Verbs3 Flashcards
to lower; to press down; to wind down; to pull down ►to drop, fall; (marea) to go out, fall; to deteriorate
abbassare [abbasˈsare] VT ►abbassarsi VIP
to embrace, hug, to take up; to include ►to hug or embrace (one another)
abbracciare [abbratˈtʃare] VT ►abbracciarsi VR
to absolve sb (from) • to acquit sb (of); to carry out, perform
assolvere [asˈsɔlvere] VT IRREG
to reveal; to disclose; display, show
rivelare [riveˈlare] VT
to embank; to dyke up; to check; to limit
arginare [ardʒiˈnare] VT
to shake ► to shake o.s.; to stir o.s.
scuotere [ˈskwɔtere] vb irreg VT ►scuotersi VIP
to foresee, anticipate; to forecast, plan
prevedere [preveˈdere] VT IRREG
to mean, matter
significare [siɲɲifiˈkare] VT
to wither, fade
sfiorire [sfjoˈrire] VI (aus essere)
to sweep away; (fig) to overwhelm
travolgere [traˈvɔldʒere] VT IRREG
to roast, to grill
arrostire [arrosˈtire] VT (arrostisco)
to be sitting, be seated, to sit up
►to sit (down)
sedere [seˈdere] vb irreg VI (aus essere) ►sedersi VIP
to judge; to arbitrate in; accusato): giudicare (per) to try (for)
giudicare [dʒudiˈkare] VT
to attempt or try sth/to do sth; to tempt, to test
tentare [tenˈtare] VT
To declare, announce
dichiarare VT
1 (persona) to catch sb up, catch up with sb
2 reach, achieve
raggiungere [radˈdʒundʒere] VT IRREG
to translate
tradurre [traˈdurre] VT IRREG
1 (nome, persona, fatto) to remember, recall
2 to remind sb of sth/to do sth
3 (menzionare) to mention
4 (commemorare) to commemorate
►to remember
ricordare [rikorˈdare] VT
►ricordarsi VIP ricordarsi (di)
(strumento, pezzo musicale) to play; (campana, campanello) to ring; (clacson, allarme, ritirata) to sound
suonare [swoˈnare] VT
to push; (premere) to press, push
spingere [ˈspindʒere] vb irreg VT
to suppose
• let’s or just suppose that …
• I suppose so/not
supporre [supˈporre] VT IRREG
• supponiamo che…
• suppongo di sì/di no
to maul, bite
azzannare [attsanˈnare] VT
to maul, bite
azzannare [attsanˈnare] VT
to fight (with or against), struggle (with or against)
lottare [lotˈtare] VI (aus avere) lottare (con o contro)
to shout, cry (out); (strillare) to scream, yell; (animale) to call
gridare [ɡriˈdare] VI (aus avere)
to fry
friggere [ˈfriddʒere] vb irreg VT
to fill or fill up (with)
►to fill or fill up (with)
►to stuff o.s. with
riempire [riemˈpire] vb irreg VT (gen, fig): riempire (di)
►riempirsi VIP (gen): riempirsi (di)
►riempirsi VR riempirsi di (cibo)
to break, split; (legna) to chop; (partito, maggioranza) to split
spaccare [spakˈkare] VT (rompere)
(fuoco) to crackle; (pioggia) to patter; (foglie) to rustle
crepitare [krepiˈtare] VI (aus avere)
to slog, slave; (: a scuola) to swot
sgobbare [zɡobˈbare] VI (aus avere)
(Econ) to invest
(sogg: veicolo: pedone) to run over, knock down; (: altro veicolo) to crash into, hit
• he was run over
(apostrofare) to assail
• (domande) to besiege sb with sth
• (ingiurie, insulti) to heap sth on sb
• (incarico) to appoint sb to
►(fig): to enter thoroughly into a role
investire [invesˈtire] VT
(Dir Amm: incaricare): investire qn di (poteri)
►investirsi VR (fig): investirsi di una parte