Vygotsky's Theory Flashcards
What is a constructivist approach?
Constructivist approach is when children develop their own ideas based on experiences and interactions.
What is a social-constructivist approach?
Social-constructivist approach is when children’s logic and reasoning is developed by experience, interactions and questions from adults or older children.
What approach did Vygotsky take?
Vygotsky takes a social-constructivist approach.
What is the zone of actual development (ZAD)?
The zone of actual development is what the learner can do by themselves (unaided).
What is the zone of proximal development (ZPD)?
The zone of proximal development is what the learner can do with guidance.
How should practitioners help a child’s ZPD?
- Observe a child carefully to find their ZAD.
- Work out what the child’s ZPD is.
- Plan carefully how to develop/help the child through their ZPD.
What can the practitioner use to help a child through their ZPD?
Scaffolding= breakdown a task into smaller steps and then gradually remove the support.
More Knowledgeable Other (MKO)= an adult or older child that can help the child.
Asking Questions (during a task)= “Why are you doing this?”