Volcanic Hazards Flashcards
Shield volcano boundary
Constructive (and hotspots)
Formation of shield volcanoes
Plates move apart Magma rises to surface, cools = new crust Sea floor spreading Layers built by eruptions Sea floor spreading = plates move apart
Shield volcano example
Eyjafjallajokull, Iceland
Shield volcano characteristics
Gentle sloping sides
Wide base
Low viscosity lava - BASALTIC
Frequent, basic lava eruptions
Shield volcano explosivity
Low, as magma under little pressure
Composite volcano boundary
Formation of composite volcanoes
Plates move towards eachother Oceanic, denser, subducts Beinoff Zone Less dense molten material rises Layers of ash and lava build
Composite volcano example
Composite volcano characteristics
Steep sided
Layers of ash, dust, lava
Viscous lava - RHYOLITIC
Long dormant periods
Composite volcano explosivity
High, as magma rises in plumes through fissures in buckled continental plate- high pressure
Volcanoes in rift valleys formation
Rising magma Brittle continental crust buckles and fractures = Fault lines Plates move further apart Crust between parallel faults drops down = Rift Valley Thin crust Magma forces its' way to the surface
Volcanoes at hotspots formation
Concentration of radioactive elements below crust
Plume of magma rises
Breaks through surface
Why do extinct volcanoes subside at hotspots?
As they have put so much pressure on the crust
Volcanic Explosivity Index
VEI meaning
Logarithmic scale (0-8) Measures height of eruption column and volume of tephra erupted
Disadvantages of VEI
Doesn’t consider climate impact
Ash, lava and lava bombs all treated alike
Icelandic Eruption
Basaltic lava flows gently from fissures
Highest and Lowest Categories on VEI?
Icelandic = lowest Plinian = highest
Plinian Eruption
Highly explosive and violent, with tephra and pyroclastic fall out
Tephra Meaning
Solid material (ash-bombs) ejected into the atmosphere
Pyroclastic Flow / Nuees Ardentes Meaning
Fast moving current of hot gas and tephra
Up to 1000°c
Little warning = death and destruction
What are the secondary effects of pyroclastic flows?
Snow melt
Damming streams
What are the secondary effects of tephra?
Grounding air traffic
Destroy vegetation- famine
Improve soil fertility
What 4 factors affect the distance tephra travels?
Height of eruption column
Temperature of air
Wind speed
Wind direction