W2: Rad- Maxilla and Mandible Structures Flashcards
Relative Densities of Oral Cavity Structures
Newer Composite restorations
Lamina Dura (LD) dense white line around the socket
Bone trabeculae and bone borders
Soft tissue of teeth: Pulp, Periodontal Ligament Space (PLS)
Intermaxillary Suture
Anterior concho normally visible on
anterior PAs
Incisive foramen importance
cyst could dev in that area. so know what is normal. normally small, cyst= big
Superior Foramina of Npalatine canal normally visible on
occlusal x-ray
What will depression on bone look like?
Radioluscent. could look like pathology. Tooth is in tact, PDL is intact= thus anatomy not pathology
What effect could cause from nasiolabial folds?
MBEffect= could look like fracture
Air sinuses single?
NO paired, we have 4 around nose
1. maxillary
2. sphenoidal
3. frontal
4. ethmoidal
Max sinus= max size when?
around 15 y.o will not grow after. but when they grow older and lose teeth, floor of sinus ext to sinus where teeth missing.
loss of height Acrest bone
hard palate
Soft tissue of the gingival margin
What is an oroantral communication (OAC)?
lone standing molar with long curved roots (risk exposing sinus)
An oroantral communication (OAC) is an unnatural space that forms between the maxillary sinus and oral cavity following extraction of antral teeth, infection, or several different complications. If left untreated, an OAC can develop into an oroantral fistula (OAF) or chronic sinus disease.
Zyg process above which tooth?
upper 7/8s
take molar PA with parallel technique (bissecting could overlap roots)
What are pterygoid plates?
The lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid (or lateral lamina of pterygoid process) is broad, thin, and everted and forms the lateral part of a horseshoe like process that extends from the inferior aspect of the sphenoid bone, and serves as the origin of the lateral pterygoid muscle, which functions in allowing the mandible to move in a lateral and medial direction, or from side-to-side.
Hamella notch
notch between pterygoid plates medial (has hamilla process) and lateral
What muscles attach to the lateral pterygoid?
Lateral Pterygoid M
Hard palate is ______ line
horizontal line
genial tubercles
a spiny protuberance or prominence (sometimes two) of bone located in the midline on the lingual aspect of the mandible below the roots of the incisor teeth. This structure serves as the locus of attachment for the genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles.
MR located where
buccal sf, sometimes could overlap pathology
Mental ridges
Mfossa looks Radiolucent bc
depressions of bone
Mental foramen can look like a PA RL overlapping what?
sometimes apical to PM, 1M or canine
Mental foramen, shape varies on angle it opens and path of beam
RL line= mandibular canal. 2 ROpaque margins
Mandibular canal, can make roots look bit RL
Submandibular Fossa
IB of mandible
uniform RO line, thining of cortex= osteoporosis
External Oblique Ridge
Inferior border of
the mandible is
sometimes seen on
Appears as a dense,
broad radiopaque
band of bone
Coronoid process of mandible
Coronoid process may be seen on
maxillary molar periapical radiographs
Appears as a homogenous radiopacity
with some trabeculation
Its appearance on maxillary periapical
radiographs results from the downward
and forward movement of the mandible
when the mouth is open