Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development Flashcards
What are the 4 distinct cognitive stages?
Piaget believed children pass through 4 distinct cognitive stages:
What is the sensorimotor stage?
0-2 years
They experience the world through senses and actions.
Their hands and mouth are very important for learning.
They develop object permanence (know an object exists even if they cannot see it).
What to do in practice for sensorimotor stage?
Repeated action activities
Use of physical and sensory activities
Given time to explore, touch and taste objects
Hide objects from them
What is the pre-operational stage?
2-7 years
They represent things with words, symbols and images.
Animism=they believe inanimate objects have human thoughts and feelings.
Egocentrism= inability to see situations from another point of view. They assure everyone feels the same as they do.
What to do in practice for pre-operational stage?
Repeated action activities
Open ended questions
They learn through experience, active learners and a range of activities.
Use 3 mountains test to see if they are out of the egocentric stage.
What is the concrete operational stage?
7-11 years
They can think logically about concrete events and grasping concrete analogies.
They are no longer egocentric..
They develop conservation of mass (something stays the same in quantity even though the appearance changes.
What to do in practice for the concrete operational stage?
Basic abstract numeracy skills
Use of practical props to aid understanding
What is the formal operational stage?
12+ years
They can think about hypothetical scenarios and process abstract thoughts.
Metacognition= they can reflect on their own thoughts.
They can approach problems in a systematic and organised manner.
What to do in practice for formal operational stage?
Open ended questions
Increase in challenges
Specialist teachers to help with specific subjects