Vocabulary of October 30, 2023 Flashcards
How do we pronounce “bowl”?
What is “atelier” in English?
Exemple: J’ai un atelier à la maison.
Example: I have a workshop at home
What is “entraîner à la propreté” in English?
Exemple: J’entraine mon chien à la propreté.
Example: I’m potty-training my dog.
What is “se coucher” in English?
Exemple: Je me suis couché à 21h hier.
Go to bed
Example: I went to bed at 9 last night.
What is TDA in English?
(Trouble de déficit de l’attention)
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
What is “postuler” in English?
Exemple: J’ai postulé pour ce poste il y a quelques années.
Apply (for)
Example: I applied for that position a few years ago.
What is “ski alpin” in English?
Alpine skiing
Downhill skiing
What is “poste” in English, in the sense of “job”?
Exemple: J’ai postulé pour ce poste il y a quelques années.
Example: I applied for that position a few years ago.
What is “aussi…que…” in English?
Exemple: Je ne skie pas aussi souvent que Caroline.
Example: I don’t ski as often as Caroline.
What is “métier” in English?
What is “Est-ce que vous êtes intéressé” in English?
Are you interested?
(not “do you interest”)
What is “venir” in English?
Exemple: Le VP est venu à Sherbrooke la semaine dernière.
Example: The VP came to Sherbrooke last week.
What is “occupé” in English?
Busy (pronounced BIZZY)
not “occupied”
What is “directeur par intérim” in English?
Interim director
What is “salon” in English?
Living room
What is “reddition de comptes” in English?
What is “pendant la pandémie” in English?
Exemple: Il a commencé à travailler à la CCQ pendant la pandémie.
During the pandemic
Example: He started to work for the CCQ during the pandemic.
What is…
- “je lui ai demandé?”
- Il m’a demandé?
- Je leur ai demandé?
I asked him/her.
He asked me
I asked them
NOTE: There is no preposition after the verb “ask” in English.
En français, on “demande à quelqu’un” but in English, we don’t use any preposition.