Consolidation of power Flashcards
What did Gellately believe about the Nazi regime?
There was an authoritarian dictatorship set up
What was the Reichstag fire decree?
Restricted the rights of personal freedom, freedom of opinion, freedom of press
Allowed for imprisonment without trial
Why was the Reichstag fire decree passed?
Passed under article 48 (legal) with Hindenburg’s blessing under the context that there was a communist plot to overthrow the state after the Reichstag fire.
What was the enabling act?
It changed the constitution, meant Hitler could pass laws without the approval of Hindenburg and the Reichstag
Only for 4 years however
What number was the enabling act passed by?
How did the Nazis get round the SPD boycotting the act?
They had to provide a valid reason for not turning unto the Reichstag or they would still be counted. Hiding for their lives was not a valid reason- 26 SPD deputies were in hiding.
What happened to the KPD?
The 81 KPD deputies had been arrested so they couldn’t vote against the bill
What happened in August 1934?
There was a vote to decide if Hitler should be given the role of Fuhrer, a merge of the chancellor and president.
Before, Hindenburg’s son Oskar spoke publicly in favour of Hitler and Hindenburg’s political testament was ‘discovered’, speaking of warmly of Hitler
What was the vote for merging into Fuhrer?
90% of people voted in favour of it
95% voter turnout
What were the consequences of Hitler becoming fuhrer?
The army swore allegiance to Hitler by name
there was no opposition
What did Kershaw believe about mid-August?
By mid August 1934 Hitler ‘had secured total power’
What did Evans believe about terror?
There was limits to the power of the SS
What did the SS control
They controlled Dachau, which was set up into intimidating people into not speaking out against the regime.
There was 26,000 people being detained at Dachau by summer 1933
What did Noakes believe about the SS?
They gave the Nazi leaders an ‘awesome power’
What did the SA control that helped consolidate Hitler’s power?
They created makeshift torture cells in Berlin to torture opponents, 240 in Berlin 1933.
They also had a wave of Violence against communists in Köpenick blood week, where an estimated 91 people were killed.
Why were the SA a hinderance?
Papen spoke out against the violence of the SA at his Public speech in Marburg
What happened at NOLK?
Up to 200 killed by SS in the night that were threatening to Hitler
Rohm, leader of the SA was killed as he wanted a revolution.
Kurt Von Schleicher and his wife both murdered
Gregor Strasser killed
What were the effects of NOLK?
The SA were under control
Newspaper heading announced Hitler had crushed a revolt- public thought he had saved Germany
Elite and Hindenburg were won over by Hitler’s decisive actions to eliminate a threat and stop the SA from becoming too powerful.
What does Geary believe about NOLK?
It showed the public that the Nazis would ‘brook no opposition’
Why was terror more successful than the acts?
Without terror the acts may not have been passed, there was SA men outside the Kroll opera house and there was SA men at polling stations watching people vote.
What was done under Gleichshaltung?
All other political parties were banned so that the Nazi party was the only one
The concordant ensured the church would not interfere with politics
Trade unions were banned
What shows that churches were not completely under control?
The emergency league of pastors was set up in 1933 September to resist Nazis changing the protestant religion
What replaced trade unions?
The German labour front, DAF
What did Koonz believe about Gleichshaltung?
It occurred so stealthily, most Germans hardly noticed
What was terror more important than Gleishaltung?
Political party meetings broken up and their presses broken, whilst the concordant was signed with ‘a pistol to their head’ according to Pope Pius XII
Why was laws more important than Gleichshaltung?
Without the enabling act, Hitler would never have had the power to ban parties or trade unions without facing opposition.
What did Lee believe about the legality of consolidation?
Throughout the period there was at best a very thinly disguised use of legality, and, at worst a blatant disregard for it.
What did Burleigh believe about the communists?
There was no evidence of a communist conspiracy after the Reichstag fire.
Was the Enabling act legal?
It passed and it had the required 2/3 of the Reichstag present for it to be valid
What did Fritzche believe about the enabling act?
‘the political establishment voted for dictatorship’
How many civilians were detained unlawfully detained during Köpenick blood week?
Was the night of long knifes legal?
At least 85 people killed without a trial, many of them not even immediate threats to Hitler, eg Kurt Von Schleicher’s wife
What did Stackleberg believe about NOLK?
The NOLK was not regulated by law
What happened in Hindsight with NOLK?
it was legalised reterospectively
What did Hildebrand say about the Nazis?
They used terrorist tactics
Was Gleichshaltung legal?
No public vote for banning of political parties, and was against the constitution
Concordant was legal in itself, but the Nazis broke the terms of it.
Trade unions were banned with a law, but before hand violence was used to forcefully shut down the groups
Gleichshaltung would never have happened if terror had not been used to pass the enabling act.
Why was the judiciary service not fully Natzified?
In September 1933, Van der Lubbe and his 4 accomplices went on trial for the Reichstag fire.
Van der Lubbe was guillotined, whilst the other 4 were acquitted
What was the Nazi people’s court?
Set up due to Hitler dissatisfaction with the Reichstag fire trial, the court had jurisdiction over a rather broad array of “political offences” including treason against the third Reich.
What was the Nazi party origins?
NSDAP formed in 1919, Hitler was the 55th member. He soon rose through the ranks and turned the party into a fuhrerprinzip
It gained publicity after the Munich Putch and by 1923 had 20,000 members
When did the Nazi party grow?
After Hitler worked on the anti-young campaign, and the Great Depression the Nazi party became the largest party in the Reichstag
In 1933 Hitler connived Hindeburg to let him become chancellor
What changed between 1933-34?
The Nazis went from having not a majority in the Reichstag to establishing a authoritarian dictatorship
What challenges did Hitler have to overcome to consolidate his power?
He didn’t have a majority in the Reichstag and Hindenburg still could dismiss him