Volume 1 Flashcards
Manual of Operations is a composite of permanent _____ and ____?
Policies and Procedures
The manual of Operations are an adjunct to the department ____?
Rules and Regs
Members must have a _____ of the library
Working Knowledge
Category Chapter Section Subsection
Revision of Manuals F-___ forward to ___?
F-41, Planning section
The following department sections or divisions will manage all saved information?
Planning Section and Management information section
Revisions of the MOPs tracked under
“Recent changes” also preceded with letter R
Information notices are issued to?
Public and LAFD members
Department Bulletins retained in
Book 24
Training Bulletins retained in
Book 23
LAFD mission statement
Preserve life and property Promote public safety Foster economic growth
4 department goals
1 Manage the resources of the department #2 minimize the impact of disasters on life and property #3 Provide effective ems system #4 Effective fire prevention and public safety system
Highest ranking officer and regular acting chief
Emergency Operations Chief and Admin operations chief
Who is responsible for interpretation of all station alarms?
Company commander
Response routes
Safest, most expeditious, Vary during civil unrest
Move ups. non emergency unless directed, except for?`
Fire chief, medical director, Deputy
If restrictions are needed on a street that appears to be a hazard, submit F-225 to?
EMS incidents levels, A B C D
A- BLS non emergency B - BLS emergency C - ALS emergency D - ALS High Risk
when ESB approves request for FS district change, the F-225 goes to
TF reduced to 5, run as engine or LF. Commander shall contact
MFC, Batt, Division
TF reduced to 8
Close the pump, over 2 hours contact division. run as LF or 2 engines.
Tactical alert, Dispatch modifications can be made by the DDC and confirmed by the fire chief. The authority is made under Article ___ of the city charter?
officers on scene be alert for civilians performing meritorious acts. Forward reports to ___?
During evacuation, emergency passes to enter can only be granted by?
LAPD based on IC guidelines
Move ups to other jurisdictions. City will only provide ____% of the normal duty apparatus of the requesting jurisdiction.
F-____ completed when members are held over for recall.
Fire chief has authority to____
Schedule work, overtime. establish methods, process & procedures by which work is performed. (how we work, pay, assignments, uniforms, grooming)
Retain weekly bulletin ___
1 year
Department Bulletin
Retain in Book 24 Not less than 60 days prior to exp. date Operations will review. Bulletins without exp. date retain indefinitely
Fire comission
Establish fees, Make and enforce Rules and Regs, Retire badges, head of department. Public meeting twice a month
Opposing lanes
Slow to reasonable speed & Proceed with caution through intersection
Reserve ID numbers
Engine - 400s Truck - 500s Rescue - 600s
TF 7-6 members
Close engine, Notify MFC and BC, Division if over 2 hours
Hydrant Problem - Reports
1 F-225 to Bureau commander time, date, location and brief description
Public driving over fire hose -
Police actin shall be requested, aggravated cases report by phone to Arson
Chlorine cylinder leaks - Repair kits
Type A - 100 & 150 lbs containers Type b - 1 ton containers Type C - tank cars and trucks
Phase 1
State of Preparedness
Phase 2
Limited recall 41 - 71 companies and/or 20-25 RA committed to major emergency Recall enough to staff 200 series engine
Phase 3
Limited recall 72 - 100 companies and/or 26-39 RA committed to major emergency. Recall entire shift or initiate 12 hour shifts
Phase 4
Department wide recall when more than 100 companies or 39 RAs on major emergency. Department wide recall will me made utilizing the news media
Volume 1
Phase 1 is a state of preparedness.
Phase 2 - limited recall ___ to ___ companies and/or ___ to ___ RA’s have been committed to a major emergency(s).
Phase 3 - limited recall when ___ to ___ companies and/or ___ to ___ RA’s are committed to a major
Phase 4 - Department-wide recall when more than ___ companies or ___ RA’s are committed to a major
41 to 71 and/or 20 to 25 RA
72 to 100 and/or 26 to 39 RA
more than 100 companies or 39 RA’s
Volume 1
Fire chief has the authoruty by R and R and state law ordinances and resolutions to scehdule work
Volume 1
How many special orders are there?
Volume 1
When you activate a reserve apparatus, the radio designation shall be to assume first line ID
Ready Reserve will maintain their ready reserve ID
Volume 1
When a change of command take place at an incident, the Incident Commander will establish which vehicle will be designated as the Command Post.
Volume 1
Posters, when placed at a fire scene, shall be removed no later than ___ days after the incident. “We Tip” posters
and business cards shall be ordered from Supply and Maintenance as needed.
Volume 1
The Incident Commander shall request the immediate response of an Arson/Counter Terrorism Section when
any of the following conditions exist:
A. Incendiary or Suspicious Fires
B. Juvenile fires
- Fire set willfully and maliciously by juveniles shall be classified as incendiary.
- Incidents resulting from immature judgment of juveniles.
C. Fatalities or probable fatalities.
Those deaths due to automobile, aircraft crashes, etc., do not require immediate A-Unit response.
D. Serious Burns.
Serious Burns shall be defined as the following:
- Serious burns to the face, throat, or neck.
- Signs of respiratory involvement.
- Any child with burn area of 10% or more.
- Any adult with burn area of 20% or more.
- Deep extensive burns to hands and feet.
- Any electrical burns.
E. Explosion.
Those explosions due to known accidental causes do not require immediate A-Unit response.
F. Greater Alarm Fires when more than 10 companies are working.
G. Special Incident
H. A suspect is in custody at the scene.
I. The Incident Commander has an eye witness of the arson crime at the scene.
J. Undetermined fires with loss of $25,000 or more.
K. The presence of police units on the scene does not relieve the Incident Commander of the responsibility for requesting A-Unit response when any of the above conditions exist.
Volume 1
Strike teams made from a combination of dififerent departments including LAFD will be numbered 1075 - 1099
Volume 1
Immediate need strike teams has a max of ___ number of striek teams
___ is the max LAFD can send out
Volume 1
When 10 or more companies are dispatched, the ratio of Chief Officers to fire companies shall be one for every ___ companies
Volume 1
When more than ___ companies are dispatched, a battalion chief shall be dispatched as a Safety Officer
Volume 1
Metro will start an incident clock when the first dispatched company arrives on scene of a structure fire. At each ___ minute interval, Metro will notify the IC of the elapsed time.
Task Force/Light Force
10 personnel - full staff
8 personnel - 200 Series engine closed. Metro and Battalion Chief notified. If duration is more than 2 hours, Division notified. With 8 personnel run as a light force or 2 engines. Both engines may be staffed and truck removed from service with Metro approval.
7-6 personnel - close engine. Metro and Battalion Chief notified. If duration is more than 2 hours, notify Division. Run as a light force with truck and 200 Series Engine.
5 personnel - run either as a light force or engine. Metro, Battalion Chief and Division notified. (200 Series Engine may run with engine as a 2-piece company.) Same notification as 8 and 7-6 staffing.
4 personnel - run engine only. Metro, Battalion Chief, and Division notified.
Nine Member Task Force Operations
A Task Force can respond with nine members with the truck, engine and 200 series engine, or as a truck and engine. In those circumstances when the Task Force Commander has only nine personnel, they shall operate as a truck and engine and not as a truck and two-piece engine company when they arrive on scene.
The LAFD minimum staffing is five members on a truck (a pump operator shall not be counted as one of the 5) and four members on an engine. Five Member Light Force Operations
An officer operating as a five member light force is permitted to respond with the truck and 200 series engine, but shall only operate as a truck or engine company.
Division Commanders have authority to authorize the closing of companies for durations longer than ___ hours as stated above.
Volume 1 Initial Size Up
Shall include, but is not restricted to, the following information, as applicable:
A. Address or location of incident.
B. Type of incident. If a structure, give occupancy type, including number of stories, type of construction, and building size. If brush/grass, give area involved and direction of travel, general wind conditions, accessibility and staging location.
C. Life hazard.
D. Additional resources needed (If appropriate, Name incident (eg. Broadway IC), Location of Staging, IC location).
E. Exposure problems.
F. Location of command post.
A. Incident Commanders shall contact Metro if conditions change from Initial Size-Up.
B. Incident Commanders shall contact Metro and let them know which companies will be held on scene and for what time period they will be holding companies on scene.
Volume 1
The Incident Commander shall designate at least one fire company as a Rapid Intervention Company (RIC) if any additional fire resources above the initial alarm assignment are requested.
When an incident becomes a greater alarm(greater than 6 companies) the following will be added to the assignment and designated as RIC, at the discretion of the IC:
USAR Group as RIC (in place of extra engine company)
EMS Battalion Captain
An additional tactical rescue channel as Rescue Channel for Rescue Group
volume 1
It shall be the Incident Commander’s responsibility to notify Metro when situations develop that a sigalert would help to inform the citizens of an inconvenience or hazardous condition. This notification would include the estimated duration of the incident. Examples of such conditions would include street closings due to emergency incidents greater than 30 minutes, areas expected to sustain storm damage, areas possibly exposed to a moving brush fire, which may or will cause evacuation of areas and information on reentering an evacuated area.
It is extremely important that the highest ranking officer in charge at the termination of the sigalert, CANCEL IT.
Volume 1
When operating Department hose lines on fires above the third floor, exterior standpipes shall be used when practical.
Book 100
Drop bagging 1-3/4” hose is a fast, effective way to get a working hose line in buildings with these types of systems. Furthermore, it allows you the luxury of being able to extend with your 2” high-rise hose packs (friction loss is negligible). Downtown companies who regularly drill with this method have effectively drop bagged 10 stories.
Volume 3
When raising small handlines aloft in multi-storied structures (up to 5th floor), the most practical method is the use of the drop bag.
Volume 1
When a company responds to a flammable liquid spill, they shall concern themselves primarily with the fire hazard.
Volume 1
Large-scale incidents involving gases and/or chemicals that endanger the health and welfare of personnel on the scene, justify requesting the services of members from the State Office of Emergency Services (OES).
Volume 1
It is not desirable for members of this Department to shut off oil or gasoline lines, as a valve shut off under pressure may cause a line to break in other places.
Volume 1
If the liquid has entered a storm drain terminating in the Harbor waters, an “oil boom” shall be placed at the drain outlet to
limit the spread of the liquid upon the waters of the Harbor.
Volume 1
A. Fires in U.S. mail boxes shall be extinguished with CO2 or dry chemical if possible, Metro shall notify postal authorities when informed of fire in a mail box by field units. Standby will normally not be required, and companies leaving the scene prior to arrival of postal authorities, shall secure the box against continued use.
B. Normally, postal authorities should be present when any mail containers are opened.
volume 1
Before leaving the scene, all discarded contaminated medical waste shall be collected and placed in zip-lock bags provided by the Department. These bags shall be discarded at the hospital in containers provided for contagious material. The stock number for ordering zip-lock bags is 9380136. The full
description is: Bag, poly, zip-lock, 10” x 12” x 2 MIL.
2 mil
sprinklers 3 mil
plastic on truck 6 mil