Vocabulary Set #2 Flashcards
Earliest pre-human-1.7 billion years ago
Eats meats, use fire, walks in 2 feet
Starts in Africa and moves to Europe
Earliest prototype of the human form
Homo Ergaster
Beginning of the 1st Stone Age- the first being in this age found in Heidelberg Germany. 400 thousand B.C.
Started using stone tools live in caves and were much more like the modern human being than the earlier 2 forms
Heidelberg Man
Jobs they do are divided by genders
Men spend less time at home
Sexual division of labor
Paleolithic Being
Culture Developing- funerals right were first noticed, buried in a fetal position
word is used today as stubborn minded
Neanderthal Man
25 thousand B.C. to 7 thousand B.C
more fossils available found in France
portrayed in the Flinstones
The first human being where we have a decent amount of information: advanced tools, needles, clothing (cold weather/ice age approaching), hunting, the artwork of animals being hunted, and pregnant women to showcase the importance of reproduction
CroMagnin Man
Tools of stone, spears, axes
Hunting/Gathering Societies
Sexual Division of Labor
At the end of the Age: more advanced tools, clothing, and population increase 40x the start of the age
2.6 million years ago,and lasted until about 3,300 B.C
Old Stone Age/ Paleolithic
Ice Age separates this from the Paleolithic Age
10000 BC – 2200 BC
Beginning of Farming Communities
Comes after the Ice Age
People spend more time with their Families
Living in this Age: Raise their food, grow it, and trade it, Basic needs are taken care of, and no class structure/system. A sense of community
New Stone Age/ Neolitic
proposed that the traditional hunters and gatherers were based on egalitarian social relations and common ownership
Marx’s Primitive Communism
First “city” small
700 thousand B.C
Ancient Palestine
Population 300 thousand people
A wall around it, 20 feet tall: Keeps people both in and people out (protection) and forces people to mingle/form a community
Homes become larger
Making new types of weapons (metal)
Starting around 300 thousand B.C
Bronze-mixture of both copper and thin
First time to see a stratification model
items that are useful- luxuries, then decorative
Bronze Age
A class-based system (different classes)
Four class systems
possible because rich people
start making items based on wealth, which leads to social problems
Stratification Model
Bronze Age city (ancient Rock)
more like real cities
refer to at that time as Mesopotamia
. 4500 – c. 1900 BC
Center of the Earth
had written, had settled communities in the form of villages, planted their own food, had domesticated animals, and had different orders of workers.
People were called Sumerians
Most Known city founded 3800 B.C.
What we see: population 30 to 35 thousand people (depending on time period), has 4 class systems(social classes), Ruler(king), Religious System (temple of different sizes, which tells how powerful the god/goddess is), carried baskets on top of their heads.
The four main classes: 1) King(no woman), head priest 2)Government workers 3) Average people who own their own home (a large group of people “farmers” mostly) 4) Slaves (gotten from war, lending money, or sold wife/children)- 2 types: House slaves or Sex slaves( not both at the same time and males are included). Can marry off to men, the title will still be the same, but children will be considered free
Bronze Age forward
Different gods/goddesses with different powers/qualities( god of the sun/moon/rain…)
People see themselves as servants of the GOds including the King/High Priest
Dark view of the Bible
(eyes saw shut, dirt in mouth…)
Dark view of the afterlife (no control of their life)
Iron Age ( 12 hundred B.C.)
Epic of Gilgamesh
17-50 B.C (Bronzed Age Leader)
comes up with Hammurabian Law Code
Nickname: King of Justice
All about the idea of a written law code with penalties Ex: common for men to sell wife/kids to slavery, men can divorce women cant, and women can be killed for adultery
Woman are better here than in Ancient Greece
Hammurabi II