs to be done for unacceptable conditions
Feature 15: Increased Ventilation (exceed ASHRAE requirements) optimization for…
3 project types.
Feature 15: Increased Ventilation requires?
Increased supply of outdoor air to improve/optimize indoor air quality
Feature 15: Increased Ventilation Part 1: Increased Outdoor Air Supply requires one of the ff is regularly occupied spaces:
Outdoor air supply d rates in Part 1a of Feature 1 by 30%
Follow CIBSE AM10 Section 4 to predict room by room air flows will provide effective natural ventilation
Feature 16: Humidity Control optimization for?
What happens when humidity is low?
Dryness and irritation of eyes, throat, mucous membranes
What happens when humidity is high?
What happens in increased humidity of 25%
Microbial growth such as bacteria and mold.
Can also lead to off-gassing
Emissions of formaldehyde by a factor of 1.8-2.6
Feature 16: Humidity Control. Part 1 Relative Humidity requires one of 2 options be implemented. List them.
- Part 1a: requires HVAC have the ability to add or remove moisture to maintain relative humidity within 30% to 50%
- Part 1b: requiress modeled humidity levels be maintained 30 to 50% in the building for at least 95% of all business hours
Feature 17: Direct Source Ventilation optimization for
All 3 project types
Feature 17: Direct Source Ventilation. Part 1: Pollution Isolation and Exhaust applies to?
Applies to cleaning and chemical storage units or spaces ie bathroom photocopiers that do not meet low emission standards of Ecologo CCD 035, Blue Angel RALUZ 171 or Green Star
Feature 17: Direct Source Ventilation. Part 1: Pollution Isolation and Exhaust requires 2 things:
Closed from adjacent spaces with self closing doors
Air i must be expelled out
Feature 18: Air Quality Monitoring and Feedback optimization for?
Optimization for NEI and NEB
Feature 18: Air Quality Monitoring and Feedback requires?
Requires monitoring, recording and reporting of data and keep managers and occupants informed
Feature 18: Air Quality Monitoring. Part 1: Indoor Air Monitoring requires to measure 2 of the following pollutants in regularly occupied spaces
what interval?
what level?
Particle count, carbon dioxide, ozone
no longer than once an hour
1.2 to 1.8 m above floor
Feature 18: Air Quality Monitoring. Part 1: Indoor Air Monitoring requires monitor collects data at what level
1.2 to 1.8 m above floor
Feature 18: Air Quality Monitoring. Part 1: Indoor Air Monitoring requires monitor collects data on which pollutants? And what level?
Particle count (35k counts per m3 [1000 counts per ft3] or particle mass 10 micro grams per m3 or finer
Carbon Dioxide 25pm or finer
Ozone 10ppb or finer
Feature 18: Air Quality Monitoring. Part 2: Air Data Record Keeping requires ____ specifying
what details?
how long are records kept?
if unacceptable, what must be done?
written policy
detailed enforcement strategy and record keeping
kept for 3 years
detailed plan for action and remediation of unacceptable conditions
Feature 18: Air Quality Monitoring. Part 3: Environmental Measures Display requires ___ be made available
per ____ sqm?
what screen size? 2 items.
what must be shown?
real time display of indoor environment parameters
For every 930 sqm (10000 sqft) of occupied space,
at least 15cm x 13xm (5.9 inches x 5.1 inches)
temperature, humidity, and C02 concentration
Feature 19: Operable Windows optimization for?
all 3 project types
Feature 19: Operable Windows. Part 1: Full Control: requires what?
Requires every space has operable windows
To access outdoor air and daylight
Feature 19: Operable Windows. Part 2 Outdoor Air measurement requires what?
And record what?
Data collection system be located within 1.6km (1mi).
Ozone, PM, temperature, humidity
Collect ozone, PM, temperature, humidity
Feature 19: Operable Windows. Part 3: Window Operation Management requires what?
Requires software in Tenant’s phones or computer to discourage them to open windows when out door air is not healthy.
When should tenants not open windows? List 4 instances.
o Ozone - 51 ppb
o PM10 - 50 ug/m3
o temp - +- 8 deg celsius from set indoor building temperature
o Humidity - 60% relative humidity
Feature 20: Outdoor Air Systems optimization for?
What is it?
3 project types
DOAS not attached with heating and cooling systems so air quality and thermal comfort can be independently achieved.
An HVAC system that provides 100% outside air to building
Dedicated Outdoor Air System
Dedicated Outdoor Air System advantages are?
Has increased air filtration and energy efficiency
Feature 20: Outdoor Air Systems. Part 1: Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems - requires DOAS meet one of either
Part 1a: system meets local codes.
Part 1b: if no standards, requires design be reviewed by a mechanical engineer
- Must check thermal comfort, ventilation rates, system serviceability, and reliability
- Must review to ensure DOAS comply with ventilation standards of Feature 3 Ventilation Effectiveness
Feature 21: Displacement Ventilation optimization for?
Optimization for NEI and NEB
A ventilation system that introduces low velocity supply air at a low level to displace warmer air
Displacement ventilation system
Advantages of Displacement Ventilation System
Removes pollutants
Two types of Displacement Ventilation System
Low sidewall air distribution system
Underfloor air distribution UFAD systems
Feature 21: Displacement Ventilation. Part 1: Displacement Ventilation Design and Application - project must meet ___ of 2 standards.
What are these?
1 of 3
For low sidewall, use ASHRAE RP-949
For UFAD, follow ASHRAE UFAD Guide. Must be installed at a raised floor height to allow for underfloor area to be cleaned
Feature 21: Displacement Ventilation. Part 2 System Performance - must meet 2 requirements.
What are these?
Computation fluid dynamics CFD analysis must be conducted
75% of regular occupied space must meet ASHRAE Standard 55-2013 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy
Feature 22: Pest Control optimization for?
Feature 22: Pest Control.
Part 1: Pest Reduction - to reduce pest, requires the ff 3 strategies
o Perishable and pet foods must be sealed
o Indoor garbage cans except paper recycling bin less than 113L (30G) must have lids that can be opened without use of hands, or in a cabinet with handle separate from garbage
o Indoor garbage cans except paper recycling bins greater than 113L must have a lid
Guidelines for Indoor garbage cans
< 113L - garbage cans must have lids that can be opened without hands, or in a cabinet separate from garbage
> 113L must have lids
Feature 22: Pest Control. Part 2: Pest Inspection
requires what type of inspection?
and check for what?
Visual inspection
Check for signs of infestation by cockroaches, termites or other pests
Feature 23: Advanced Air Purification optimization for?
all 3 project types
Feature 23: Advanced Air Purification. Part 1: Carbon Filtration - requires installation of 2 filters to reduce VOC in buildings which recirculate air use follow 2 methods:
Activated carbon filters or combo particulate/carbon filters in main air ducts to filter recirculated air. C
Standalone air purifiers with carbon filters in all regularly occupied spaces
Feature 23: Advanced Air Purification. Part 2: Air Sanitization applies to spaces with how many occupants?
> 10 occupants
Feature 23: Advanced Air Purification. Part 2: Air Sanitization requires the use of either:
UVGI must be used to reduce VOC
or Photocatalytic oxidation system
Air sanitation system that used UV along with catalyst - titanium or dioxide to break down contaminants
Photocatalytic oxidation system
Feature 23: Advanced Air Purification. Part 3 Air Quality Maintenance requires filtration system continue to be fully operation, therefore projects must:
Records of air filtration/sanitation maintenance be maintained per manufacturers recommendation
Submit record to IWBI yearly
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. What’s its goal?
Reduce exposure to combustion related air pollution
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. Part 1: Appliance and Heater Combustion Ban requires what?
Forbids combustion based equipment in regularly occupied spaces ie
fireplaces stoves space heaters ranges oven
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. Part 2 Low emission combustion sources for devices used more than 200 hrs per year
must meet ___ guidelines rules for pollution from:
Cite 4 sources
California’s SCAQMD = south coast air quality management district
- Internal combustion engines
- Furnaces
- Boilers, steam generators, process heaters
- Water heaters
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. Part 3 Engine Exhaust Reduction prohibits what?
Prohibits idling vehicles for more than 30 second
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. Part 3 Engine Exhaust Reduction requires what?
Signage saying idle vehicles for more than 30 seconds is prohibited.
This must be up in pick up, drop off and parking areas
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. Part 4 Construction Equipment requires effort to reduce what?
Reduce particulate matter in construction occurring within one year prior to performance verification
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. Part 4 Construction Equipment applies to?
Applies to both nonroad and onroad diesel vehicles
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. Part 4 Construction Equipment requires what for Non road diesel vehicle?
Must comply with USEPA Tier 4 PM Emission standards or local equivalent.
When delivered to site, can be retrofitted using technology that has EPA or CARB California Air Resources Board approval
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. Part 4 Construction Equipment requires what for On road diesel vehicle?
Must US EPA 2007 standards for PM or local equivalent
May be retrofitted in line with EPA and CARB
Feature 24: Combustion Minimization. Part 4 Construction Equipment requires what for both non road and onroad?
Should be operated, loaded, and unloaded away from air intakes and openings of buildings
Feature 25: Toxic Material Reduction optimization for?
Chemicals used to make things materials and stick resistant
Perfluorinated Compound PFC
Chemical found in drapes, furniture, carpets
Perfluorinated Compound PFC
Feature 25: Toxic Material Reduction. Part 1 Perfluorinated Compound PFC Limitation requires PFC at what levels?
constitute at least ____% by ___ of a furniture or furnishing
At levels equal to or greater than 100ppm in the components
constitute at least 5% by weight
Feature 25: Toxic Material Reduction. Part 2 Flame Retardant Limitation.
Limits retardants such as PBDEs to what level?
0.01% 100ppm
A chemical bonded with halogen, used in textiles coatings etc to limit spread of fire
Halogenated flame retardant
Used as flame retardants for plastic, foams, etc.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are found in:
Cite 5.
Window and waterproofing membranes, door and window frames, siding
Flooring, ceiling tiles, and wall coverings
Piping and electrical cables
Duct, pipe, acoustic and thermal insulation
Furniture, fabrics
Feature 25: Toxic Material Reduction. Part 3 Phtalate (Plasticizers) Limitation. Limits amount to?
Which can be found in?
0.01% or 100ppm in the ff
Flooring carpet
Wall coverings, blinds, curtains, furniture,
Pumping pipes and moisture barriers
Used to make plastics more flexible and harder
Feature 25: Toxic Material Reduction. Part 4 Isocyanate-based Polyurethane Limitation prohibits what?
Prohibits use of isocyanate in interior finishes
Synthetic resin used in paints and varnishes
Used in surface finished and coatings
Feature 25: Toxic Material Reduction. Part 5 Urea-Formaldehyde Restriction limits levels to what level?
for the ff?
Limits level to 100ppm for the ff
Furniture or wood products
Laminating adhesives and resins
Thermal insulation
Low cost thermosetting resin used in wood product industry.
Also used in insulations and adhesives
Feature 26: Enhanced Material Safety optimization for?
Feature 26: Enhanced Material Safety. Part 1: Precautionary Material Selection requires at least how many %?
Meet ___ of 3 requirements. Cite 3.
Requires at least 25% by cost of furnishing
Meet one or more of the ff:
Declare: Living building challenge red list free label; a declare: living building challenge compliant label, or product challenge label
Cradle-to-Cradle Certified with bronze silver gold or platinum level in Material Health category or products with bronze silver gold or platinum level material health certificate
No greenscreen benchmark 1, list translator 1 or list translator possible 1 substances over 1000pm, verified by professional
Feature 27: Antimicrobial Activity for surfaces optimization for?
Feature 27: Antimicrobial Activity for surfaces requires to reduce what?
Use what method?
Reduce occupant exposure to pathogens and hazardous cleaning agents
Ultraviolet light (UV-C)
Feature 27: Antimicrobial Activity for surfaces. Part 1: High touch surfaces, requires countertops etc be 1 of the following. List two.
Must be coated with or consist of abrasion resistant, non-leaching materials that meet EPA standards
Or cleaned per manufacturer’s instructions with UV
Feature 28: Cleanable Environment optimization for?
Feature 28: Cleanable Environment. Part 1: Material Properties requires high-touch surfaces meet the ff 3 requirements:
Smooth and free of visible defects
Smooth welds and joints to allow easy cleaning
No crevices or hard to reach places
Feature 28: Cleanable Environment. Part 2 Cleanability - requires the ff for rugs and carpets
Must be easy to clean or removable and must exclude permanent wall to wall carpet
Feature 28: Cleanable Environment. Part 2 Cleanability - requires the ff for storage
o Adequate flexible storage space must be provided for all permanent movable items so that high touch surfaces can be cleaned
Feature 28: Cleanable Environment. Part 2 Cleanability - requires the ff for joints
Joints or 90 deg angles where walls and windows and floor meet must be sealed to eliminate gaps that are difficult to clean
Feature 29: Cleaning Equipment optimization for ?
Feature 29: Cleaning Equipment. Part 1: Equipment and Cleaning Agents, must meet the ff:
vacuum cleaners?
Rags for nonporous, must be microfiber with a denier no higher than 10
Mops do not have to be wrung by hand
Vacuum cleaners have HEPA filter rating
Feature 29: Cleaning Equipment. Part 1: Equipment and Cleaning Agents, requires the ff for deniers
Weight in grams of a 9000m fiber, smaller the number the thinner the fiber
A kind of filter that removes 99.97% of particles greater than 0.3mm and satisfies Institute of Environmental Sciences and Tech IEST standards
High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter
Feature 29: Cleaning Equipment. Part 2 Chemical Storage has 2 requirements. List them.
Requires bleach and ammonia based products be kept in separate bins
Requires bins and bottles have warning labels that specify they must not be mixed
6 major air pollutants
Carbon monoxide Lead Nitrogen dioxide Ozone Particulate Matter Sulfur Dioxide
Can trigger nausea, headaches, asthma, respiratory irritation and allergies
Smoking tobacco is related to ___ premature annual deaths.
___ years less of life expectancy
10 years
Cigarettes contain ____ ingredients that form ____ compounds when burned, of which at least ____ are known to be carcinogenic.
600 ingredients
7000 compounds
69 carcinogenic
Can lead to irritation of nose, pharynx, and associated with leukemia, childhood asthma and other respiratory disorders
Benzene, formaldehyde, and other chemical compounds
VOC indoors can be ____ times higher than outdoors
High levels of coarse and fine particulate matter can lead to?
How to avoid
VOC larger particles?
Smaller particles?
Respiratory irritation
Lung cancer
Cardio Diseases
Carbon filters
Media filters
Can trigger asthma, headaches, allergies and other respiratory systems
Mold spores
Asbestos bad effects are?
Lung cancer
Lead bad effects are?
neurotoxic effects, even at low levels, and in early development is associated with negative effects on memory, IQ, learning and behavior
By product from heating wood and fireplace and if not effectively sealed off
carbon monoxide
particulate matter
Has 210 times binding affinity for hemoglobin vs oxygen
Carbon monoxide
Lack of oxygen delivery to body tissues that can cause nausea, loss of consciousness, or death
Carbon monoxide how many deaths?
170 non-automotive fatal poisoning in US every year
Based on animal tests, associated with potential neurobehavioral, carcinogenic and immune effects.
Can bioaccumulate and contaminate even human milk.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers