Water and Carbon Cycles Flashcards
Material or energy moving into the system from outside
Material or energy moving from the system to the outside
Power or driving force
The individual elements or components of the system
The movement of matter or energy from one store to another
The limits of the system
The characteristics of the elements
An assembly of interrelated parts that work together by way of some driving force
System- Simple Definition
A set of steps that occur to make something happen
Types of Systems
There are two types of systems:
- Open System
- Closed System
Types of Systems-Open
A system with inputs and outputs to other systems
Types of Systems-Closed
A system with no inputs and outputs. All matter is enclosed within the system
Dynamic Equilibrium-What?
A state of balance between inputs and outputs in a system
What happens when elements change?
It causes feedback
Types of feedback
There are two types of feedback:
- Positive Feedback
- Negative Feedback
Types of feedback- Positive Feedback
A cyclical sequence of events that amplify or increase change
Types of feedback-Negative Feedback
A cyclical sequence of events that damp down or neutralize the effects of the system
Spheres of Earth
The Earth is broken down into 5 spheres
- Cryosphere
- Lithosphere
- Biosphere
- Hydrosphere
- Atmosphere
Spheres of Earth- Cyrosphere
The cyrosphere includes all the parts of the Earth where its cold enough for water to freeze
Spheres of Earth- Lithosphere
The lithosphere is the outermost part of the Earth. It includes the crust and the upper part of the mantle
Spheres of Earth- Biosphere
The biosphere is the part of the Earth’s system where living things are found. It include all the living parts of the Earth
Spheres of Earth- Hydrosphere
The hydrosphere includes all of the water on Earth. This is all the water in states of matter (Solid, Liquid and Gas)
Spheres of Earth-Atmosphere
The atmosphere is the layer of gas between the Earth’s surface and space, held in place by gravity
Spheres of Earth-Matter Movement
Matter can move between the spheres
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Evaporation
Transfer of water from liquid state to gas state. The vast majority occurs from the oceans to the atmosphere
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Condensation
Transfer of water from a gaseous state to a liquid state
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Precipitation
Transfer of water from the atmosphere to the ground, normally as rain
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Drainage Basin
The area from which a river channel receives water
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Interception
Water is intercepted by plant leafs and stored there
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Ground Water
The store of water that is moved by percolation into the lower layers of the soil or bedrock
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Aquifer
A permeable rock which stores and transfers water
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Stem Flow
The flow of water down stems or trunks after interception of rainfall
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Infiltration
Movement of water from the surface to the soil
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Through Flow
The movement of water through a soil to a river channel
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Percolation
Downward movement of water through soil and bedrock
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Overland Flow
Water running over the surface of the land into a river channel or body of water
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Channel Flow
Run off of surface water in a defined channel
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Water Balance/Budget
When the input of water is equal to the output
The Water Cycle-Key Terms- Water Table
The upper boundary of the staturised portion of a soil or rock
Water- Total amount
The hydrosphere contains 1.4 Sextillion litres of water. Less than 3% of that is freshwater
Water-Freshwater Percentages
69% frozen in cyrosphere
30% is groundwater
0.3% is liquid freshwater (we can drink this)
0.04% is stored as water vapour in atmosphere
The Water Cycle- Evaporation of water vappury
The water vapour from the oceans is evaporated and condensed in the atmosphere to create clouds
The Water Cycle- Clouds and Percolation
Moisture is then transported around the globe in clouds, and return to the surface via percolation
The Water Cycle- Water on Ground
When reaching the ground, some water will evaporate back into the atmosphere, while some of it will percolate the ground to form groundwater
The Water Cycle- Surface Water
The water that is not evaporated, percolated, or infiltrated is known as runoff, and is empited into the lakes and rivers, which flow into oceans. The cycle then starts again
How long does water remain in the store?-Soil Water
1-2 months
How long does water remain in the store?-Seasonal Snow Cover
2-6 months
How long does water remain in the store?-Rivers
2-6 months
How long does water remain in the store?- Glaciers
20-100 years
How long does water remain in the store?- Lakes
50-100 years
How long does water remain in the store?- Shallow Groundwater
100-200 years
How long does water remain in the store?-Deep Groundwater
10000 years
Why does soil water has the shortest duration?
The water is absorbed by plant roots, evaporated or flows into rivers as through flow
Changes to water cycle on a local level- Physical Causes
- Heavy Rain leads to more water in stores
- Seasons- Snow and frozen water interrupt transfers- Stores are affected
Changes to water cycle on a local level -Human Causes
- Urbanization- Impermeable surfaces reduce infiltration
- Deforestation-Reduces interception and infiltration- Overland flow increases
- Farming- Ditches drain the land and encourage quick water flow
- Irrigation-Increases water on ground
Changes to water cycle over time- Climate Change
The heating of the Earth has caused the ice caps to melt. This means that water that was once stored as ice is now in liquid form. This leafs to more water in the oceans, which leads to sea levels to rise, affecting the water cycle’s stores
Changes to water cycle over space- The Global Circulation Model
This model can be used to explain why some places get rain, and other don’t. The amount of rain can affect the water cycle
Cloud Formation
Clouds are formed by warm moist air rising
The Global Circulation Model-Cells
The global circulation model consists for 4 different cells. They are:
- Polar Cell
- Ferrel Cell
- Hadley Cell
The Global Circulation Model-Cells- Polar Cell
In this cell, warm air descends over poles. Cold air rises over poles. This causes no rain, but cold temperature
The Global Circulation Model-Cells - Ferrel Cell
In this cell, warm air rises towards poles. This air meets cold from the polar cell. This causes low pressure, which causes rain to fall, affecting the water cycle
The Global Circulation Model-Cells- Hadley Cell
In this cell, the cold air rises and travels to the poles. This air where there is desserts
The Global Circulation Model-Cells- ITCZ
Stands for Inter Tropical Convergence Zone. In this cell, the warm air rises, cools and condensed to form heavy rain. This is where rainforests are
Seasonal Changes to the water cycle- Soil Water Budget
The soil water budget is a way of explaining how much water there is in the soil
Soil Water Budget- Winter
- Water Surplus as precipitation is more than evapotranspiration
- Ground stores fill with Water- Causes more surface runoff and a higher discharge-River levels rise
Soil Water Budget- Summer
- Evapotranspation exceeds precipitation- Water deficit
- Water that flows into river channel is not replaced by rain
Flows that Influence precipitation - Interception and Stem flow
Precipitation becomes puddles, flow as overland flow or infiltrate the soil. Some water may be taken up by plants and then transpired
Flows that Influence precipitation - Groundwater Flow
Groundwater flow carries on feeding rivers well after the rain has stopped. This means that Rivers continue to flow after a long period
Flows that Influence precipitation-Infiltration
When the soil cannot be infiltrated by the water anymore, it becomes saturated. This leads to overland flow, which adds water to rivers
Flows that Influence precipitation -Soil Type
Sandy soil cannot retain a lot of water, this leads to saturation, which can lead to overland flow. Clay soil retains a lot of water, so the soil might not become saturated
Flows that Influence precipitation- Trees and Vegetation
Trees and vegetation can reduce the amount of precipitation that reaches the river. The water is intercepted, infiltrated or evapotranspirated instead of reaching the river
Water Shed-What?
The watershed is the boundary of the drainage basin. Any precipitation that falls beyond the watershed enters a different drainage basin
Type of system the drainage basin is?
It is a open system as it has inputs and outputs
The Drainage Basin-Inputs
The Drainage Basin-Stores
- Interception-Temporary store as water could evaporate quickly
- Vegetation Storage-Plants
- Surface Storage-Puddles
- Soil Storage
- Groundwater Storage
- Channel Storage-Rivers
The Drainage Basin-Transfers
- Infiltration
- Overland Flow
- Throughfall
- Stemflow
- Percolation
- Groundwater Flow
- Baseflow
- Interflow
- Channel Flow
Water dripping from one leaf or plant part to another
Groundwater Flow-What?
The movement of water below the water table through permeable rock
Groundwater flow that feeds into rivers through river banks and river beds
Water flowing downhill through permeable rock above the water table
The Drainage Basin-Outputs
- Evaporation
- Transpiration
- Evapotranspiration
- River Flow
Evaporation within leaves
The process of evaporation and transpiration happening together
The Water Balance-Equation
The Water Balance-What is P?
P is Precipitation
The Water Balance-What is O
O is total runoff (stream flow)
The Water Balance-What is E
E is Evapotranspiration
The Water Balance-What is S
S is Storage in soil and rock
What causes Variation in runoff?
There are many factors that cause variation in runoff rates:
- Soil Water
- Rock Type
- Vegetation Cover
- Rate of Rainfall
What causes Variation in runoff?-Soil Water
If the soil is very saturated, the water will run off. If the soil is not saturated, the water will infiltrate the soil
What causes Variation in runoff?-Rock Type
If the rock is impermeable, run off rates are high as the water cannot enter the rocks
What causes Variation in runoff?-Vegetation Cover
A highly vegetated area will intercept and use the water, so runoff is limited. If the area is not vegetation, runoff rate will increase
What causes Variation in runoff?-Rate of Rainfall
If the rain is intense, it is more likely to pass quickly into rivers, increasing runoff. Drizzle will be held in trees, and the majority of it would be evaporated
The Flood Hydrograph-What?
A graph that shows the discharge of the river following a particular storm event
The Flood Hydrograph-Peak Discharge
The highest point of the graph, where river discharge is at its greatest
The Flood Hydrograph-Lag Time
The delay between peak rainfall and peak discharge
The Flood Hydrograph-Lag Time-Why?
It takes time for rainwater to flow in to the river
The Flood Hydrograph-Lag Time-Short
This can increase peak discharge because more water reaches the river during a shorter period of time
The Flood Hydrograph-Rising Limb
The part of the graph up to the peak discharge. Discharge increases as rainwater flows into the river
The Flood Hydrograph-Falling Limb
The part of the graph after the peak discharge. Discharge decreases as less rainwater is flowing into the river
The Flood Hydrograph-Shallow Falling Limb
This shows water is flowing in from stores long after it’s stopped raining
The Flood Hydrograph-“Flashy” Hydrograph
A hydrograph with a short lag time and high peak
The Flood Hydrograph-“Flashy” Hydrograph Characteristics-Basin Size
Small basins often lead to rapid water transfer
The Flood Hydrograph-“Flashy” Hydrograph Characteristics-Drainage Density
High density speeds up water transfer
The Flood Hydrograph-“Flashy” Hydrograph Characteristics-Rock Type
Impermeable rocks encourage rapid overland flow
The Flood Hydrograph-“Flashy” Hydrograph Characteristics-Land Use
Urbanization encourages rapid water transfer
The Flood Hydrograph-“Flashy” Hydrograph Characteristics-Relief
Steep slopes lead to rapid water transfer
The Flood Hydrograph-“Flashy” Hydrograph Characteristics-Soil Water
Saturated soil results in rapid overland flow
The Flood Hydrograph-“Flashy” Hydrograph Characteristics-Rainfall Intensity
Heavy rain may exceed the infiltration capacity of vegetation, and lead to rapid overland flow
The Flood Hydrograph-Low Hydrograph
A hydrograph with a long lag time and low peak
The Flood Hydrograph-Low Hydrograph Characteristics- Basin Size
Large basins results in relatively slow water transfer
The Flood Hydrograph-Low Hydrograph Characteristics-Drainage Density
Low density leads to a slower transfer
The Flood Hydrograph-Low Hydrograph Characteristics-Rock Type
Permeable rocks encourage a slow transfer by groundwater flow
The Flood Hydrograph-Low Hydrograph Characteristics-Land Use
Forests slow down water transfer because of interception
The Flood Hydrograph-Low Hydrograph Characteristics-Relief
Gentle slopes slow down water transfer
The Flood Hydrograph-Low Hydrograph Characteristics-Soil Water
Dry soil soaks up water and slows down its transfer
The Flood Hydrograph-Low Hydrograph Characteristics-Rainfall Intensity
Light rain will transfer slowly
The Flood Hydrograph-“Flashy” Hydrograph Characteristics-River Flooding
Flooding is likely
The Flood Hydrograph-Low Hydrograph Characteristics-River Flooding
Less likely to flood
Natural Variations Affecting Change in the Water Cycle
There are three main reasons for natural variations in the water cycle:
- Droughts
- Seasonal Changes
- El Niño/La Niña
Droughts are a period of below average rainfall
Drought effects on the water cycle-Stores
Droughts cause reduction in water stores in rivers and lakes
Drought effects on the water cycle-Vegetation
Vegetation dies back or it is destroyed by fire-it. This affects transpiration, Interception and Infiltration
Drought effects on the water cycle-Groundwater Flow
Groundwater flow becomes more important as it is a long term transfer and is not affected by short term weather extremes
Drought effects on the water cycle-Evapotranspiration
Heat and dry air causes high rates of evapotranspiration. This rate declines as water on the ground dries up, and trees transpire less
Drought effects on the water cycle-Soil Water
As soils dry out, the soil water store is reduced and through flow ceases
Droughts-Case Study-California
California suffered a severe drought between 2012-2016. Rivers and lakes dried up, agriculture productivity declined and fires raged across tinder dry forests and grassland
Seasonal Changes and their effect on Precipitation-Summer
Total rainfall may be less, but storms are more frequent
Seasonal Changes and their effect on Precipitation-Winter
Greater quantities of rainfall with a likelihood of snow
Seasonal Changes and their effect on Vegetation-Summer
Vegetation grows rapidly. This causes more interception and transpiration to occur
Seasonal Changes and their effect on Vegetation-Winter
Vegetation dies back. This reduces inception and transpiration
Seasonal Changes and their effect on Evaporation-Summer
Higher temperatures in summer causes rapid rates of evaporation
Seasonal Changes and their effect on Evaporation-Winter
Low temperatures in winter causes rates of evaporation to reduce
Seasonal Changes and their effect on Soil Water-Summer
Dry soils encourage infiltration. Hard soils encourage overland flow
Seasonal Changes and their effect on Soil Water-Winter
During winter, soils may become saturated. This leads to overland flow
Seasonal Changes and their effect on River Channel Flow-Summer
In the summer, the river has low flow conditions
Seasonal Changes and their effect on River Channel Flow-Winter
In the winter, the river has high flow conditions
El Niño-What?
El Niño is a weather phenomenon caused when warm water from the western Pacific Ocean flows eastward.
El Niño-The Normal Process
Normally, trade winds push warm water from South America across the Pacific Ocean. This causes warm air to rise over countries like Indonesia and Australia, which creates clouds, which causes rainfall. This leads to floods. In South America, there are no clouds formed due to the cold water. This leads to drought conditions in places like Peru
El Niño-The Process
The trade winds weaken, and the warm water is now in South America. This causes flooding in Peru. In Indonesia and Australia, there is no clouds due to cold water, so there are droughts in this area
La Niña-The Process
An intensified version of the normal conditions. This causes stronger rainfall in the East, and stronger droughts in Peru
Human Activities affecting the Water Cycle
There are many human activities that affect the water cycle:
- Land Use Change
- Farming Practices
- Water Abstraction
Land Use Change-Urbanization
The urbanization of an area involves laying tarmac. This means that water cannot infiltrate the soil, which increases overland flow, and flooding risk. This also means that soil water and groundwater is reduced
Land Use Change-Deforestation
Deforestation causes surface runoff and soil erosion. It reduces soil water stores
Farming Practices-Ploughing
Ploughing breaks up the surface so that more water can infiltrate, reducing the amount of runoff
Farming Practices-Crops
Crops increase infiltration and interception,reducing runoff. Evapotranspiration can also increase, increasing rainfall
Farming Practices-Livestock
Livestock trample and compact the soil, leading to a decrease in infiltration and a increase in runoff
Farming Practices-Irrigation
Irrigation can increase runoff if some water cannot infiltrate. Groundwater or river levels can fall if water is extracted for irrigation
Irrigation is artificially watering the land
Water Abstraction-What?
Water abstraction is the extraction of water from rivers and groundwater aquifers
Water Abstraction-Population
More water is abstracted to meet the demands in areas where population density is high. This reduces the amount of water in stores
Water Abstraction-Dry Seasons
During dry seasons, a lot of water is abstracted from stores for consumption and irrigation. This reduces the amount of water in stores
Human Activities affecting the Water Cycle -Case Study-The Middle East-Causes
In parts of the Middle East, water is being abstracted from underground aquifers, which are in serious danger of becoming depleted as the rate of recharge is far slower than the rate of use.
Human Activities affecting the Water Cycle -Case Study-The Middle East-Solution
Netting of plants and crops can be used to reduce evaporation in hot environments, reducing the need for water
Human Activities affecting the Water Cycle -Case Study-Aral Sea
The Aral Sea is a massive inland lake in Kazakhstan. They drained the rivers that feed the Aral Sea with cotton plants, this lead to a reduction in size of the Aral Sea
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Location
The River Exe flows for 82.7km from its source in the hills of Exmoor, to the sea at Exmouth. It has a extensive network of tributaries and a high drainage basin
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Characteristics-Physical
- Area of upper catchment is 601KM squared
- Maximum elevation of 514m in the north
- Land is flatter in the south
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Characteristics-Geology
-84.4% of the catchment area is underlain by impermeable rocks, predominantly sandstone
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Characteristics-Land Use
- 67% of the land is agricultural grassland
- 15% is woodland
- On the high ground of Exmoor, there are moors and peat bogs
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Water Balance
1295mm of percipitation
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Rainfall
Rainfall is high, particular over Exmoor, Much of it is absorbed by the peaty moorland soils. However, if the soil is saturated if the rain lands where drainage ditches have been dug, water can rapidly flow of the hills
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Runoff
Runoff accounts for 65% of the river Exe’s water balance,
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Runoff-Reasons why 65% is runoff
- The impermeable nature of most of the bedrock. This reduces percolation and base flow
- Drainage ditches on Exmoor reduces the amount of soil water storage
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Response to Rainwater
The river Exe responds relative slow to rainfall. After flooding, discharge recedes slowly, reflecting the rural nature of the area
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Recent Developments and the Water Cycle-Wimbleball Reservoir
The river Haddeo, a tributary of the Exe, was dammed to create the Wimbleball Reservoir. This leads to a reduced amount of water in the River Exe. The flow of water from the reservoir is regulated, preventing peaks and through that make flooding or doughts more likely
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Recent Developments and the Water Cycle-Peatland Restoration on Exmoor
Drainage ditches have been dug in the peat bogs to make it suitable for farming. This had increased the speed of water flow, which reduces water quantity, as more slit is being carried downstream. Peat has also been dug as fuel, leaving scars in the landscape. As the surface dried out, deposition occurred, releasing carbon and methane into the atmosphere
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Recent Developments-The Exmoor Mires Project-Aims
The Exmoor Mires Project aims to restore 2000 hectarces of Exmoor to the natural boggy conditions
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Recent Developments-The Exmoor Mires Project-What they did
They blocked drainage ditches with peat blocks and moorland bales
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Recent Developments-The Exmoor Mires Project-Benefits-Water Cycle
+More water storage in upper catchment-runoff slowed, storage capacity increased, this ensures steady supply to water
+Improved water quality-Slow through flow leads to less sediment in rivers
+Improved water supply to animals-All year round drinking water
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Recent Developments-The Exmoor Mires Project-Benefits-Carbon Cycle
+More carbon storage-Less carbon dioxide released
+Dry peats-release carbon via oxidation, re wetting of peats means that carbon dioxide is absorbed
Water Case Study-The River Exe-Recent Developments-The Exmoor Mires Project-Benefits-General
+Provides opportunities for education,leisure and recreation
+Very Bio diverse landscape created
One of the most chemically versatile elements. It forms more compounds than any other element. It is found it all life forms, as well as sedimentary rocks, diamonds, graphite, coal, oil and gas
Carbon in Earth’s Spheres-Lithosphere
- Over 99.9% of the carbon on Earth is stores in sedimentary rocks, such as limestone
- About 0.004% of the carbon on Earth is stored in fossil fuels
Carbon in Earth’s Spheres-Atmosphere
- Carbon is stored as carbon dioxide and in smaller quantities as methane
- The atmosphere contains about 0.001% of the Earth’s carbon
Carbon in Earth’s Spheres-Hydrosphere
- Carbon dioxide is dissolved in rivers, lakes and oceans
- Oceans are the second largest carbon store, containing 0.04% of Earth’s carbon
Carbon in Earth’s Spheres-Biosphere
- Carbon is stored in the tissues of living organisms. It is transferred to the soil when living organisms die and decay
- The biosphere contains approximately 0.004% of Earth’s carbon
Carbon in Earth’s Spheres-Cyrosphere
- The cyrosphere contains less than 0.01% of Earth’s carbon
- Most the the carbon is in the soil areas of permafrost, where decomposing plants and animals have frozen into the ground
The Carbon Cycle-Simple Version
Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and release oxygen. They store carbon
Decomposive matter gives off carbon dioxide, which goes into the atmosphere
Life forms eat the plants and respire, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Combustion of fossil fuels also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Carbon Sink-What?
A store that absorbs more carbon than it releases
Carbon Source-What?
A store that releases more carbon than it absorbs
Stores of the Carbon Cycle
There are 6 main stores in the global carbon cycle:
- Marine sediments and sedimentary rocks
- Oceans
- Fossil Fuel Deposits
- Soil Organic Matter
- Atmosphere
- Terrestrial Plants
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Marine sediments and sedimentary rocks-What?
The largest store of carbon. It is a long term store, with rocks taking millions of years to form
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Marine sediments and sedimentary rocks-Amount of Carbon
100,000 billion metric tones of carbon is in this store
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Oceans-What?
Carbon dioxide is absorbed directly from the air and river water discharges carbon carried in solution. Since the industrial revolution, the oceans have absorbed more carbon dioxide from the air, due to increased carbon emissions
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Oceans-Amount of Carbon
38,000 billion metric tones of carbon is in this store
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Fossil Fuel Deposits-What?
Hydrocarbons such as coal, oil and gas are important long term stores of carbon. These resources have been exploited for heat and power. The combustion of these has pumped huge quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing climate change
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Fossil Fuel Deposits-Amount of Carbon
4000 billion metric tones of carbon is in this store
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Soil Organic Matter-What?
Soils containing rotting organic matter and are important carbon store. Carbon can remain in soils for hundreds of years. Deforestation, land use change and soil erosion can, however, release the stored carbon very rapidly
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Soil Organic Matter-Amount of Carbon
1500 billion metric tones of carbon is in this store
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Atmosphere-What?
Carbon is held in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. In recent decades, the amount of carbon dioxide has increased due to emissions from power stations, vechicles and deforestation. This has lead to the enhanced greenhouse effect and climate change
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Atmosphere-Amount of Carbon
750 billion metric tones of carbon is in this store
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Terrestrial Plants-What?
Plants are vital for all life on Earth. They convert energy from the sun into carbohydrates that support life. Plants can store carbon for many years and transfer it to the soil. However, through deforestation, this carbon can be released back into the atmosphere very rapidly
Stores of the Carbon Cycle-Terrestrial Plants-Amount of Carbon
650 billion tones of carbon is in this store
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle
There are many ways that carbon is transferred in the carbon cycle:
- Photosynthesis
- Respiration
- Decomposition
- Combustion
- Burial and Compaction
- Carbon Sequestion
- Weathering
The process whereby plants use the light energy from the sun to produce carbohydrates in the form of glucose
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-Photosynthesis-Which Stores?
Photosynthesis transfers carbon stored in the atmosphere to biomass (plants)
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-Photosynthesis-Process
Plants and phytoplankton use energy from the sun to change carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This allows them to grow. Carbon is then passed through the food chain by respiration and decomposition
A chemical process that happens in all cells, converting glucose into energy
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-Respiration-Which Stores?
Respiration transfers carbon from living organisms to the atmosphere
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-Respiration-Process
Plants and animals break down glucose for energy, releasing carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere
The process where carbon from the bodies of dead organisms are returned to the air as carbon dioxide
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-Decomposition-Which Stores?
Decomposition transfers carbon from dead biomass to the atmosphere and the soil
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-Decomposition-Process
After death, bacteria and fungi break organisms down, which releases carbon dioxide and methane, Some carbon is transferred to the soil in the form of humus
The process where carbon is burned in the presence of oxygen and converted to energy, carbon dioxide and water
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle- Combustion -Which Stores?
Combustion transfers ccarbon stored in fossil f fuels and biomass to the atmosphere via burning
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-combustion -Process
The burning of fossil fuels or biomass releases carbon dioxide,which goes straight into the atmosphere
Burial and Compaction -What?
When organic matter becomes buried and is then compressed by the overlaying sediment
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-Burial and Compaction -Which Stores?
Burial and Compaction transfers carbon from the ocean to fossil fuels. It can also be used by lifeforms,who convert convert it into calcium carbonate
Carbon Sequestration -What?
Carbon Sequestration is a umbrella term used to describe the long term storage of carbon in plants,soils,rock formation and oceans
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-carbon sequestration-Which Stores?
Carbon Sequestration transfers carbon from the atmosphere to rocks,plants,soils and oceans
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-carbon sequestration -Process
Atmospheric carbon can be stored in rocks or as fossil fuels. These can be released if we burn them
Weathering -What?
The breakdown of rocks by chemicals. This involves the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-weathering -Which Stores ?
Weathering transfers carbon from the atmosphere to rocks via rainwater
Transfers of the Carbon Cycle-weathering -Process
Atmospheric carbon reacts with water vapour to form acid rain. When this rain falls onto rocks, it dissolves ot. This reaction leads to the creation of calcium carbonate, which sea creatures can make shells from
Slow Carbon Cycle - What?
The carbon system that takes between 100-200 years to transfer the carbon to another store
Fast Carbon Cycle-What?
The carbon system that takes a lifetime for the carbon to be transferred to another store. For example:the process of respiration
Natural causes of change to the carbon cycle -Climate Change
The changing climate can alter the stores of the carbon cycle and their magnitude
Effects of Cold Weather on the Carbon Cycle -Weathering
Chemical weathering processes would be more active as cold water holds more carbon dioxide
Effects of Cold Weather on the Carbon Cycle -forest areas
Forest areas would be very different in both in total area and in location. This will effect photosynthesis and respiration
Effects of Cold Weather on the Carbon Cycle -Decomposers
Decomposers would be less effective,so carbon transfers to soils would be reduced
Effects of Cold Weather on the Carbon Cycle -Water
Less water in oceans,as it would be locked up in snow. Less sediment transfer in rivers,and less sediment build up on the ocean floor
Effects of Cold Weather on the Carbon Cycle -soils
The soil would be frozen,which would stop transfers of carbon
Effects of Warm Weather on the Carbon Cycle -Permafrost
The permafrost melts. This releases carbon and methane into the atmosphere, which leads to the enhanced greenhouse effect
Effects of Volanic eruptions on the Carbon cycle
Eruptions add carbon to the atmosphere. Lava contains slicates,which slowly weathers. This converts carbon dioxide from the air to carbonate in solution, which absorbs very slowly to the atmosphere
Human effects on the Carbon Cycle
There are many man made causes that create a change in the carbon cycle
- Fossil fuel combustion
- farming
- Deforestation
- Urbanisation
Human effects on the Carbon Cycle-Fossil Fuel Combustion
Fossil fuels contains carbon that has been locked away for many years. When these are burned, water and Carbon dioxide is relaxed into the atmosphere, which increases the effects of global war
Human effects on the Carbon Cycle-Farming
- Ploughing,harvesting,reading livestock and using machinery fuelled by fossil fuels all release carbon into the atmosphere
- Livestock release methane, which has the same effects on the atmosphere as carbon does
- Rice cultivation has caused a 40% increase in methane emissions, this figure is likely to increases as rice is such a vital foodsource to
Human effects on the Carbon Cycle- Deforestation
- Trees are a carbon sink
- If they are deforested, carbon levels in the atmosphere increases, as the burning of trees produce carbon, and as the trees are not there, they cannot absorb the carbon, so it remains in the atmosphere
Human effects on the Carbon Cycle-Urbanisation
- Trees are deforested
- More combustion of fossil fuels
- Cement production releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as a byproduct
- This is a very local scale effect
Carbon Budget -What?
The Carbon Budget uses data to describe the amount of carbon which is stored and transferred within the carbon cycle
Amount of Carbon in the Atmosphere
There is 750 Pentagrams of carbon in the atmosphere
Amount of Carbon in the Plants
There is 560 Pentagrams of carbon stored in plants
Amount of Carbon in the soils
There is 1500 Pentagrams of carbon stored in soil
Amount of Carbon in the fossil fuel
There is 4000 Pentagrams of carbon stored in Fossil fuels
Amount of Carbon in the Oceans
There is 38,000 Pentagrams of carbon stored in the oceans
Amount of Carbon in the Earth’s Crust
There is 100,000,000 Pentagrams of carbon stored in the Earths Crust
Pentagrams -What?
A pentagram is 100,000,000,000,000 grams
What transfers the greatest amount of carbon a year?
Photosynthesis transfers 120Pentagrams a year
Human Transfers in the Carbon Cycle
- Burning Fossil fuels
- Deforestation
Physical Transfers in the Carbon Cycle
- Volcanic Eruptions
- Photosynthesis
- Soil Respiration
- Rivers
- Ocean Intake
- Ocean Loss
- Burial to Sediment
- Litter Fall
Impacts of the Carbon Cycle -Land
- Responsible for the formation and development of soil. Litterfall introduces important nutrients to the soil
- carbon in the form of organic matter is essential for plant growth and the production of food
- Carbon in grass provides fodder for animals
- Provides importance source of energy in the form of wood and fossil fuels
Impacts of the Carbon Cycle -Oceans
- Carbon can be converted into calcium carbonate to build shell’s for marine life
- Can impact phytoplankton who consume carbon dioxide during photosynesis. They are an important food source for a lot of marine life
Impacts of the Carbon Cycle -Atmosphere
- Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere helps to warm the Earth, through the greenhouse effect. Without this, there would be no life on Earth
- Increases to carbon emissions has lead to the enhanced greenhouse effect, which has an effect on Earth’s climate
- Carbon stored by vegetation has a significant effect on the atmosphere, weather they are a carbon source or a carbon sink
Natural Greenhouse Effect-What?
The sunlight hits the Earth and is reflected by the planet. Some of it is trapped in the atmosphere, keeping the planet warm, but the majority of it goes back out to space
Enhanced Greenhouse Effect-What?
The sunlight hits the Earth and is reflected by the planet. More carbon means that the atmosphere is ticker, so more sunlight is trapped to keep the planet warm. This warms up the Earth by 2 degrees
Impacts of a Changing Carbon Budget-Precipitation Levels
Patterns of precipitation will change. Wet areas will become wetter, dry areas will become dryer. This will lead to flooding in some areas, droughts in the other, which can both have massive effects on the local population
Impacts of a Changing Carbon Budget-Extreme Weather Events
Extreme weather events are expected to get more frequent. L.I.C’s will be affected more as they are not developed enough to be able to cope with the impacts of them, causing destruction to the country, which prevents it to develop
Impacts of a Changing Carbon Budget-Agricultural Productivity
Agricultural productivity will decrease in some areas, which could lead to food shortages. This could lead to deaths or civil unrest
Impacts of a Changing Carbon Budget-Sea Levels
Sea levels are expected to rise. This will cause coastal flooding and destruction of low lying areas
Impacts of a Changing Carbon Budget-Animals
Some species will not be able to cope in the new climate, and so will be at risk of being extinct. Any animals will lose their habitats due to the rising sea level
Impacts of a Changing Carbon Budget-Phytoplankton
Phytoplankton numbers may decline if temperatures increase, which will have knock on effects on marine food chains
Responses to a Changing Carbon Budget
There are two main ways to respond to the changing carbon budget, AKA Climate Change
- Mitigation
- Adaption
To anticipate and diminish the effects of something, in this case, climate change
Adaptation Strategies-Education
By educating people to reduce the amount of carbon they produce, they are more likely to do this. However, this response can be short term
Adaptation Strategies-Changes in Agricultural System
- Moving production to another location
- Increasing irrigation in areas
- Changing the type of crop grown at that time of year
Adaptation Strategies-Changes in Agricultural System Case Study-Potato Park, Peru
- 12000 hectare reserve, used to preserve potato diversity
- 20 to 80 varieties of potato grown
- As the temperature increases, they change the altitude in which the potato is grown at
Adaptation Strategies-Water Supply
- Reducing water demand
- Increase supply
Adaptation Strategies-Sea levels
-Build barriers in urban areas to prevent flood damage
Adaptation Strategies-Case Study-London
- London homes are offered a free retrofit package of water
- Reverse osmosis of water from the River Thames increases the supply, but needs to be Desalinated
- The Thames Barrier was built
Adaptation Strategies-Changing House Design
- Houses on slits-Prevent flood damage
- “Green Houses”-E.G: BEDZED
- Urban Gardens
- White coloured buildings-They absorb heat
Action taken to reduce or eliminate the long term risk to human life and property from natural hazards, such as making international agreements about carbon reduction targets
Mitigation Techniques-Industry
- More environmentally friendly factories/power plants
- Develop recyclable nuclear energy types
- Energy efficient buildings
- Carbon Capture
- Use of electric vehicles
- Retrofitting Buildings
- Carbon capture and storage
Mitigation Techniques-Land Use
- Afforestation
- Deforestation
Mitigation Techniques-International Agreements
- Technological Leap Frogging-Some countries go straight from biomass to renewable energy sources, skipping the use of fossil fuels
- International Agreements such as the Paris Agreement or groups such as the I.P.C.C (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
Mitigation Technique-Carbon Capture and Storage-Description
Uses technology to capture carbon dioxide emissions. The gas is them transported to a site where it is stored and prevented from entering the atmosphere. The carbon gas is compressed. It is then injected as a liquid into a suitable geographic reservoir
Mitigation Technique-Carbon Capture and Storage-Examples
- The Mumorah Plant in New South Wales
- Boundary Dam in Saskatchewan, Canada is the world first commercial carbon capture coal fired power plant
Mitigation Techniques -Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis can cause a reduction in the amount of carbon in the atmosphere
Mitigation Techniques -Photosynthesiss -Case Study-Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is the first country to protect its mangrove forests. This project will cost £2.2 million over 5 years,and protect over 21000 acres of mangrove forests
Mitigation Techniques -Reducing Deforestation -Techniques
- Consumers are encouraged to buy wood from sustainability grown timber
- Countries,Organisations and individuals make payments to offset their carbon emissions
Mitigation Techniques -Reducing Deforestation -Case Study - Malaysia
In Malaysia, the selective management system is a sustainable approach to logging by felling selected trees and planting replacements
Mitigation Techniques -Reducing Deforestation -Case Study -Brazil
- Landowners are required to preserve 80% of virgin rainforest
- If they don’t,they are fined
- Grants for building in deforested areas are banned
- Farmers are encouraged to be more productive with the land they use
- The government has created reserves in the Amazon
International Agreements -The Paris Agreement
The Paris Argreement is the first universally legal global climate deal due to be enforced in 2020
International Agreements -The Paris Agreement-Aims
- To limit the average global temperature to 1.5°C above pre industrial levels
- Report to each other and the public the implications of the plans to reduce emissions
- Strengthen the ability to adapt and be resilient in dealing with climate change
- Provide adaptation support for developing countries
- Developed nations will support the initiatives of developing nations
Importance of Water in supporting life
- Drinking
- Irrigation
- Source of Power
- Source of Protein
Importance of Carbon in Supporting life
- Makes up 18% of the body, stored as glucose
- 50% of biomass
- Needed for breathing,growing and reproduction
- One of the 6 crucial elements
- Needed for plant growth -Photosynthesis
- Builts up in atmosphere, it allows life to be on this planet as it absorbs radiation from the Sun
The Relationship between Water and Carbon in the Atmosphere-Carbon in Oceans
Carbon is released and absorbed in the ocean. The water then evaporates and condenses to form clouds
The Relationship between Water and Carbon in the Atmosphere-Human causes emissions
Carbon dioxide is released from deforestation, industry, fossil fuel combustion etc. As well as from volcanic eruptions
The Relationship between Water and Carbon in the Atmosphere-Rain Water
Carbon dioxide is dissolved in rain water to become Carbonic Acid, also known as Acid Rain
The Relationship between Water and Carbon in the Atmosphere-Carbonation
Acid rain causes the carbonation weathering of limestone
The Relationship between Water and Carbon in the Atmosphere-Carbon in Water
Carbon then flows into the river, then forms coral. When the coral dies, it forms a sediment in the oceans. This dissolves when the carbon is released from the ocean
Water Cycle Feedback Loop-Also Known As
The Albedo Effect
The Albedo Effect-What?
The reflection of the sun’s radiation by ice
The Albedo Effect-Less Ice in sea
The melting ice means that less if the sun’s radiation is being reflected. This causes temperatures to rise, meaning more Ice melts
The Albedo Effect-More Ice in sea
If there is more ice in the sea, more of the sun’s radiation is being reflected. This causes temperatures to decrease, meaning more ice forms
Human Impacts on Ice Melting
- More trade in Arctic
- Development of settlements in the Arctic
- Resources of the Arctic are exploited
Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop-Vegetation
The increase in temperature in the Arctic leads to vegetation growth
Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop-Active Layer
The increase in vegetation causes the active layer to increase, meaning there is less permafrost
Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop-Permafrost decays
The organic matter thaws and decays, releasing large amount of carbon in methane into the atmosphere
Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop-Effect of Permafrost Decay
Temperatures increase, resulting in more vegetation grown in the arctic
Water Cycle/Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop-Marine Phytoplankton releases chemical
Marine Phytoplankton release a chemical called Dimethysulphide (DMS)
Water Cycle/Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop-Effect of DMS
DMS reaction with cloud condensation nuclei to form clouds
Water Cycle/Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop-More Sunlight
More sunlight could lead to more productivity in Marine Phytoplankton, causing more DMS to be released, causing more clouds
Water Cycle/Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop-Less Sunlight
The increased cloud cover means that there is less sunlight, meaning less DMS is released, meaning less clouds and more sunlight
Water Cycle/Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop-What type of Feedback?
The Water Cycle/Carbon Cycle Feedback Loop is an example of negative feedback
Case Study-Tropical Rainforest-What?
A tropical rainforest is a biome with a constant temperature and a high rainfall. The level of humidity and density of the vegetation gives the ecosystem a unique water and nutrience cycle
Why does the Tropical Rainforest have its climate?
Tropical rainforests are located in the ITCZ. Air pressure is low, evapotranspiration occurs in large amounts, causing lots of rain. This gives the rainforest rich vegetation, the main carbon store
Net Primary Productivity-What?
The amount of energy made available by plants to animals only at the herbivore level and is expressed as KG/Metres Squared/Year
The Rainforest’s Net Primary Productivity
2500 KG/Metre Squared/Year
The Tropical Rainforest’s Nutrient Cycle-Elements
There are three elements to this cycle:
The Tropical Rainforest’s Nutrient Cycle-Elements-Biomass
- Large Carbon store
- Trees
- 4 Different Rainforest Layers
- Transfers Carbon to Litter store by falling leaves
The Tropical Rainforest’s Nutrient Cycle-Elements-Litter
- Leaves on the ground
- Small Carbon Store-Due to small amount of leaves on ground
- Transfers Carbon to Soil store by decomposing leaves
The Tropical Rainforest’s Nutrient Cycle-Elements-Soil
- Carbon is transferred rapidly due to the climate
- Small Carbon Store
The Tropical Rainforest’s Nutrient Cycle-Process
- Trees shed leaves all year round
- Decaying vegetation decomposes rapidly
- Nutrience enters the soil
- Shallow roots take up nutrience
- Trees grow rapidly
- Trees shed leaves all year round
The Tropical Rainforest’s Nutrient Cycle-Impact on Carbon
- The Tropical Rainforest’s Nutrient Cycle is part of the Fast Carbon Cycle
- Its a carbon sink
- The carbon is stored in the biosphere, not the atmosphere, this limited the effects of climate change
The Tropical Rainforest’s Water Cycle-Process
- Heavy daily convectional rain
- Trees intercept rain
- Some rain reaches the ground
- Trees take up the water
- Water Evaporates
- Heavy daily convectional rain
The Tropical Rainforest’s Water Cycle-Impact on Water
- Some water evaporates when intercepted
- Water is infiltrated into soil, which is either taken up by the plants, or becomes groundwater if the soil is saturated, resulting in overland flow into the rivers
- Evapotranspiration occurs-This causes clouds, which creates rain
- Water allows photosynesis-Allows more plants to grow
- Trees control flooding
Changes to the Tropical Rainforest-Cause
The main cause of change in the rainforest is deforestation, which removes the trees and vegetation of the rainforest
Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest on the Water Cycle-Evapotranspiration
No trees causes no evapotranspiration, meaning water is not recycled
Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest on the Water Cycle-Soils
Soil becomes compacted which leads to saturation of soil. This leads to increase runoff, which makes more water runoff into the river
Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest on the Water Cycle-Photosynesis
As there is no plants, the water cannot be taken up by the plants. This causes disruption to transpiration and photosynesis
Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest on the Water Cycle-Roots
With no trees, the routes cannot absorb the water. This increases runoff and erosion rate.
Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest on the Water Cycle-No Trees
With no trees to stop it, rainwater moves quickly over the surface. It increases the risk of flooding
Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest on the Carbon Cycle-Photosynesis
As there are less trees, less carbon is absorbed by photosynesis. This causes less carbon to be stored as biomass, which disrupts the ecosystem
Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest on the Carbon Cycle-Carbon Source
The rainforest becomes a carbon source, rather than a carbon sink. This affects the atmosphere, increases the effects of global warming and climate change
Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest on the Carbon Cycle-Deforestation
The burning of trees adds carbon to the atmosphere. This affects the atmosphere, increases the effects of global warming and climate change