Vocabulary of October 2, 2023 Flashcards
What is “faire les boites” or “faire les valises” in English?
Exemple: J’ai commencé à faire mes boites hier soir.
Example: I started packing last night.
What is the past of “think”?
Exemple: Je pensais que j’avais un cours aujourd’hui.
Example: I thought I had a class today.
What is “défaire ses boîtes” or “défaire ses valises” in English?
Exemple: Je n’ai pas fini de défaire mes boites.
Example: I didn’t finish unpacking.
What is a “cellier” or a “cave à vin” in English?
Wine cellar
What is “se débarrasser de” in English?
Exemple: Je me suis débarrassé de choses que je n’utilisais plus.
Get rid of
Example: I got rid of things I didn’t use anymore.
What is “connu” in English?
Exemple: Cette auteure est bien connue.
Example: This author is well-known.
What is “un résumé” in English?
And the verb “résumer”?
What is the English word “résumé” in French?
NOTE: Both words “CV” and “résumé “ are used in English.
What is “prise électrique” in English?
Exemple: Il me reste les prises électriques à installer.
Power socket
Electrical outlet
Example: I still have to install the electrical outlets.
What is “J’ai l’impression que” in English?
Exemple: J’ai l’impression que je t’ai vue hier!
I have the impression that…
I feel like…
I have the felling that…
Example: I feel like I saw you yesterday!
What is “le fils de Claude” in English?
Claude’s son
Explanation: With possessives, we use the following pattern: person + ‘s + noun (Example: My mom’s house. Chantal’s husband. My sister’s dog, etc.)
What is “arriver” in English?
Exemple: Qu’est-ce qui est arrivé?
Example: What happened?
What is “soins animaliers” in English?
Exemple: Ma fille veut étudier en soins animaliers.
Animal care
Example: My daughter wants to study animal care.
What are “cours obligatoires” in English?
Compulsory courses
What is “un polar” as in “J’aime lire des polars”?
Detective book
Detective novel
Example: I like reading detective novels.
What is “la Suisse” in English?
Exemple: Joel Dicker vient de la Suisse.
What is “je savais” in English?
I knew
What is “un personnage” in English?
Exemple: Il y a plusieurs personnages dans le roman.
Example: There are many characters in the novel.
What is “bien s’entendre avec” in English?
Exemple: Je m’entends bein avec mes deux beaux-frères.
get along well with
Example: I get along well with my two brothers-in-law.