Vulnerabilities in systems Flashcards
Advanced persistent threat (APT):
An instance when a threat actor maintains unauthorized access to a system for an extended period of time
Attack surface:
All the potential vulnerabilities that a threat actor could exploit
Attack vector:
The pathways attackers use to penetrate security defenses
Attack tree
A diagram that maps threats to assets
Bug bounty:
Programs that encourage freelance hackers to find and report vulnerabilities
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE®) list:
An openly accessible dictionary of known vulnerabilities and exposures
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS):
A measurement system that scores the severity of a vulnerability
CVE Numbering Authority (CNA):
An organization that volunteers to analyze and distribute information on eligible CVEs
Defense in depth
A layered approach to vulnerability management that reduces risk
A way of taking advantage of a vulnerability
A mistake that can be exploited by a threat
A collection of non-profit research and development centers
Any person who uses computers to gain access to computer systems, networks, or data
Security hardening:
The process of strengthening a system to reduce its vulnerability and attack surface
A weakness that can be exploited by a threat
Threat actor:
Any person or group who presents a security risk
Vulnerability assessment:
The internal review process of a company’s security systems
Vulnerability management:
The process of finding and patching vulnerabilities
Vulnerability scanner:
Software that automatically compares existing common vulnerabilities and exposures against the technologies on the network