O to A for life then to the children of B. B has 2 kids and may have more.
What is B?
B’s (re) remainder is vested subject to open.
O to A for life then to B but if B stops using as a residence then to C.
What is B?
B’s (re) remainder is vested subject to complete divestment/defeasance.
O to A for life then to B.
What is B?
B’s (re) remainder in fsa (fee simple absolute) in indefeasibly vested.
O to A for life then to B but if B ceases to use as a residence then to C.
What does C have? (what about the rest?)
O has a reversion, A has a present possessory life estate, B has a vested re in fse, C has a shifting executory interest in fsa.
O to A for life then to B but if B ceases to use as a residence then one day thereafter to C.
What does C have? (What about the rest?)
O has a reversion, A has a present possessory life estate, B has a vested re in fse, C has a springing executory interest.