W2 - Endocrine System & the Impact of Exercise Flashcards
List the factors regulating growth + maturation
Endocrine System
What are the 2 types of hormones that have the ability to act on a target cell?
Circulating hormones
Local hormones
Circulating hormones
Use bloodstream
Receptors can be up or down regulated depending on the conc of the hormone
Local hormones
Act on neighbouring cells in absence of the bloodstream.
What are the types of local hormone?
Paracrine (Near or besides)
Autocrine (self)
Which are quick to activate or inactivate, circulating or local hormones?
Local hormones are quicker due to not requiring the bloodstream as transport.
What type of hormone is the GH?
Functions of the GH
Bind to cell receptor to stimulate cell division
Production of IGF-1
Release of GH
Intermittent + pulsatile
Over 24hrs.
Increased amount of ‘bursts’ with age into adolescence.
No apparent sex differences
What influences increase GH secretion
Fasting/under nourished
Sex steroid hormones
What influences decreased GH secretion
Body fatness
Stress causing increase in cortisol
Inflammatory markers
What are the responses to those that have a GH deficiency?
Reduced stature, muscle + bone mass
Augmented adiposity
First process occurring in the H-P-G axis
CNS stimulates the hypothalamus to synthesise GHRH + GHIH
Stimulus from the hypothalamus can cause an up regulation in the gonadotropins via the GnRH.
a.k.a somatocrinin
Stimulates anterior pituitary to secrete GH
a.k.a somatostatin
Inhibits anterior pituitary from secreting GH.
Plays a key role in modulating FSH + LH.
- Both important in maturation
What happens when FSH + LH have been released into the bloodstream to target the gonads?
At the gonads…
Responsible for the release of oestrogen or testosterone.
These enter bloodstream to act on other tissues w/ matched receptors i.e bone or muscle to facilitate w/ development
What is the INDIRECT anabolic action of the GH
Occurs via IGF-1 (predominantly occurring in the liver).
IGF-1 can be free in the blood but most is bound to what?
IGFBP-3 - Anabolic, accounts for 80% IGF binding
IGFBP-2 - Catabolic
How can IGFs operate?
paracrine hormones