Warsaw, Rome, Tokyo, Hague, Habana, Cyprus Flashcards
Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air
Warsaw Convention
provided that an air carrier was liable for damages
Warsaw Convention
responsibilities and liabilities of the carrier and the agents of aircraft together with matters of compensation for loss of life or injury to passengers, delays, and loss of the baggage
Warsaw Convention
loss, irregularity, or absence of a ticket or note does not affect the existence or the validity of the contract
Warsaw Convention
damage caused by foreign aircraft to third parties on the ground
Rome Convention 1952
permits a claimant to pursue a claim against a foreign operator through the Court in state of residence
Rome Convention 1952
any resulting the judgment would then be enforceable in the state of the Operator
Rome Convention 1952
Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Precautionary Arrest of Aircraft
Rome Convention 1933
Specified which aircraft can be arrested or ‘attached.’ Excludes government aircraft (incl postal transport), aircraft in service on public transport (and back-up aircraft), aircraft apportioned for the carriage of persons or goods for reward.
Rome Convention 1933
Poor ratification. USA, UK, Canada, Germany, and many other major players refused to ratify because compensation too low; National Law more powerful. El Al crash in Holland, neither states contracting.
Rome Convention 1952
provides that the State of Registration of an aircraft is competent to exercise jurisdiction over offenses and acts committed on board
Tokyo Convention 1963
one example is who has the right on apprehension when an aircraft commits unlawful acts on high seas
Tokyo Convention 1963
The aircraft commander and others are empowered to prevent such acts being committed
and to deliver the person concerned to the appropriate authority.
Tokyo Convention 1963
States party to the convention are obliged to take all appropriate measures to restore and
preserve control of the aircraft to its lawful commander.
Tokyo Convention 1963
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft
Hague Convention 1970