voting behaviour Flashcards
what is class dealignment theory
the process where individuals no longer identify themselves as belonging to a class and dont vote for the expected party based on their class.
=occurred to the chaning economy after the 70s -> service economy
class dealignment stat FOR
in 2019 the 42% of the working class voted conservative whilst just 33% voted labour.
class dealignment theory NO
42% of the middle class voted conservative whilst just 28% voted labour - the disparity is still there.
what is partisan dealignment theory
decline in the attachment felt by voters to one of the two main parties.
partisan dealignment stat YES
1979 - 81% of the elctorate voted for labour and Cons whilst in 2010 this was at 65%
economic voting model
voters are more likely to vote for a government that has managed the economy well or vica versa.
eg public anger in 1979 with the winter of discontent. or 2019 with the ‘get brexit done’ slogan by boris johnson.
rational choice theory
voters behave like consumers and vote by evaluating which is the most beneficial option to them and their interests. eg 1979 Margaret Thatcher won since people were disenchanted by the management of ‘sunny jim’ + ‘crisis what crisis’ and were facing the winter of discontent
public image theory
presidentialisation of british politics since 1979. voters perceptions of party leaders influence their voting.
eg brown v cameron and blair v major. televised tv debates contribute.
age stats
44% of over 65 year olds favoured conservatives whereas only 30% of under 25s did. people exhibit greater tendencies to vote conservative as they grow older as they have more property and assets to protect.
gender stats
historically women have favoured the conservatives due to the tory emphasis on family, stability and tradition. plus less likely to vote old labour as they did not do manual labour so therefore not in a trade union.
however, New labour’s promise of free nursery places and more female job opportunities blurred the line
2010 - 30% 18-24 voted cons and over 65 was 42%. there is no substantial difference anymore.
ethnicity stats
more inclined to vote labour who are more multi-cultural and anti-discriminatory in policy.
2010 labour 60% and 16% conservative
urban areas + the north = labour
south rural areas = conservative.
liverpool walton stat for region
84.7% Labour ; 9.9% conservative
richmond stat for region
63% Conservative ; 16.4% labour
ethnicity stat bradford and 2015
bradford west 61% non white voters = 76% labour vote share
in 2015, ethnic minority groups were 42% more likely to vote labour than conservative.
education - there is little disparity between except more labour voters for more educated people.
25 L ; 58 C with gcse or lower
43 L : 29 C degree or above.
class dealignment
partisan dealignment
rational choice
economic voting model
public image