w10) developmental disorders (childhood) Flashcards
4D’s in developmental disorder
what are the 4D’s in developmental disorders?
difference disorder
patterns of behavior psych symptoms affecting life (ex:neurodev disorder) is which D?
- disorder, disease, disability, difference
processes in the body cause of symptoms (not applicable to neurodev/psych disorders) is which D?
- disorder, disease, disability, difference
more medical ICD
impaired condition disabling person to INTERACT WITH THE ENV is which D?
- disorder, disease, disability, difference
neurodivergence of neuro/cog differences as a part of human variation is which D?
- disorder, disease, disability, difference
what are the 3 main domains/categories of neurodev disorders?
INTRA-uterine = hormone, maternal toxins, inside
EXTRA-uterine = preterm, TBI, metals, env, malnourish
GENES - fragile x (single gene), down sydnrome (chromosome), poly - ADHD, ASD, intellectual disability, tourette’s
why do we need medical model for neurodev disorders?
related to genes
physiological factors + env interplay both important, synergistic
developmental psychopathology
childhood disorders in life span development are when it’s inappropriate for ? in the childhood disorder population?
inappropraite for their age/developmental span,
should not be present in it
internalizing disorders - how are behaviors expressed?
mood- depression, anxiety, social withdrawals
externalizing disorders - how are behaviors expressed?
examples? disorders examples?
aggression, non-compliance, hyperactive, impulsive
ADHD, ASD, intellectual disabilty, oppositinoal defiant, conduct, learning, communication disorder
what are 3 components of the cycle in ADHD?
1) POOR SOCIAL skills
2) overestimate social abilities
3 types of ADHD?
which most common? comorbid with?
- predominantly attention deficit (attention, speed of processing, focus)
- predominantly hyperactive (off task)
- combined - majority can comorbid with anxiety, dep, substance
6+ inattention symptoms?
6+ hyperactive symptoms?
inattention - careless mistakes, not listening, not following instructions, forgetting daily tasks, disorganized
hyperactive- fidgeting, jumping/running, incessant talking
min how many settings?
sig distress?
symptoms present BEFORE WHAT AGE?
if 17+ require how many symptoms to meet critiera?
min 2 settings (ex: home, work)
sig distress in all aspects - school, occupational, social
BEFORE 12 YRS present for children
17+ need 5 to meet criteria
ADHD more in girls/boys?
how many % of pop?
common in what SES? jobs?
girls with combo ADHD have more comorbid with? neuropsych deficits?
boys 5x
low SES, change jobs
girls - comorbid opp, conduct disorder, more neg neuropsych deficits
ADHD neurobio and genes aetiology
genetics linked to which NT?
high or low amount of NT?
BRAIN AREAS big/smaller than average? less or more active?
HIGH amount
SMALLER brain araas- caudate nuclue,s globus, FL - less active
env factors - name 3 toxins? what food/material?
**food additive, diet
NOT sugar **
family factors- parents are more? genes?
ineffective parenting
neg interaction
genetics of parents w ADHD
ADHD treatment
what types of medication?
pros? cons? combined w ?
stimulant medication.- dec impuslivity, disruption, attention,
combined psych treatment
cons- side effects
ADHD treatment
psych treatments for parents or child or both?
parents - training - see how child performs at school, practice at home
child- behavioral classrrom management, reinforce correct behaviors
intellectual disability
what are 3 domains of intellectual disability?
hint: CSP
1) conceptual
2) social
3) practical adaptive skills
intellectual disability
3 criteria for intellectual disability?
hint: think domains, and onset when?
1) intellectual deficits - problem solving, EF, reasoning, abstract
2) adaptive functioning related to age - social participation, support, communication
3) onset - childhood dev
intellectual disability
genetic abnormalities
- what disorder has EXTRA COPY of chromosome?
- what disorder has MUTATED chromosome?
- recessive genes - liver enzme disorder?
think: extra “down”
mutations are fragile
extra- down syndrome
mutations - fragile x
PKU - liver enzyme, rare, diet
intellectual disability treatments
what types of community is suitable for disablity adults? how to learn -what behavioral principles? cognitive- how to train?
1) residential communtiy, smaller household routines/skills learning
2) behavioral- operant conditioning, applied behavioral anlaysis - dec beahvior, gradual learning
3) cognitive - self instructinoal training - computer based, guided learning
which 2 main domains affected?
social, cognitive, beahvioral, emotional?
1) social communication/interaction
2) behaviors - repetitive, dec, complex, restricted interest
ASD deficits
social communication deficits are verbal/non-verbal/both?
interactions look like?
social emotion exchange looks like?
- verbal - echoloia, grammar speech wrong
- non-verbal- eye contact avoid/too much, atypucal gestures
- interactions - lack thoery of mind, limited, joint attention impaired, hard to take turns talking, can’t understqand others
ASD deficits
repetitve behavioral patterns/interests/gestures look like?
what mannerisms? complex behaviors? interests? reactivity to sensory input?
mannerisms - repetive behavior - relieve anxiety (spin, clap, jump, click tongue)
complex behaviors - routine repetive acts - hand/body mvoements, clap, strong attachment to mechanical objects
restricted interest - preoccuped with objects, holding it
hyper/hypo reactive to sensory input
ASD criteria
when is the onset of ASD?
impair functioning?
diverse or non-diverse spectrum?
comorbid with?
prevalence which gender more?
which SES/racial
impair functioning
anxiety, intellectual disability, learning disorder, seperation anxiety
boys 5x
all SES, ethnic - no differenced
stable, cont over time
aetiology of ASD
genes - how strong is heritable 0-1?
brain size? (hint: big head bob)
less/slower brain? growth is?
overgrown areas? - hint: lobes, areas sensitive to what
0.8 highly heritable
LARGER brain/head size
fewer neuronal connections, less maturation, slower growth
ASD treatment
behavioral or drug more effective? more both?
ASD treatment
what type of behavioral treatment?
1) joint attention - focusing on communication, engagement
2) behavioral treatment for parents + child- language, skills
ASD treatment
what 2 types of drugs used?
- antipsychotic
- opoid receptor antagonist