Vocabulary3 Flashcards
by now, by this time
ormai [orˈmai] ADV
crowd, throng, (pejorative) mob
folla, [ˈfolla] SF
between, among(st), through, in, within
tra [tra] PREP
so, (in) this way, like this, like that
così [koˈsi] ADV
to bombard
bersagliare [bersaʎˈʎare] VT
police officer, agent, representative
agente [aˈdʒɛnte] SM SF
to evict
sfrattare [sfratˈtare] VT
indisputable, unquestionable
indiscutibile [indiskuˈtibile] AGG
to approach, bring near
avvicinare [avvitʃiˈnare] VT
to receive, to welcome, to accommodate, to hold
accogliere [akˈkɔʎʎere] VT
to speak highly of, praise, to boast, have, to boast of or about, vaunt
vantare [vanˈtare] VT
or, that is, to be precise, or else
ovvero [ovˈvero] CONJ
to ask again, to ask for, to apply for, to need, require
richiedere [riˈkjɛdere] VT
nevertheless, yet
tuttavia [tuttaˈvia] CONJ
razzo [ˈraddzo] SM
fairy tale, fable, yarn
favola [ˈfavola] SF
toward(s), to
verso [ˈvɛrso] PREP
to stay, remain, become
rimanere [rimaˈnere] VI (irregular) aux essere
truce, (figurative) rest, respite
tregua [ˈtreɡwa] SF
to cause, bring about, (persona) to provoke
(collera, curiosità) to arouse
provocare [provoˈkare] VT
to escape
sfuggire [sfudˈdʒire] VI aux essere
mourning, loss, bereavement
lutto [ˈlutto] SM
conformity to standards
agibilità SF (di locale, luogo pubblico)
siccità [sittʃiˈta] SF
news; commentary; coverage
cronaca [ˈkrɔnaka], cronache SF
chess piece, chessman; square; chess sg
scacco [ˈskakko], scacchi SM
minaccia [miˈnattʃa], minacce SF
unpleasant, disagreeable
sgradevole [zɡraˈdevole] AGG
sounding; drilling, boring; probing; survey
sondaggio [sonˈdaddʒo], sondaggi SM
serratura [serraˈtura] SF
bufera [buˈfɛra] SF
porro [ˈpɔrro] SM
shovel; (del capostazione, vigile) signalling disc; (Culin: da dolce) cake slice
paletta [paˈletta] SF
loving, affectionate
amorevole [amoˈrevole] AGG
arcareccio SM
beam, rafter
trave [ˈtrave] SF
wrist; (di camicia) cuff
polso [ˈpolso] SM
proximity, closeness, nearness 1, 2vicinity sg
vicinanza [vitʃiˈnantsa] SF 1, 2vicinanze sfpl
asciutto [aʃˈʃutto], asciutta AGG
pyjamas pl
pigiama [piˈdʒama], pigiami SM
busta [ˈbusta] SF
injured, hurt ■injured person
infortunato [infortuˈnato], infortunataAGG ■SM SF
ripido [ˈripido], ripida AGG
profugo [ˈprɔfuɡo], profuga, profughi, profughe SM SF
intention, aim
proposito [proˈpɔzito] SM
ash, ashes plural, cinders plural
cenere [ˈtʃenere] SF
brush; (di pittore, imbianchino) (paint) brush
pennello [penˈnɛllo] SM
return match; return game; revenge
rivincita [riˈvintʃita] SF
cuneo [ˈkuneo] SM
furgone [furˈɡone] SM
resumption; revival, recovery
ripresa [riˈpresa] SF
land register
catasto [kaˈtasto] SM
dubbio [ˈdubbjo], dubbia, dubbi, dubbie SM
shortage, lack, scarcity; deficiency
carenza [kaˈrɛntsa] SF
volume [voˈlume] SM
massacre, slaughter
strage [ˈstradʒe] SF
glass; piece of glass; splinter of glass
vetro [ˈvetro] SM
guanto [ˈɡwanto] SM
broken; out of order, failure
guasto [ˈɡwasto], guasta AGG
gestione [dʒesˈtjone] SF
welcome, reception
accoglienza [akkoʎˈʎɛntsa] SF
urn; ballot box • to vote, go to the polls
urna [ˈurna] SF • andare alle urne
parade; march • fashion show
sfilata [sfiˈlata] SF • sfilata (di moda)
lettura [letˈtura] SF
fight, brawl
rissa [ˈrissa] SF
furto [ˈfurto] SM
cartoon, comic strip
fumetto [fuˈmetto] SM
quarrel, argument
lite [ˈlite] SF
movement, change of position
spostamento [spostaˈmento] SM
doorstep; (fig) threshold
soglia [ˈsɔʎʎa] SF
(light) bulb
lampadina [lampaˈdina] SF
ceiling light
plafoniera [plafoˈnjɛra] SF
affidabile [affiˈdabile] AGG
ciotola [ˈtʃɔtola] SF
border, frontier; boundary
confine [konˈfine] SM
leather, hide
cuoio /oi [ˈkwɔjo] SM
(Anat) lip • (di ferita, vaso) lip
labbro [ˈlabbro] SM (pl f labbra) (Anat) • (pl mlabbri) ferita, vaso
obstacle, difficulty
ostacolo [osˈtakolo] SM
jersey, sweater
maglione [maʎˈʎone] SM
spavaldo [spaˈvaldo], spavalda AGG
boot • wellingtons
stivale [stiˈvale] SM • stivali di gomma
shortage, lack, scarcity; deficiency
carenza [kaˈrɛntsa] SF
full, complete; utter AGG ■SM suit; (di lenzuola) set
completo [komˈplɛto], completa AGG
■SM (abito); (di lenzuola)
recovery, comeback
rimonta [riˈmonta] SF
connection, liaison, link(-up)
collegamento [kolleɡaˈmento] SM
school report
pagella [paˈdʒɛlla] SF
hitch, stumbling block, obstacle; difficulty
intoppo [inˈtɔppo] SM
sewing N
cucire [kuˈtʃire] SM
repairing no pl; repair
riparazione [riparatˈtsjone] SF
teca [ˈtɛka], teche SF
growth (in)
crescita [ˈkreʃʃita] SF crescita (di)
rate; yew; badger
tasso [ˈtasso] SM
fall (in), drop (in)
calo [ˈkalo] SM calo (di)
norm, regulation, rule
norma SF
whom, which REL PRONOUN
small boat
l’imbarcazione SF
corsa SF
buio, -a, -ui, -ii, -ie AGG
pitch black
buio pesto AGG
crush, grind