Bruner's Modes of Representation Flashcards
Who was Bruner influences by?
He was influenced by Vygotsky.
He believed children construct knowledge and meaning through active experience with the world around them.
He suggested that children gradually acquire cognitive skills.
What are the 3 modes of representation?
Enactive (0-1 year)= learn through movements or actions.
Iconic (1-6 years)= learn through pictures or icons.
Symbolic (7+ years)= learn through symbols or words.
He suggested that different ways of thinking were important at each age.
What is scaffolding?
It is when learners are provided with support which is then gradually reduced.
This enables them to achieve tasks they couldn’t do by themselves.
What is sustained, shared thinking?
It is when an adult and child come together to share and develop their ideas.
This is done by: asking questions, thinking aloud, using extended conversations and clarifying ideas.
What is the spiral curriculum?
It is when you revisit basic ideas repeatedly and then build upon them into more complex concepts over time.
This enables them to build upon their existing knowledge.
What is discovery learning?
It is when students actively participate in the learning process, discovering relationships and concepts for themselves.