Volkgemeinshaft- Women Flashcards
What was the role of women in Weimar?
They got the vote, were encouraged to go and work non-agriculture jobs, eg lawyers and doctors due to the surplus of women.
What did Nazi’s think about women? (2)
They were crucial to helping the thousand year Reich by producing offspring.
Hitler personally argued a women’s role was more traditional, staying home and looking after the house and children.
What does Bock believe about women?
They were repressed by the state and were victims
What happened to child/ childless couples?
Every time a couple had a child they didn’t have to pay back 1/4 of their marriage loan- after 4 would have nothing to pay back.
Higher taxes for childless couples
What was the mothers cross? (3)
Given on August 12th, Hitler’s mother’s birthday
Women awarded with Bronze 4-5 children, silver 6-7 or gold 8+ children
Estimated over 4 million mothers received it by 1941
What was the ‘life springs’ program?
Essentially state run brothels, where SS men could have babies with ‘aryan’ women that could then be put up for adoption.
11,000 children born under this program
What happened to the birth rates?
They rose, but marginally and did not reach the levels of pre-depression
What does Tim Mason believe?
The birth rate rise was down to the end of the depression
What happened to the average number of children women were having?
Dropped from 3.6 children in 1933 to 3.3 in 1939
Why were married women in medicine, law and the civil service dismissed?
For being ‘too emotional’
What happened to the number of female doctors?
Rose from 5% in 1930 to 7% in 1939.
What happened to girls at uni? (2)
There was a quota of 10% put on
There was a fall in numbers of women attending uni, 1933 18,000, 1939, 5000.
What did Koonz believe about women?
They preferred to have a more traditional role
What happened to girls at school?
Less emphasis on academic subjects and more domestic classes, eg sewing
What was ran the by the NSF?
Courses on motherhood and house keeping- 1.7 million attended in 1939
What was the NSF?
National socialist women’s league
What was set up to help women’s welfare? (3)
Harvest kindergartens, so women could work
Rest homes to allow women to recuperate after giving birth
Vast expansion of healthcare offices
How many harvest kindergartens were set up?
600 in 1934 to 8700 in 1941
How much did infant mortality drop by?
1933- 7.7% to 6.6% in 1936
What was given to newly-wedded couples?
Interest free loans, providing the women did not go out to work
What happened to divorce?
Divorce was easier to obtain and less stigmatised, so divorce rates went up after 1938
What happened to the number of marriages?
Increased, 516,000 1932 to 740,000 in 1934
By over 200,000
What did Pine believe about mothers?
They were no longer seen as ‘degenerates’ if they were single
What did Frevert believe?
Much of what was introduced was appealing to women.
What marriage loan were couples given?
Intrest free, if the couple had a child then they would not have to pay back 1/4 (25RM) of their loan
Abolished after 1937