W1: LA Intro Flashcards
What is the whole point of learning LA?
To be able to safely and effectively administer local anesthetic preparations to patients
– Need to apply well: knowledge of anatomy, pharmacology, physiology bc we do LA regularly
Course outline of LA, how is it broken down?
BOH1 (semester 2): theory
- BOH2 (semester 1): 4 practical days
- sharps handling/infection control
- intra-oral landmarks and positioning
- 2x mannequin injections, they have sensors (not on each other any more)
7 lectures, last one is review
Nut shell of history part 1:
What happened to guy who first injected LA?
Cocaine discovery?
- killed his wife
- cocaine= numb, opthamologist put in eye to perform surgery
Who performed the first inferior alveolar nerve block?
used cocaine, intro LA to dentistry. block is most known LA technique
What other anaesthetic developed aside from cocaine?
began to develop synthetic LA procaine, then ligno (most famous and most used), then others
What dental pain could patients present with?
- come from tooth= odontogenic pain
- chronic= more than 2 months
- referred from muscle, joints like TMJ and
- rare= pain in orofacial that is neuropathic (nerves got damaged)
we tx mainly tooth pain
LA is used alot, why?
no pain
When do we use LA?
-there to provide pain relief for procedure
- topical (b4 rubber dam), resto (into dentine), under gum scale and curette, exo
- ppl have diff tolerances so adjust
What must we consider when administering LA?
- maxilla tuberosity easy to feel, last molar bulge
- teeth in alveolar process
- beside mandible, maxilla= largest face bone, has holes, porosity evident in photo which is adv for LA to pass through bone to get through teeth
- LHS of maxilla
- canine eminence can be seen, smile wide, lift cheek/lip up, bulge above canine, alveolar mucosa stretches thin over there
- zygnomatic process can be felt, cheek bone, feel through soft tissue
Avoid LA
- when pt does not want
- when no pain involved: shallow class 1 occlusal pit, few seconds. advise no pain. better bc not numb for hours
Where is the maxillary nerve? what is it’s role?
purely sensory no motor
Pulpal and buccal innervation is supplied by branches of which nerve? What do they supply
branches of Maxillary nerve
post middle AN
ant and superior Alveolar N
they run above alveolar process (all of them, see in yellow) thus superior
summary for alveolar
PSA= buccal the gingiva bone PDL, pulpal tissue of all molars, soft tissues, supp up to 1st molar but not mesial buccal root of 1st molar
MSA= move forward middle, supp buccal tissues, PMs, mesial buccal root of 1st molar, not present in everyone (30% have this)
ASA= in ppl who dont have MSA
What holes should you note on the hard palate?
hard palate
ant 2/3= pair of palantine processes of maxilla, joined at ML at mid palatal suture
- post 3rd= horizontal plates of palatinebone,
there is demarcation of ant 2/3 and post 1/3 of hard palate.
- ant= nasal incisor foramin, just behind upper centrals
- post 3rd of HP bilaterally, greater palantine foramen, important holes for nerves
Is MSA present in everyone?
no 70% dont have this nerve, so what nerve supplies teeth in middle? ASA supplies in place.
Describe distribution of nerve innervation above alveolar bone:
PSA goes up to all molars ex. MB root of 1st molar and everything else is MSA (30%) OR ASA (70% prev)
What nerve comes out of infraorbital nerve?
Adult dentition
eyes, done AB, pulp, PM then mesial buccal root.
- pulpal teeth of all ABCD
- lil branch to mesial sptum but dw
What nerve branches of MN into palantine fossa?
IN primary dentition, only E is supplied by?
PSA and the rest is ASA supplied
Primary teeth
everything else = ASA
How is palate innervation divided
what innervates posterior palatine (most of palate)?
GPN: 2 pairs, main nerve supp soft tissue and bone of hard palate. comes from GP fossa and travels anteriorly.
What other nerves aside from palate and alveolar bone must we consider? What complimentary artery should we watch out for when wanting to innervate PSA?
know artery, don’t want to cause hematoma (balloon blood, huge swelling quickly)
- watch out for PSAA, above alveolar ridge at the back
Is maxillary nerve M or S
purely S
Is there a technique for blocking PSA?
yes but not taught, huge risk of artery damage