Glue Words Flashcards
really, proper, exact, just
proprio [ˈprɔprjo], propria, propri, proprie AGG
while, as, whereas
mentre [ˈmentre] CONG
therefore, so
quindi [ˈkwindi] CONG
except (for), but (for)
tranne [ˈtranne] PREP (eccetto)
even (ADV)
perfino [perˈfino] AVV
so, in this way, like this, like that
così [koˈsi] AVV
davvero [davˈvero] AVV
spesso AVV
(and) yet, but (nevertheless); nevertheless, however
però [peˈrɔ] CONG (ma)
according to; in accordance with
secondo² [seˈkondo] PREP + a
hardly, scarcely, just
appena [apˈpena] AVV
together, at the same time, whole
insieme [inˈsjɛme] AVV
whoever, anyone who
chiunque [kiˈunkwe] PRON REL
therefore, so, for this (or that) reason
perciò [perˈtʃɔ] CONG
rather, quite (ADV)
piuttosto [pjutˈtɔsto] AVV
around ADV
attorno [atˈtorno] AVV
intorno [inˈtorno] AVV
last (ADJ)
scorso [ˈskorso], scorsa PP discorrere AGG
any, either, whatever
qualsiasi [kwalˈsiasi] AGG INDEF
farther, further; (:, fig) further
oltre [ˈoltre] AVV
similar, such
simile [ˈsimile] AGG
therefore, so; well (now), well (then)
dunque [ˈdunkwe] CONG (perciò) (allora)
oneself; (maschile) himself; (femminile) herself; (neutro) itself; (pl) themselves
a lot, much; (: con agg) very ADV
assai [asˈsai] AVV
at least, if only
almeno [alˈmeno] AVV (se almeno)
in spite of, notwithstanding
nonostante [nonosˈtante] PREP
or; otherwise, or (else)
oppure [opˈpure] CONG
that is (to say)
cioè [tʃoˈɛ] AVV
in short, all in all; well
insomma [inˈsomma] AVV
in spite of, notwithstanding
nonostante [nonosˈtante] PREP
entrambi [enˈtrambi], entrambe AGG PRON
entrambi [enˈtrambi], entrambe AGG PRON
as a matter of fact, in fact, actually
infatti [inˈfatti] CONG
while, as, whereas
mentre [ˈmentre] CONG
around, round ADV
intorno [inˈtorno] AVV
little, (negation) + much ADJ
poco /a/chi/che [ˈpɔko] AGG
little, (negation) + (very) much, few, (negation) + (very) many ADJ
poco, poca, pochi, poche AGG
little PRON
poco PRON
even, downright, really!
addirittura [addiritˈtura] ADV
by now, by this time
ormai [orˈmai] ADV
entro [ˈentro] PREP
presto; (ahead of time) in anticipo AVV
toward(s), to
verso³ [ˈvɛrso] PREP
finally; (per concludere) in short (ADV)
infine [inˈfine] AVV
same, very, -self, own AGG
stesso [ˈstesso], stessa /i/e AGG
away; out ADV
via [ˈvia] AVV
until; as long as
finché [finˈke] CONG
meanwhile, in the meantime; just to begin with
intanto [inˈtanto] AVV
during, in the course of; throughout, for
durante [duˈrante] PREP
since, as
poiché [poiˈke] CONG
as long as, provided that, on condition that
purché [purˈke] CONG
wherever, everywhere
dovunque [doˈvunkwe] AVV (ovunque)
too, as well, also; either
pure [ˈpure] AVV
anyhow, anyway, in any case, however, nevertheless
comunque [koˈmunkwe] AVV
quite a lot of, several
parecchio [paˈrekkjo], parecchia, parecchi AGG INDEF
1 (tra molti) any
2 (tra due) either
3 (pegg) ordinary, indifferent
4 (rel) whatever
qualsiasi [kwalˈsiasi] AGG INDEF
except (for), but (for)
tranne [ˈtranne] PREP (eccetto)
soltanto [solˈtanto] AVV
(molto: quantità) a lot of, much; (: numero) a lot of, many; (così tanto: quantità) so much, such a lot of; (: numero) so many, such a lot of
tanto [ˈtanto], tanta
then, at that moment; in those days, at that time
allora [alˈlora] AVV
qualunque [kwaˈlunkwe] AGG INDEF
1 (tra molti) any
• in qualunque momento at any time or moment
• qualunque persona anybody, anyone
• qualunque cosa anything
• per lui farei qualunque cosa I’d do anything for him
• a qualunque costo at any cost, whatever the cost
2 (tra due) either
• prendine uno qualunque take either of them
3 (pegg) ordinary, indifferent
• non è uno qualunque he’s not just anybody
• non voglio un vino qualunque I don’t want any old wine
• quale vuoi? − uno qualunque which do you want? − any old one or whichever
• l’uomo qualunque the man in the street
4 (rel) whatever
qualunque [kwaˈlunkwe] AGG INDEF
1 (anzitutto) above all
2 (specialmente) especially, particularly
soprattutto [sopratˈtutto] AVV
ADV (anche) too, as well, also; (in proposizioni negative) either
■CONJ but, and yet, nevertheless, even though
pure [ˈpure] AVV
(in frasi affermative) something; (in domande) anything
qualcosa [kwalˈkɔsa] PRON INDEF
(in frasi affermative) somebody, someone; (in domande, in proposizioni condizionali e dubitative) anybody, anyone; any
qualcuno [kwalˈkuno] PRON INDEF