Definition of absolve?
To find innocent or blameless
Definition of adamant?
Nothing giving in; stubborn
Definition of amiable?
Good-natured; friendly and pleasant
Definition of amoral?
Lacking a moral sense; without principles (lacking what’s right or wrong)
Definition of animosity?
Bitter hostility (strong dislike)
Definition of antagonist?
An opponent; one who opposes or competes
Definition of eccentric?
Differing from what Is customary; odd
Definition of epitome?
A perfect or typical example of a general quality or type
Definition of banal?
Lacking originality, freshness, or novelty
Definition of euphemism?
A polite word or expression
An indirect word or phrase that people often use to refer to something embarrassing or unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more acceptable than it really is.
Definition of adjacent?
Close; near (to something)
Definition of escalate?
To increase or intensify
Definition of obsolete?
No longer active or in use; out of date
Definition of inequity?
Injustice; unfairness; an instance of injustice
Definition of syndrome?
A combination of symptoms
Definition of acclaim?
Great praise or applause; enthusiastic approval
Definition of malign?
To make evil and often untrue statements about; speak evil of
Definition of curt?
Rudely brief when speaking to someone
Definition of demoralize?
To lower the spirits of; weaken the confidence or cheerfulness of
Definition of inclination?
A tendency to think, act, or behave in a certain way; a leaning
Definition of deterrent?
Something that discourages or prevents a certain action
Definition of implication?
An idea that is communicated indirectly, through a suggestion or hint (something suggested)
Definition of infringe?
To intrude or trespass on; to go beyond the limits considered proper
Definition of innovation?
A new custom, method, or invention; something newly introduced
Definition of retort?
To reply, especially in a quick, sharp, or witty way
Definition of sabotage?
To deliberately destroy or damage
Definition of elicit?
To draw forth or bring out
Definition of exploit?
To use selfishly or unethically; take unfair advantage of
Definition of tangible?
Able to be touched; having form and matter
Definition of infirmity?
A physical weakness or defect; aliment (sickness)
Definition of taint?
To contaminate morally : corrupt or spoil
Definition of subsequent?
Coming after something in time; following:
Definition of revitalize?
To renew the strength and energy of restore to a vigorous, active condition
Definition of sparse?
Distributed thinly; not thick or crowded
Definition of subjective?
Based on personal opinions. feeling, and attitudes; not objective (bias)
Definition of succinct?
Expressed clearly in a few words to the point; concise
Definition of allusion?
A figure of speech that makes an indirect reference to something
Definition of appease?
To bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease and soothe
Definition of arbitrary?
Based on random choice or personal whim
Definition of assail?
Make a concerted or violent attack on (to attack violently or assault)
Definition of wary?
Cautious; on guard
Definition of zeal?
Enthusiastic devotion; intense enthusiasm (passion)
Definition of engross?
To hold the full attention of; absorb
Definition of methodical?
Orderly; systematic (organized)
Definition of terminate?
To stop; bring to an end
Definition of mercenary?
One that serves merely for wages (Greedy)
Definition of Irate?
Very angry
Definition of dilemma?
A problem involving a difficult choice (Strong decision)
Definition of altruistic?
Altruistic means being selflessly concerned for the well-being of others
Definition of encounter?
A brief meeting