Vol. 2 Flashcards
Mesolimbic action of DA antagonists
antipsychotic effect
DA effect on prolactin
Blocks prolactin
Anterior Mediastinal Masses
4 T’s: Thymoma, Teratoma, Thyroid Neoplasm, Terrible Lymphoma
Seminoma Beta-hCG and AFP
AFP always nl
beta-hCG elevated in 1/3
What are the nonseminomatous GCTs
Yolk sac tumor
Embryonal Carcinoma
Mixed GCT (Teratoma)
Nonseminomatous GCTs AFP and hCG
AFP elevated
hCG elevated
Kawasaki dz sxs
>5d fever b/l nonexudative conjunctivitis (limbal sparing) mucositis cervical LAD Rash Extremity skin changes
Kawaski dz labs
Elev. CRP and ESR, leukocytosis with neutrophilia, sterile pyuria
Baby with inspissated meconium test
Sweat chloride testing
Trich discharge appearance
yellow-green, frothy, foul
Addison’s sxs
fatigue, hyperpigmentation, low BP, low Na, high K, eosinophilia
Addison tests
early morning cortisol, ACTH, cosyntropin test
Cosyntropin test is what
ACTH analog, test for cortisol rise within an hour
Tests for Cushing’s dz
24 hr free cortisol and low dose dexamethasone suppression test
Hazard ratio
Ratio of event rate occuring in tx group compared to event rate in the non-tx group
Compares initial randomized group regardless of eventual tx
Lead-time bias
Diagnosing dz earlier so survival looks artificially prolonged
Osteomyelitis appearance
Central lytic bone defect with surrounding sclerosis (Brodie’s abscess)
Commonly confused with Ewing’s
Ewing’s sarcoma location
metaphysis and diaphysis of femur (#1), then tibia and humerus
Ewing’s sarcoma mets to
lung and lymph
Ewing’s sarcoma age and gender
White males 1st/2nd decade
Ewing’s sarcoma sxs
Pain, swelling, erythema, warmth, fevers, leukocytosis, anemia, ESR
Ewing’s sarcoma appearance
Lamellated appearance and onion skin periosteal rxn. Endosteal scalloping.
“Onion skinning”
“Moth-eaten” is the worst
Ewing’s sarcoma tx
Surgery, rads, and multi drug chemo
3 major mechanical complications of MI
Papillary muscle rupture, LV free wall rupture, IV septum rupture
Meconium ileus where
pH of candida
nl pH (3.8-4.2)
Bacterial vaginosis pH
pH>4.5 (bad)
Trich pH
pH>4.5 (bad)
Causes of PEA
5 H’s and T’s
5 H’s and T’s
Hyper/hypoK, hypoxia, hypovolemia, H+ ions, hypothermia
Tension ptx, tamponade (cardiac), toxins (narcs, benzos), thrombosis (pulm. or coronary), trauma
beta-thal Hb electrophoresis
inc. HbA2 (more alpha chains)
alpha-thal Hb electrophoresis
nl Hb
nl in thal, elevated in iron def.
Disseminated Mycobacterium Avium Complex sxs
Fever, cough, abd. pain, diarrhea, night sweats, weight loss
Lead poisoning acute findings
Basophilic stippling, arthralgias, neurologic, abd. pain, constipation
Lead poisoning chronic findings
Same as acute + fatigue, insominia, htn, NEPHROPATHY, reproductive problems, microcytic anemia
Didanosine side effect
Abacavir toxic
related hypersensitivity syndrome
Any NRTIs toxicity
lactic acidosis
Any NNRTIs toxicity
Nervirapine toxicity
Liver Failure
Indinavir toxicity
Induced nephropathy
Cavernous sinus thrombosis sxs
HA and b/l periorbital edema, CN III, IV, V, and VI deficits
OSA gold std. dx
nocturnal polysomnography
How to control confounding
Matching: make both groups have the same number of confounding pts
Fluphenazine effect on body temp.
Can cause hypothermia by decreasing shivering