Verbs2 Flashcards
to squash, crush; (patate) to mash; (aglio) to crush; (noce) to crack; (mozzicone) to stub out. To be squeezed, crushed
schiacciare [skjatˈtʃare] VT. schiacciarsi VIP
to poison ►to poison o.s.
avvelenare [avveleˈnare] VT ►avvelenarsi VR
(onore, gloria) to seek; (successo, piacere) to pursue; (motivi, cause) to look for, try to determine
ricercare [ritʃerˈkare] VT
to let go; (far cadere) to drop
mollare [molˈlare] VT
to become
divenire [diveˈnire] IRREG (aus essere)
(far entrare: visitatore) to admit, let in, allow in; (accettare: nuovo socio, studente) to admit, suppose, assume
ammettere [amˈmettere] VT IRREG
to sink; to drop: to sink into sth
affondare [affonˈdare] VT: affondare in qc
to point, aim; to plant; to bet on; to point to; make for, head for; to aim for sth/to do sth; to rely on sb/sth, count on sb/sth
puntare [punˈtare] VT. VI (aus avere)
to make a hole (or holes) in; to punch; to puncture; to pierce. to prick. to puncture; to mainline
bucare [buˈkare] VT; bucarsi VR; bucarsi VIP
to build, construct
costruire [kostruˈire] VT IRREG
to rotate
rotare [roˈtare] VT VI (aus avere)
to renounce, retract; to repudiate
sconfessare [skonfesˈsare] VT
to sentence (to)
condannare [kondanˈnare] VT condannare (a)
to subtract, take away; to deduct, to take away from, to save from; to escape
sottrarre [sotˈtrarre] vb irreg VT sottrarre a ►sottrarsi VR sottrarsi
to fight (with or against), struggle (with or against)
lottare [lotˈtare] VI (aus avere) lottare (con o contro)
to seek; (successo, piacere) to pursue; (motivi, cause) to look for, try to determine
ricercare [ritʃerˈkare] VT
to draw up, line up, marshal ►to draw up, side with
schierare [skjeˈrare] VT ►schierarsi VR
to question, protest against, to dispute, to notify
contestare [kontesˈtare] VT
to worsen; to increase ► to get worse
aggravare [aɡɡraˈvare] VT ►aggravarsi VIP
to develop, to expand, to cause, to emit
sviluppare [zvilupˈpare] VT
to separate, divide, to unyoke, to unharness, to leave behind
staccare [stakˈkare] VT
to catch sb up, catch up with sb, to get in touch with sb, to reach, achieve
raggiungere [radˈdʒundʒere] VT (irregular)
to intervene (in), to take part in, to arise, to operate
intervenire [interveˈnire] VI (irregular) auxiliary verb: essere
to cancel, (sentenza) to quash, (partita, risultati) to declare void, to destroy
annullare [annulˈlare] VT
to clean, (giardino) to clear, (cassetto) to clear out, (lucidare) to polish
pulire [puˈlire] VT
to enjoy, benefit from
godere [ɡoˈdere] (irregular) VT
to reveal; to uncover ►to show o.s.
svelare [zveˈlare] VT ►svelarsi VR
to betray; (coniuge) to cheat on, be unfaithful to; • to reveal, let out, give away; ► to give o.s. away
tradire [traˈdire] VT ►tradirsi VR
to obtain, getm to reach, arrive at, to achieve, to gain, win
ottenere [otteˈnere] VT (irregular)
to sink, to drop
affondare [affonˈdare] VT; VI auxiliary verb: essere
to slash, gash; to disfigure, to deface ►to be disfigured
sfregiare [sfreˈdʒare] VT ►sfregiarsi VIP
to grow, increase, expand, wax
crescere [ˈkreʃʃere] vb irreg VI (aus essere)
to deliver sth (to sb)
consegnare [konseɲˈɲare] VT consegnare qc (a qn)
to give out, spread, diffuse, broadcast, circulate
diffondere [difˈfondere] vb irreg VT ►diffondersi VIP
to insert, put in; to enclose ►to fit into, become part of, be included in
inserire [inseˈrire] VT ►inserirsi VR
to betray, to cheat on, be unfaithful to, to reveal, let out, give away
tradire [traˈdire] VT
to disappear, vanish
sparire [spaˈrire] VI IRREG
to be released; (grilletto, interruttore) to spring back; (serratura: aprirsi) to click open; (: chiudersi) to click shut; (iniziare: legge, provvedimento) to come into effect; (Sport) to put on a spurt
scattare [skatˈtare] VI (aus essere)
to cure; (ferita) to heal
guarire [ɡwaˈrire] VT
to recur, turn to, appeal
ricorrere [riˈkorrere] VI IRREG (aus essere)
to dub, christen; (nave) to christen, to call, name, christen; to nickname
battezzare [battedˈdzare] VT
to set up; (lavoro) to organize, plan; (questione, problema) to formulate, set out
impostare [imposˈtare] VT
to put on; to wear, have on
indossare [indosˈsare] VT
to throw away, discard. To jump
buttare [butˈtare] VT. buttarsi
to attempt or try sth/to do sth
tentare [tenˈtare] VT
to forget; ►to forget sth/to do sth
scordare [skorˈdare] VT ►scordarsi VIP
to deal with, get through; (clienti) to attend to, see to, deal with; ►to hurry (up), get a move on
sbrigare [zbriˈɡare] VT ►sbrigarsi VIP
to protect, defend; ►to protect o.s.
tutelare [tuteˈlare] VT; ►tutelarsi VR
to lower; to decrease; to drop
calare [kaˈlare] VT
to forget; ►to forget sth/to do sth
scordare [skorˈdare] VT ►scordarsi VIP scordarsi di
to compare ►to have a conflict
confrontare [konfronˈtare] VT ►confrontarsi VR
to cause, bring about; to provoke; to arouse
provocare [provoˈkare] VT
to give off, emit; to release; to unleash ►to emanate from, be given off by
sprigionare [spridʒoˈnare] VT ► sprigionarsi VIP sprigionarsi da
to conquer; to win, gain; to win over
conquistare [konkwisˈtare] VT
to be born again; (pianta) to sprout again; (fig: speranza, interesse) to be revived
rinascere [riˈnaʃʃere] VI IRREG (aus essere)
to give o.s. up (to), surrender (to)
arrendersi [arˈrɛndersi] VIP IRREG
X to put in plaster
ingessare [indʒesˈsare] VT
to enlist
arruolare [arrwoˈlare] VT ►arruolarsi VR
to fill (to the brim) (with)
colmare [kolˈmare] VT colmare (di)
to entrust sb/sth to sb ►to place one’s trust in
affidare [affiˈdare] VT affidare qn/qc a qn ►affidarsi VR affidarsi a
to shadow, tail
pedinare [pediˈnare] VT
to whine, whimper
piagnucolare [pjaɲɲukoˈlare] VI (aus avere)
to amaze, stun ►to be amazed (at), be stunned (by)
stupire [stuˈpire] VT ■VI (aus essere) ►stupirsi VIP
to face, confront; to face up to; to deal with, tackle negotiate ►to confront each other
affrontare [affronˈtare] VT ►affrontarsi VR
to move, shift, to change ►to move
spostare [sposˈtare] VT ►spostarsi VR
to subtract, take away; to deduct, to take away from ►to escape
sottrarre [sotˈtrarre] vb irreg VT sottrarre a ►sottrarsi VR sottrarsi a
to stretch (out); to spread (out); to hang out; to spread; (pasta) to roll out, to lay (down) ►to lie down, to extend, stretch
stendere [ˈstɛndere] vb irreg VT ►stendersi VR ►stendersi VIP
to shout, cry (out); to scream, yell; to call ■VT to shout (out), yell (out)
gridare [ɡriˈdare] VI (aus avere) ■VT
to remove, take away or off
togliere [ˈtɔʎʎere] vb irreg VT
to frighten, scare ►to become frightened, become scared, be scared
spaventare [spavenˈtare] VT ►spaventarsi VIP
to release (from prison)
scarcerare [skartʃeˈrare] VT
to pull back; to withdraw; to withdraw, take out; to collect, pick up; to bring in
ritirare [ritiˈrare] VT
to trip, stumble • to trip over
inciampare [intʃamˈpare] VI (aus essere) • inciampare in
to skid; (Naut) to list ►to disperse; to scatter; to break up
sbandare [zbanˈdare] VI (aus avere) ►sbandarsi VIP
to skim (over); to brush (against)
sfiorare [sfjoˈrare] VT
to send to sleep ►to go to sleep, fall asleep
addormentare [addormenˈtare] VT (anche fig): (far) addormentare ►addormentarsi VIP
to launch; (legge) to pass
varare [vaˈrare] VT
to move, shift (cambiare:orario, data) to change ►to move
spostare [sposˈtare] VT ►spostarsi VR
to investigate
indagare [indaˈɡare] VI (aus avere) indagare su
to happen, occur
accadere [akkaˈdere] vb irreg (aus essere) VI
to speed up; to urge on; to press for, request urgently
sollecitare [solletʃiˈtare] VT
to disappear, vanish
sparire [spaˈrire] VI IRREG (aus essere)
to cut in half, halve
dimezzare [dimedˈdzare] VT
to discover, find out; to recover, find ■ to come round, regain consciousness; to revive • to reconstitute
rinvenire [rinveˈnire] vb irreg VT ■VI (aus essere) • far rinvenire
to stew; to bore, weary ►to grow weary (of)
stufare [stuˈfare] VT ►stufarsi VIP • si è stufato di
to colour ►to turn colour
colorare [koloˈrare] VT ►colorarsi VIP
to beat, whisk; to whip; to flap; to slam, bang
sbattere [ˈzbattere] VT
to clear, empty; to evacuate ■to disperse
sfollare [sfolˈlare] VT ■VI (aus essere) (gente, dimostranti)
to melt; to dissolve; to thaw; to undo, untie; to loosen; to set free
sciogliere [ˈʃɔʎʎere] vb irreg VT
to act; to behave
agire [aˈdʒire] VI
to steal (sth from sb) • take (sth from sb)
rubare [ruˈbare] VT rubare (qc a qn)
to dismiss, sack, fire; to make redundant
licenziare [litʃenˈtsjare] VT
to respect, have respect for; to obey, comply with, abide by; to keep promise
rispettare [rispetˈtare] VT
to put out of, stretch out of ■to stick out; to jut out ►to lean out of
sporgere [ˈspɔrdʒere] vb irreg VT ■VI (aus essere) da ►sporgersi VR sporgersi da
to bind, tie (up)
legare [leˈɡare] VT
to keep aside; to put aside
riservare [riserˈvare] VT
to dismiss, sack, to make redundant ►to take one’s leave; to resign, hand in one’s notice, give up one’s job
licenziare [litʃenˈtsjare] VT ►licenziarsi VR
to deal with, discuss; to negotiate ; to treat
trattare [tratˈtare] VT
to fine
multare [mulˈtare] VT
to abandon, desert, to neglect, to give up; to slacken ►to let o.s. go
abbandonare [abbandoˈnare] VT ►abbandonarsi VR