Vocabulary Set #3 Flashcards
In a community, you care about one another, share values, and feel a connection
Ex.: religious groups, families, neighborhoods(small), sport teams
German socialist last bit of 19th century
Book- civilization, and community (wrote this), they lose something when moving from a small community to a big city
Makes retaliation between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
Ferdinand Tonnies
Communities (anthropologists will be more interested in this category)
Members in community, forming communities, what the difference between the communities, and what makes it important in that community (my role)
With the rise of cities, alienation, and anomie rise.
Alienation- distant/alone from the rest of the group
Anomie- normalize, don’t know how to act
What makes us part of this large group: coming from a particular country/city, large schools, and corporations
The idea that we do things one at a time in sequential
Many different things at the same time
Trying to experience many sensations at once
How do we learn about culture, by the means of enculturation( being part of the culture, you become part of that culture)
Two ways to learn about a culture- read about it, or go into it naive
Trying to understand the communities in the culture. Communities are much smaller than civilizations, which makes it easier to study
Communities Studies
Informal, unstructured, semi-structured, and formal
Interview Types
Most popular
Just let people you interview talk, don’t ask anything, very little verbal, just writing down what they say and make sense of them
Interviewing over several days/occasions, with certain questions in mind (same people with leading questions) and long
Quantitative evidence
Questions are asked in a specific order, follow the same order, so its easier to compare answers with other people
Quantitative evidence
Same exact questions for everyone, no deviation, just write exactly what they say
You don’t get it/understand it immediately
At first, you are excited but then it wears off, they undergo depression and culture shock, loneliness, don’t feel part of the culture, and homesickness.
Culture Shock
Being part of the culture temporarily but also keeping in mind that you are not fully in it.
Some problems: trying not to insult them, don’t want to come across as completely different, but at the same time don’t pretend you are them
The best way to handle this is: Be part of that culture, be there a while, be honest with people, and let them do the talking don’t interrupt them.
Going Native
Returning home/main culture you are familiar with, not it feels like you are not used to it anymore, start feeling like they don’t fit back home either.
Reverse Culture Shock