Water and Carbon cycles P2 Flashcards
Water global distribution levels
Water global distribution levels:
-3% fresh water (68% in ice caps, 30% in ground water, 1% surface/other fresh water eg permafrost and lakes)
-96% in oceans
-1% other saline water
Why can evaporation rates be high?
-Solar radiation (heat energy needed to break bonds between water molecules)
-Higher temperature (as warm hair holds more moisture)
-Large supply of water
-Dry air (if evaporation exceeds condensation, air is saturated and humidity is 100%)
Cloud formation and condensation process
Condensation: air rises -> cools -> condenses -> clouds form (known as dew point temperature)
Sublimation = direct change of state from solid to gas
-Occurs most readily when humidity low (as air is dry), strong sunlight (energy), strong winds, higher altitude (due to low pressure and cold temp)
Water balance
Water balance affects how much water is stored in a drainage basin
Global stores of water
Global stores of water:
Local stores of water
Local stores of water:
Vegetation storage.
Surface storage.
Soil moisture.
Groundwater storage.
River catchment case study example
A river case study is the river brock in lancashire
River brock description
River brock description:
-17.8km long river with 40km^2 drainage basin that runs through Lancashire in Northern England
-Water surplus, so water abstraction and resevoirs in place to transport water to places in a water deficit
What factors increase flooding of the River Brock?
Factors causing flooding of the river brock:
-High precipitation due to high relief rainfall (due to slopes)
-Little evapotranspiration due to sun rising in east
-Impermeable grit rock type
-Peat soil at river source (oversaturation -> runoff)
Factors/defences that reduce flooding at the river brock
-Peatlands at source of river acts as natural defence as it saturates water
-Water abstraction decreases water discharge
-Steep-sided nature, less gradient
-Raised embankments
-Warnings issued in case of flooding