Volume 1 Chapter 7 Flashcards
Why Full Range Leadership Development (FRLD)?
Full Range Leadership Model is a leadership training system that suggests leaders perform throughout a gamut of leadership behaviors ranging from active and effective behavior to a more passive and less effective behavior. Requires us to view leadership as a system. Leader’s actions, Followers Actions, and the situation.
What is a leader?
A leader is someone who influences others to achieve a goal.
What is a Follower?
A follower is someone who chooses to follow a leader because of the leader’s character, abilities, and vision.
Describe a Situation?
A situation describes the relative circumstances, position, or context that surrounds the leaders and followers.
What is meant by the term Laissez Faire?
View the development of their subordinates as someone else’s problem and demonstrate laziness. They abandon or pass on their responsibilities, fail to respond urgently to critical situations, remain indifferent toward important issues, and are hesitant to make decisions or deal with chronic problems.
Describe Management by Exception-Passive (MBE-P)?
Is the “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” leadership approach. Where one elects to sit back and wait for things to go wrong before taking action and only intervenes only if standards are not being met based on in-place control measures and standards.. With that said MBE-P is slightly more effective than Laissez-Faire.
Define Social Loafing?
Occurs when group members put less effort in their collective work than when they work alone.
Describe Free Riding?
Can occur when group members pick up the lazy leaders slack. The Free Riding leader will then reap the rewards earned by the group as he or she dumps their responsibilities on the followers.
Describe Management by Exception-Active (MBE-A)?
This leadership behavior keeps people and processes in control, monitoring and controlling followers through forced compliance with rules, regulation, and expectations for meeting performance standards and behavioral norms.
Contingent Reward?
Transactional leadership and contigent reward involve the constructive transaction between the leader and the follower. These transaction formulate a sort of “contract” where the leader sets goals, identifies way for the subordinate to reach these goals, and supports the follower in meeting these expectations. The follower is required to perform assigned tasks to a specific performance level. When the follower fulfills the leader’s expectations a reward is provided to reinforce the demonstrated positive behavior.
What are Motivational Theories?
Motivation is a word used to refer to the reasons for engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behavior.
Describe Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory?
Renowned behaviorist, B.F. Skinner, believed that one’s internal thoughts and motivations could not be validated to explain their behavior. Rather, he suggested that only external (extrinsic), observable influences lead to one’ behavior.
Reinforcement vs. Punishment
Rewards a specific behavior and increases the likelihood the behavior will continue. There are two types of reinforcement.
Positive Reinforcement?
Involves favorable actions, results, or outcomes that a leader presents to a follower after the follower demonstrates a desired behavior. Some examples would include public recognition, praise, or awards.
Negative Reinforcement?
Includes the removal of unpleasant, unfavorable actions or events the follower is currently experiencing that occurs after they have displayed a desirable behavior, or taking away something the follower thinks is bad in order to reinforce a behavior. An example might include removing restriction placed on a member.
Is where the leader presents an adverse event or outcome that causes a decrease in undesirable behavior. There are two kinds of Punishment.
Positive Punishment?
Occurs when the leader applies or presents an unfavorable action or result to a follower who has demonstrated an undesirable behavior…adding something to stop the behavior from occurring. Some examples would include applying restrictions to a member, and implementing additional duties.
Negative Punishment?
Occurs when a leader removes something valued by the follower after they have demonstrated an undesirable or unacceptable behavior… taking something away to stop a behavior from occurring. Examples would include taking or withholding a member’s freedoms and liberties, revoking a promotion, and taking away one’s position and/or responsibilities.
Describe the Four Leadership Behaviors?
- Setting goals for and with followers
- Suggest Pathways to meet performance expectations.
- Actively Monitor Followers’ Progress and Provide Supportive Feedback.
- Provide Rewards when Goals are Attained.
Transformation Leadership?
Individualized Consideration (Caring) Intellectual Stimulation (Thinking) Inspirational Motivation (Charming) Idealized Influence (Influencing)