Volume 6 Flashcards
Each member must accept ___ responsibility for fire prevention as an integral part of the duties of a firefighter, regardless of position or assignment.
Fire prevention in the City of Los Angeles is as much a part of every firefighter’s duty as fire fighting.
It is the ______ of every member to ensure the uniform application of the Los Angeles City Fire Code throughout the City.
There will be one fire prevention policy for the City. Uniform application of this policy shall be the objective of all segments of the Department. The Fire Marshal shall develop and promulgate the overall Fire Prevention Program of the Department according to the policies established by the _____.
Fire Chief
Each Station Commander shall perform a drive-through inspection of their inspection district once each calendar ______.
quarter (3 months)
Drive through inspection - A report of the hazardous conditions noted and corrective action taken shall be forwarded to the Battalion Commander having responsibility for the district inspected, within ____ days of the date of each inspection.
ten (10)
Station commanders shall plan to complete a minimum of ____ of their total inspection work load during each calendar month.
one-tenth (1/10)
Battalion Commanders have the authority to adjust the inspection work load between the various stations in their battalions in order that stations may meet the cycle requirements
Thorough and constructive inspections are the ____ LAFD standards of acceptance.
Stations commanders shall indicate scheduled reinspection dates on their monthly ___ station activity schedule.
Members shall familiarize themselves with the Fire Code, as it constitutes the authority upon which fire prevention operations are based.
Each Fire Station shall develop and maintain their Fire Prevention records in accordance with the Department wide record keeping and inspection cycle.
All new construction, including major additions or remodeling, will be supervised by the _______. Upon completion, the inspection responsibility will be determined by the _________.
Fire Prevention Bureau Fire Prevention Bureau
Fire station personnel will make new construction inspections of the following residential occupancies which are not required to have a fire alarm system:
Apartment houses two stories or less in height or containing 15 dwelling units or less. Hotels two stories or less in height or containing 19 guest rooms or less.
The following occupancies or conditions will normally be inspected by members of the Fire Prevention Bureau.
Group A Occupancies with an occupant load of 100 or more persons. EXCEPTION: Any church with an occupant load of less than 750 and which is not on the same property as a school or day care occupancy will be inspected by fire station personnel. B. Group B Occupancies: 1. Four stories or more in height. 2. 40,000 square feet or more total area of all floors. 3. Where a Division 4 permit is required in accordance with Section 57.04.03 of the Fire Code. EXCEPTION: Group A Occupancies with an occupant load of 99 or less. C. All Group E Occupancies. D. All Group H Occupancies except repair garages. E. All Group I Occupancies. F. Group R, Division 1 Occupancies six stories or more in height. 1. Group R, Occupancies housing more than six (6) persons.
The following occupancies or conditions will normally be inspected by fire station personnel.
A. Group A Occupancies with an occupant load of less than 100 persons. EXCEPTION: Any church with an occupant load of less than 750 and which is not on the same property as a school or day care occupancy will be inspected by fire station personnel. B. Group B Occupancies with less than four stories in height and less than 40,000 square feet total of all floors. C. Group H Division 4 Occupancies (Repair garages). D. Group R Occupancies. 1. Group R, Division 1 Occupancies less than six stories in height. 2. Group R, Division 3 Occupancies. 3. Group R, Occupancies housing 6 or fewer ambulatory or non-ambulatory persons, on the premises, not including employees or relatives.
The inspection responsibility in multi-occupancy buildings for individual occupancies having separate street addresses may be divided between the Fire Prevention Bureau and fire station personnel.
Requests for fire clearance from an outpatient medical clinic shall he handled by the ____ having inspection responsibility for the occupancy.
A “Fire Clearance Verification” letter shall be issued when the facility is inspected and found in compliance with Fire Code requirements. If violations are found, a Fire/Life Safety Violation notice F-____ shall be issued.
the inspection cycle for general occupancies will be either an ____ or a ____-year inspection cycle based on the number of exits required. Occupancies which require only ___ exit shall be inspected once every three years. Occupancies with more than one required exit or containing over the allowable limits of hazardous materials shall be inspected once each ___.
annual or three- year one year
Enclosed corridor apartments/condominiums with ___ or more units or ___ stories in height; enclosed corridor hotels with ___ or more guest rooms or 3-5 stories in height; and company assemblage occupancies (normally 99 occupants or less) shall be inspected ____ each year (one daytime and one nighttime inspection – six months apart).
16 3-5 3-5 twice
Non-enclosed corridor apartments/ condominiums (garden type) occupancies with ___ or more units or ___ stories in height; and non-enclosed corridor hotels with 20 or more guest rooms or 3-5 stories in height shall be inspected once ____.
16 3-5 a year
Multi-unit dwellings shall include all enclosed corridor multi-unit residential occupancies 5-15 units in size and hotels with 6-19 guest rooms which are less than 3 stories in height. This category shall require inspection once every ____.
three years
Dwelling occupancies (4 units or less) are inspected by request or as a result of a complaint.
Fire Prevention Bureau occupancies shall be inspected by field personnel for pre-fire planning purposes only, once every ____.
three years
Brush and grass shall be inspected ____ by the Brush Task Force or Departmental Sweep.
The platoon inspection responsibilities shall be rotated once each ___ years.
General Occupancies - One required exit
Every 3 years
General Occupanies - 2 or more required exits or over threshold limits of hazardous materials
Once each year
Enclosed Corridor Apartments/Hotels with 16 or more units 3-5 stories Hotels with 20 or more guest rooms Hotels 3-5 stories Assembly Occupancies less than 100
Twice each year, one day and night 6 months apart
Non-enclosed Corridor apartments/hotels 16 or more units 3-5 stories Hotels with 20 or more guest rooms Hotels 3-5 stories
once each year
All enclosed corridor apartments/hotels 5-15 units in size and less than 3 stories hotels 6-19 guest rooms and less than 3 stories
Every three years
Fire Prevention - Requests for deviation from these requirements shall be made in writing, through channels, to the Commander, Bureau of Emergency Services.
Officers in the Bureau of Emergency Services or the Fire Prevention Bureau may initiate transfers of inspection responsibility.
Also initiate an F-___, if, during a pre-fire planning inspection, it is discovered that the occupancy should be a fire station inspection responsibility
Occupancy files shall be stored in a file cabinet by platoon, block number, and address.
FP occupancy folders, left cut, ____ Insp. FP occupancy folders, center cut, ___ insp. FP occupancy folder, right cut, ___ insp.
Annual inspection Night Inspection 3 year inspection
Volume 6 - When a complaint is received, an F-___ form shall be filled out
If contact is not made, forward the entire file on the property, to the Fire Prevention Bureau, _______, for further action.
Legal Liaison
The hazard correction date should be a maximum of __ days from the date of preparation of the notice.
Any complaint of hazard received at the Fire Station should be inspected without delay, and in no case later than ____.
the following day
Complaints received from City Council Field Offices or City Council Deputies require ____ to report back to the City Council Field Office explaining the disposition of the complaint. The Battalion Office is the control point for the Fire Department regarding councilmatic complaints.
Battalion Commanders
If after a maximum of ___ days it is found that full compliance has not been obtained, the inspecting member shall initiate a “Request for Legal Action”, F-290, for forwarding through Battalion to the Legal Liaison Unit.
When an F-340 notice is issued to condemn the use of any appliance, device, equipment, system or material which creates a hazard or which fails to provide intended protection, an F-___ Condemnation Tag shall be attached to the item.
Citation - This procedure is used when a Fire Department member has observed the commission of a misdemeanor, and it is necessary to summon the violator before the Municipal Court.
Any member of the Fire Department may issue a Citation provided such member has been authorized to do so.
Citation authorization granted by
By the member’s Station or Unit Commander when the Citation is to be issued within the boundaries of the Very High Hazard Fire Severity Zone. By a Section Commander when the member is assigned to the Fire Prevention Bureau. By the member’s Battalion Commander under any other circumstances.
Issuance of a Citation, Form F-___, constitutes a peace officer arrest for violation of laws relating to fire prevention and fire suppression under authority of Penal Code Section 853.9.
Citation procedures - Witnesses should be at least __ years of age and apparently competent to testify in Court.
Arrest Procedures - This procedure must not be used except in the case of extreme urgency and only when the violation is clearly evident. The need for an arrest is extremely rare.
The authority to make an arrest must be given in person by a _____ or higher ranking officer. Any officer of the Fire Prevention Bureau may grant permission to make an arrest.
Battalion Commander
Field personnel are responsible for conducting fire prevention inspections of churches (under occupant load of ___) in their districts.
School, churches, day nursery insp. - Before you begin your inspection tour, request that a ____ (E-occupancies) be conducted for you to observe.
fire drill
If it should be necessary or desirable to obtain information from another City department to help in making as good an inspection as possible, contact the _____ Unit of the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
Construction Services
AISLE - An exitway, at least __ wide providing a means of egress from a seating area or an area of booths, exhibits, or other equipment.
ASSEMBLAGE - Any room or area where more than __ people gather for any purpose.
If cabinets are used to enclose standpipe hose, doors on same may have single-strength glass panes and may be locked. Lock shall be openable from the inside when the glass is broken, by turning a knob or latch.
Volume 6 - Cabinets - If door is such that contents are not visible, it shall be labeled and openable from the outside without the use of a key or tool, and without any special knowledge or effort.
Volume 6 - Each wet standpipe outlet shall be equipped with a hose not less than ___ in diameter; same to be equipped with an approved, variable fog nozzle.
Volume 6 - Prohibited Dry vegetation within __’ of any structure.
Volume 6 - Appliances Portable appliances shall not be placed closer than __ to wash basins, bathtubs, showers or other grounding surfaces.
Exit Signs Lamps - When required to be lighted, shall be lighted with two electric lamps of not less than __ foot candle from each lamp.
a __’ clearance is required in front of all electrical panels. No storage of combustibles in electrical panel room.
Exit Door Swing When serving an assemblage area, shall swing in the direction of exit travel. Shall be capable of opening at least __ degrees.
Every exit shall be lighted at all times when building is occupied, with light having an intensity of not less than ___ foot-candle at floor level.
Exit doors serving an assemblage area (having an occupant load of 50 or more) shall not be provided with any latch or lock unless it is panic hardware.
At least one, having a 2-A classification shall be provided on each floor and distributed throughout each structure so that the horizontal distance of travel to the nearest unit from any point in a building shall not exceed __’.
The same as #1 above (75’ rule), and in addition, not less than one 2-A unit shall be provided for each ___ square feet of floor area or portion thereof.
Not less than one 2-A unit within __’ of every open flame candle.
Electric Panel - One ____ (extinguisher size) required near the main electrical panel.
No extinguisher shall be located where the ambient temperatures exceed ___ degrees F.
Those up to and including 40 lbs. capacity shall be mounted so the top is not over ___’ above the floor level. Units with greater capacity shall be mounted so the top is not over ___’ above the floor level.
5’ 3 1/2’
Volume 6 - Extinguishers Every unit shall be inspected and have required service performed ___ or immediately after each use, whichever occurs first.
A fire drill shall be held at least ___ each school month.
When grounds are fenced, there shall be safe dispersal areas between fences and buildings, located not less than ___’ from buildings.
Volume 6 - Fire Dept Access All gates shall be a minimum of ___’ and shall be readily openable
Not more than __ gallons of flammable and/or combustible liquids shall be stored in any one Hazardous Materials Cabinet.
Glass containers shall not exceed a capacity of __ quart for flammable liquids. Metal and safety containers shall not exceed a capacity of __ gallons each.
1 5
Not more than ___ gallons shall be stored in closed containers, other than safety containers, outside of a hazardous materials cabinet.
Any fuel burning heating appliance in day care or educational occupancies shall not be located closer than ___ feet from any required exit where only one exit is provided.
All heating appliances shall be so located, insulated or shielded that they will not raise the temperature of any adjacent combustible materials above ___ degrees F.
No person shall use upon any stage or platform, inside any dressing room, or within the public area of any assembly occupancy any open flame, except by authority of a Special Permit from the ___.
open flame is prohibited within __’ of flammable or combustible liquids storage areas.
Lower Grades - 305.2.3 UBC - Pre-school, kindergarten, first or second grade pupils are not permitted above the first story except in buildings of Type I or II construction, and in buildings with sprinklers, (and at least two exits directly to the exterior for the exclusive use of such occupants.)
Benches & Pews - Where fixed, the number of seats for determination of occupant load shall be based on one person for each __” of bench or pew length.
Any room having an occupant load of __ or more persons where fixed seats are not installed, and which is used for assembly, classroom, dining, drinking or similar purposes, shall have the capacity of the room posted in a conspicuous place near the main exit from the room.
Aisles in classrooms - Each one shall be not less than ___” wide if serving only one side or 44” if serving two sides.
Aisle Accessways Dead-End - None shall have a dead-end longer than __’.
Seat Spacing- The spacing of seats, from the back of one to the back of the one behind it, shall be not less than ___”. In no case shall the space between the back of any seat and the front of the seat behind it be less than 12”.
Table Spacing Minimum - The seating edges of adjacent tables shall be not less than ___” apart.
54 EXCEPTIONS This distance may be reduced to 36” where there are rectangular tables so arranged that there is seating on one side only.
Exits - Signs Shall be in letters at least __” high.
Any solid door, making it impossible to see the extinguisher inside, shall be labeled, EXTINGUISHER, in letters not less than __” high.
One 2-A unit shall be provided within __’ of travel from any point in the structure or area.
There shall be not less than one 10 BC dry chemical and one 2-A unit at each booth or exhibit where flammable gas cylinders are used, demonstrated or exhibited, and a person qualified to operate them shall be in attendance.
Except for natural Christmas trees, and in conjunction with open flame acts, all combustible materials less than __” thick shall be flameproofed.
Drums or carboys shall not be stacked more than ___ containers high unless they are placed on pallets. The Code specifically states that the drums or carboys may be stacked to a height of __ feet when placed on pallets.
two 12
Volume 6 - Dilution - There shall not be less than one such container holding ___ pounds of an absorbent-neutralizer mixture.
A deluge water-shower and eye flusher, with the water piping carrying a pressure not exceeding ___ lbs., shall be provided near each area where corrosive materials which may burn, irritate, or otherwise be harmful to persons, are stored, processed, or used.
Maintain the storage of corrosive materials outside of buildings at least ___ feet from buildings or property lines.
Flammable aerosols are classed as a Class 1A liquid. Flammable aerosols may be displayed in retail sales areas if they are limited to a total of __ gallons. The quantity of flammable aerosols displayed may be ___ for areas protected by an automatic sprinkler system.
30 doubled
Over ____ lbs. of small arms ammunition requires the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau as to location, fire protection equipment, warning placards and signs. (F-44 to FPB) Over ___ lbs. of small arms ammunition shall be stored in an approved manner and location. Amounts of ___ lbs. or less must be isolated from combustible material and sources of heat or ignition and stored in closed containers, securely and compactly stacked in a well-ventilated area.
1,000 500 500
Small arms ammunition shall be separated from flammable liquids, flammable solids, and oxidizing materials by a one-hour, fire resistive separation or by a distance of ___ feet.
Quantity of small arms ammunition over ___ lbs. on the premises requires a fire permit as specified in Division 4 of the Fire Code.
When storage of ammunition exceeds 500 lbs., additional portable fire extinguishers shall be provided as needed. Quantities in excess of 5,000 lbs. shall be stored in a room of one-hour fire-resistive construction.
In the area where vehicles are fueled, drainage shall be such that any spill of flammable or combustible liquids will not flow into buildings or to an area where it would constitute a fire or explosion hazard. Improper drainage may be found after resurfacing of the area.
Combustible liquids may be stored inside buildings in approved containers not over ___ gallons in capacity.
Containers over five-gallon capacity which have contained flammable liquids shall not be stored at an auto fueling station or public garage premises unless all vapors have been removed. Containers used for transportation or refilling may be allowed.
No open flame within __ feet of any dispenser, except approved heaters.
Auto fueling - Approved air heaters may be used in service station buildings where installation is at least eight feet above the floor, Heaters shall be located at least 10 feet from any point within reach of any fuel dispensing nozzle.
Auto fueling - Dispenser hoses are not to be over ___ feet long, including the nozzle.
No Class I, II, or IIIA liquids may be dispensed within ___ feet of open flame.
“NO SMOKING - STOP MOTOR” signs having letters at least ___ inches high on a contrasting background shall be conspicuously posted. not over ___ feet high and visible from each side where automobiles can be serviced.
three eight
Every auto fueling station must have at least ___ separate extinguishers on its premises.
Within __ feet of every dispenser there shall be at least one portable fire extinguisher having a minimum rating of 2A, 20-BC.
LFG dispensing apparatus shall be located not less than ___ feet from basements, cellars, or pits exceeding twofeet in depth.
Sleeping rooms in basements are prohibited by the Building Code unless every room has at least one operable window or exterior door approved for emergency escape or rescue.
All hazardous vegetation or native brush situated within 200 feet of any structure, regardless of whether said structure is located upon such land or upon adjacent land, and all hazardous vegetation or native brush situated within 10 feet the outer edge or edges of the usable road surface of any highway, street, alley or driveway, shall be maintained at a height of not more than three inches above the ground.
This switch shall be readily accessible from the dispensing apparatus and shall be posted with a permanent sign with letters ___ inch high stating “GAS PUMP SHUTOFF.”
All trees, shrubs, bushes and other growing vegetation or portions thereof shall be removed from within ___ feet of the outlet of any chimney.
Weeds: 200 feet of clearance from structures and 10 feet from the outer edge or edges of the usable road surface of any highway, street, alley or driveway at a height of not more than three inches.
Combustible fences: Maintain all weeds and other vegetation located within 10 feet of any combustible fence at a height of not more than three inches.
If a large plant of at least ___ feet in height does not constitute an undue fire hazard and is trimmed up at least five feet from the ground, it may be desirable to consider it a tree and retain it in the interests of erosion control
Use a F-1308 for hazard correction of violations concerning hazardous vegetation outside the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone or Fire Buffer Zone.
Dead Trees: (Abandoned citrus groves, orchards, etc.) within ___ feet from structures.
When any fire protective construction does not meet the minimum fire safety requirements, it shall be restored to its original condition, or made to conform to the regulations of the Building Code. Use F-___.
CLOSURE OF DOORS. All required stair shaft and area separation doors shall be equipped with approved self-closing devices and electrically operated hold-open devices designed to release the door by the activation of smoke detectors located on each side of the doorway and within __ inches of the ceiling.
Under normal conditions materials treated with a flame-retardant are considered good for __ years.
In every building other than single family dwellings, there shall be maintained at all times one unobstructed aisle or passageway which leads to each required exit and shall have a free clearance equal to the minimum required in other sections of this Article or of at least __ inches.
Exit doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel when serving any assembly occupancy, any hazardous area or Group H occupancy and any building or portion of a building with an occupant load of __ or more.
In Group A Occupancies or portions thereof having an occupant load of less than 300, panic hardware may be omitted from the main exit when the main exit consists of a single door. A key locking device may be used in lieu of panic hardware, provided there is a readily visible metallic sign adjacent to the doorway stating, “THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED WHENEVER THE PUBLIC IS PRESENT.”
Panic hardware shall be installed not less than __ inches nor more than __ inches above the floor.
30 44
Maximum effort to operate doors shall not exceed EIGHT and ONE-HALF pounds for exterior doors and FIVE pounds for interior doors, such pull or push effort being applied at right angles to hinged doors. When fire doors are required the maximum effort to operate the door may be increased not to exceed 15-pounds.
Access to fire escapes by a window shall be openable from the interior without the use of a key, tool or special knowledge. Such window shall have a minimum dimension of __ inches when open.
The awning under a fire escape drop ladder shall have a __” x __” opening in the awning under the drop ladder.
24” X 24”
Exit signs, when required to be illuminated, shall be internally illuminated by at least two 15-watt lamps or two six-watt neon type lamps.
Provide and maintain directional “EXIT” signs. Sign shall bear the word “EXIT” in letters not less than __ inches high.
Extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding 40 pounds shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than __ feet above the floor. Extinguishers having a gross weight greater than 40 pounds (except wheeled types) shall be so installed that the top of the extinguisher is not more than __ feet above the floor.
five 3-1/2
Class A fires ____ Class B fires ____ Class C fires ____ Class D fires ____
Class A - Ordinary combustibles Class B - Combustible liquids Class C - energized electrical Class D - Combustible metals
Extinguishers - Apartment enclosed - One 2A every ___ feet of travel
Extinguishers - Apartment Garden style, Not required __ units or less and not over __ stories.
15 2
Extinguishers - Hotels, Not required __ units or less and not over __ stories.
19 2
Where Class “A” type portable fire extinguishers are required by the Fire Code, small hose (1/2, 3/4 or 1 inch) may be used in lieu thereof, provided that there shall be sufficient water outlets and hose to reach every portion of the premises and that:
Class A extinguisher replacement with hose - Not more than 50 feet of 1/2 inch, nor more than 75 feet of 3/4 or 1-inch hose shall be attached to any
Due to the inefficiency of multipurpose dry chemical in suppressing cooking-fat fires, portable multipurpose (ABC) dry chemical extinguishers shall not be allowed in cooking areas protected by automatic fire extinguishing systems.
Extinguishers are not to be located where ambient room temperature exceeds ___ degrees Fahrenheit unless otherwise noted on the nameplate of the extinguisher.
Where wheeled extinguishers are used, aisles at least one foot wider than the extinguisher shall be maintained at all times and aisles shall be maintained free of anything which would interfere with the rapid movement of the extinguisher to a fire.
semi annually
An approved automatic or manually activated local fire alarm system shall be provided for:
Every apartment house three or more stories in height or containing 16 or more dwelling units. Every hotel three or more stories in height or containing 20 or more guest rooms.
The operation of fire alarm systems in hotels and apartments must be checked at least ____. This check is to be performed by the responsible person or by an authorized service agency. A record of these tests is to be kept at the control panel.
once a month
An approved permanent sign which reads, “LOCAL ALARM ONLY - CALL FIRE DEPARTMENT” shall be installed by each manual pull station and annunciator panel.
Fire alarm systems shall be maintained in dependable operating condition at all times. Systems shall be tested _____ to the satisfaction of the Chief’s Regulation #4.
If a fire alarm system is found inoperative during a routine general, night or pre-fire plan inspection, issue a Fire/Life Safety Violation (F-340C) to the owner or responsible person
When a fire alarm system is inoperative and cannot be restored to full operation, the following notifications shall be made. A. Company Occupancies - The Battalion and Fire Station in which the occupancy is located. B. Bureau Occupancies - The Battalion and Fire Station in which the occupancy is located and the Fire Prevention Bureau on the next working day.
Smoke detectors shall be installed by August 1, 1983 in all existing multiple dwelling occupancies and duplexes. Installation shall be made directly to the electrical wiring of the occupancy. Smoke detectors shall be installed in every sleeping room and the corridor or area giving access to any such sleeping room.
Existing single-family dwellings shall have smoke detectors installed at the time of sale, or when an improvement requires a permit and the total valuation of the improvement exceeds $1,000.
Smoke detectors are test how often?
Every 6 months or as otherwise required by the Chief
Approved smoke detectors shall be installed in a point centrally located on the wall or ceiling, in every sleeping room and in each hallway, corridor, or adjacent area to any such sleeping room. The top of any smoke detector installed on a wall shall be no closer than __ inches to the ceiling and no farther than __ inches from the ceiling.
six twelve (12)
When a visual inspection of a fire door gives the inspecting member reason to believe that the system will fail to operate in an emergency, issue a notice (F-____) to make the door operational.
Relocate storage so as to maintain a __-foot clearance from the fire door and its operating mechanism.
Flammable liquids - Any liquid having a flash point below 100 degrees Fahrenheit and having a vapor pressure not exceeding 40 pounds per square inch (absolute) at 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
No Class I or Class II liquid with a flash point below 110 degrees Fahrenheit may be used for cleaning,
Empty containers, inside a building, which have at one time contained Class I or II liquids shall be regulated the same as full containers unless they have been purged of all vapors.
The maximum amount of flammable or combustible liquid that may be stored within any one Hazardous Materials Cabinet is __ gallons.
NFPA 704 - The minimum size for placards is __ inches.
HEALTH HAZARD (blue diamond on left) FIRE HAZARD (FLAMMABILITY) (red diamond on top) REACTIVITY (INSTABILITY) (yellow diamond on right) SPECIFIC HAZARD, if any (white diamond on bottom)
In approved noncombustible outdoor storage bins located a minimum of 10 feet from any building or building opening. EXCEPTION Approved noncombustible storage bins may be located adjacent to a minimum one-hour wall and a minimum of __ feet from any building opening.
Heating Appliances - Provide a readily accessible shut-off valve within __ feet of (appliance)
Heating appliances - Provide insulation or shielding so that temp of adjacent material does not exceed ___ degree F.
Discontinue use of open-flame heating device within __ feet of Class I and II liquids.
Liquid flammable gas LFG - No cylinder or tank shall be filled within __ feet of any building or house trailer.
At least one 20B portable fire extinguisher shall be installed and maintained on every Liquified Flammable Gas cargo vehicle.
Lumber shall be securely and compactly piled; and in no case higher than __ feet.
Piles of lumber shall not exceed ___ square feet of ground area.
Every lumber pile shall be accessible on at least one side by a driveway not less than 15 feet in width. When the side of lesser dimension exceeds 50 feet then the pile shall be accessible on both of the sides of greater dimension by a driveway at least 15 feet in width.
Night inspections, Apartments and hotels - Check for required hallway lighting, unobstructed exits, and operational fire alarm systems. Issue a notice with a 24-hour maximum correction time for any severe violation jeopardizing the occupants of the building or premises.
When an overcrowded condition exists, have Metro notify the on-call Public Assemblage Inspector to assist with issuing F-340E and implementing Fire Prevention Bureau’s Overcrowding Procedure.
Night inspection - ASSEMBLAGES: Check for blocked exits, exit signs (illuminated if required), open flame devices, and over-crowding. Issue notices for immediate life hazards such as blocked exits, and remain until correction is made.
Pack rat - Issue a F-340A and forward third copy with original copy of F-338 referral directly to the Department of Building and Safety, Contract Nuisance Abatement Section, Stop 115.
An approved portable fire extinguisher having a rating of not less than 20B shall be located adjacent to and within __ feet of where Class I or Class II liquids are displayed for retail sale.
All Fire Permits required by Divisions 4 and 5 of the Fire Code shall be processed by the Fire Prevention Bureau.
No person shall install or maintain any wire, barbed wire, razor ribbon, fence, cable, aerial, antenna, or other obstruction on any building roof, parapet wall, in such a manner as to obstruct Fire Department access or egress, or cause a hazardous condition in the event of fire or other emergency.
Guy wires, rods, aerial or antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure having a slope of less than ___ degrees provided there is full clearance of seven feet or more between the roof and said obstruction.
Guy wires or rods required to support aerial or antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure a lateral distance from the mast not in excess of ____ the height of the mast.
one-sixth (1/6)
One access passageway shall be provided for every __-feet length, or fraction thereof, of roof surface. Passageways shall be at least __-feet wide and have at least __ feet of overhead clearance.
50 3 7
Effective August 1, 1983, each multiple unit residential occupancy in the City of Los Angeles is required to have permanently installed electrically wired smoke detectors.
Buildings without required permanently wired smoke detectors will be issued compliance orders to install these devices (use Dept. of Building and Safety “Notice to Comply”). It is issued by the Fire Department with copies forwarded to the Department of Building and Safety.
All smoke detectors shall be maintained in dependable, operating condition and tested every __ months or as required by the Chief. An accurate record of such tests shall be kept by the owner or manager of buildings containing __ or more dwelling units.
6 2
Hazardous area extends a minimum of 10 feet in any direction from an opening and five feet back of a line drawn parallel with the opening Front Elevation: Hazardous area extends a minimum of three feet above an opening with a minimum of 12 feet above the floor. Side Elevation: SOURCE OF IGNITION - No smoking or open flame within 25 feet.
Every building or portion thereof constructed subsequent to May 25, 1960, exceeding 150 feet in height, shall be provided with combination standpipes that are directly connected to a water supply. Combination standpipes may serve 1-1/2 inch outlets for emergency use by occupants as well as 2-1/2 inch outlets for Fire Department use.
Buildings under construction - Every building __ stories or more in height shall be provided with not less than one standpipe for use during construction. Such standpipes are installed when the progress of construction is not more than __ feet in height above grade.
six 50
Buildings under construction - Such standpipe systems shall be extended as construction progress to within __ floor of the highest point of construction having secured decking or flooring.
Buildings under construction - Temporary standpipes may be provided in place of permanent systems if they are designed to furnish 500 gallons of water per minute at 50 pounds per square inch pressure with a standpipe size of not less than four inches.
On all sprinkler systems having more than ___ sprinklers, a local water flow alarm shall be provided which will sound an audible signal on the premises upon water flow through the system equal to the flow from a single sprinkler.
twenty (20)
When serving more than ___ sprinklers, automatic sprinkler systems shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or remote station service or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location.
Maintain at least a ___ foot access and a minimum operating clearance of __ inches around standpipe valves.
three 18
All Fire Department connections shall be properly labeled - Such sign shall not be less than ___ inches in width and __ inches in height
8 4
Where sprinkler heads are located closer than 5 lineal feet, metal baffles are required so that he discharge from one head will not wet the adjacent head and prevent its operation.
Relocate storage to maintain a minimum unobstructed space of __ inches below the level of the sprinkler heads.
Provide and maintain in an identified cabinet at least __ spare sprinkler heads corresponding to the type and temperature rating used.
Where storage consists of large, highly packed piles of baled, sacked or cased material, the distance below sprinkler heads shall be a minimum of ___ feet.
All automatic sprinkler heads must be replaced when painted, corroded, damaged, loaded with foreign materials or when the age of the head reaches __ years old.
Provide an access aisle with a minimum width of ___ feet to any sprinkler valves, standpipes and other fire protection equipment in storage areas.
Minimum size for all address numbers is ___ inches high by two inches wide.
The height in inches shall be ___ of the distance in feet from the property line to the structure as seen from the street which the structure faces.
Underground tanks that have not been used for a period of 90 days, and/or do not have a current Division 4 permit, should be referred to the Fire Prevention Bureau (F-44) for abandonment notices.
All fire protection systems, appliances, and assemblies in any vacant building or vacant portion thereof shall be maintained in operating condition by the person owning or having charge or control thereof.
Any area guarded by a sentry dog shall be posted with 10” x 14” warning signs at 50-foot intervals around the perimeter and at all entrances and exits to the guarded area.
The assessor’s map book is updated automatically by?
County Assessors Office
Fire code violations are a misdemeanor and subject to $1,000 per count or how many months in jail?
while conducting fire prevention and you find a vacant building, you should?
Entire “Vacant” in FPOS
When issuing a parking violation, where do you place the pay by mail envelope?
Conspicuous place on vehicle
Exits - all buildings except single family dwellings shall maintain aisle passages of at least how many inches?
Exits - An exterior door shall not require more than how many pounds to open?
8 1/2 Interior door - 5 lbs Fire door - 15 lbs
Fire door are classified by
Hourly rating and Alphabetical
HAZ MAT placards shall be how many inches
10” X 10”
Haz Mat sign has four colored areas. Which side is yellow?
Right Red top Blue left Yellow right White bottom
Inside storage - Provide __ of minimum clearance below girders and beams
3’ for exposed roofs 18” for finished ceilings
When an abandoned vehicle is encountered on a public street, you should
refer to Transportation - 1-800-ABANDON
Fueling stations - provide electrical shit off no closer than 25’ and no great than __ feet from gas pump.
Lock boxes are ___ gauge steel and 5 1/2 x 1 1/2
16 gauge
Building inventory sheets are two sheets. One information sheet and one ____
Plan sheet
How often shall building inventory book be reviewed?
Building inventory sheets are maintained in what three locations
Battalion/Division Inventory book for first alarm Lock boxes unlamented
Rule of 4 These buildings are responsibility of FPB
Commercial 4 stories or more 40,000 square feet Div 4 permit on file (Div 4 required when over the limit for hazardous materials)
“No Smoking - Stop Motor” signs with letters __” high posted at every auto fueling station.
Auto fueling station - If underground tanks not used for 90 days, or there is not a valid permit for its maintenance, issue Notice to abandon, within 30 days to comply.
Auto fueling - At least one 10 BC within __’ of each island.
Auto fueling - No storage of empty containers over 5 gallon capacity if they contained A, B, or C flammable liquid unless vapors have been removed.
Auto fueling 0 Electrical shut-offs for main power and pump shut-offs must have signs; not closer than 25 feet or farther than ___’ with “Gas Pump Shutoff” letters 1” high.
public assemblage - At least one 44” wide aisle leading to required exit.
Stove and heaters must be spaced and insulated from the wall, preventing wall temperature from exceeding ___ degrees.
Check for __’ clearance around electrical or fuse boxes; make sure no cords on appliances are over 12’ long.
Fire Department sprinkler connection sign - 8” length, 4” width (labeled).
Storage less than __’ below ceiling and __” below sprinklers,
3 18
Fire alarm tested every 30 days maintain and retain records. Single-station smoke detectors tested every six months maintain and retain records.
Door openable within 30 seconds without key.
apartments - hotels - Exit doors have adequate width (36”).
Responsible resident is required on premises with 16 apartments and hotel with 12 guest rooms.
6 heads for system with up to ___ heads. 12 heads for system with ____ heads. 24 heads for system with over ___ heads.
300 300 to 1,000 1,000
The size of the lock box is approximately 5 inches square and 1-1/2 inches deep. It is made of approximately 16 gauge steel.
Minimum lock box contents
2 stairwell keys, one elevator key with instructions, 4 plasticized copies of the building inventory
The numbering system is composed of square signs at least ___ located on the wall or painted on the wall surface adjacent to the door on the stairway side. Signs shall be required in all buildings 3 or more stories in height.
12” x 12”
Stairway numbering - The bottom of the sign shall be located not less than __ feet above the floor of the stairwell landing.
Stairway numbering 1. The height of the large number(s) and/or letter(s) in the middle of the sign denoting the floor shall be a minimum of __ inches. 2.The number(s) and/or letter(s) at the top of the sign denoting the upper and lower terminations of the stairway shall be a minimum of __ inch. The floor designations s utilized in the building shall be used.
5 1
Copies of completed Brush Inventory sheets shall be maintained in the following places: A. The Building Inventory Books of first-alarm companies. B. The Building Inventory Books of designated Battalion and Division sedans.
Brush inventory program - Station Commanders shall review their districts during the months of May through July and conduct pre-fire inspections for the purpose of:
Aircraft Inventory Sheets will be required on those aircraft over ___ pounds in weight and in daily operation at your airport.
Maximuum effort to operate doors shall not exceed
____ exterior doors
____ Interior doors
____ Fire doors
8.5 lbs
5 lbs
15 lbs
Volume 6
Piles of materials, tiers of shelving or racks shall have their highest point at least 18 inches below automatic sprinkler heads. Where storage consists of large, highly packed piles of baled, sacked or cased material, the distance below sprinkler heads shall be a minimum of ___ feet.
The Fire Marshal shall develop and promulgate the overall Fire Prevention Program of the Department according to the policies established by the Fire Chief.
Volume 6
Citatoin is not valid unless violator signs
Volume 6
Who can grant authority to arrrest?
B/C or higher
Any Officer of FPB
Volume 6
Exit Signs
- Lamps - When required to be lighted, shall be lighted with two electric lamps of not less
than 5 foot candle from each lamp.
Volume 6
Pull station center line 48” off the ground
Spaced no more than 100’ apart