Vocabulary of December 11, 2023 Flashcards
What does the word “suit” mean in the following sentences:
1) I sometimes wear a suit at work.
2) There is a big suit against that company.
3) Does Monday 8 o’clock suit you?
1) I sometimes wear a suit at work. (a suit = un habit)
2) There is a big suit against that company. (a suit = a lawsuit = une poursuite en justice.)
3) Does Monday 8 o’clock suit you? (“suit” is a verb here and means “convenir”, so the question is: “Est-ce que lundi 8h te convient?”)
What is “poursuivre en justice” in English?
Example: If they don’t pay me next week, I will ………………………. them.
Example: If they don’t pay me next week, I will sue them.
What is a “firme d’avocats” in English?
Law firm
What is “être le centre d’attention” or “être sous les projecteurs” in English?
Example: Many artists like to be …………………………
in the spotlight
Example: Many artists like to be in the spotlight.
What is “CC” and “mettre en CC” in English?
I’ve put Mr. Smith in ……….
I’ve ………… Mr. Smith
CC (noun)
CC (verb)
I’ve put Mr. Smith in CC
I’ve CCed Mr. Smith. (Note: the “ed” after “CC” is for the past tense.)
What is “emballage” in English?
Example: I found some granola bar …………….. all over the basement!
Example: I found some granola bar wrappers all over the basement!
Whis is right?
1) Too much peoples
2) Too many people
2) Too many people
Explanation: “people” is countable, so we use “many” and not “much”.
“People” is the plural of “person” and doesn’t take an “s”. It is an irregular plural.
Translate the following sentence:
Magog est la plus belle vie que j’ai jamais habitée!
Magog is the nicest town I’ve ever lived in!
Translate the following sentence:
C’est le meilleur repas que j’ai jamais mangé!
It’s the best meal I’ve ever had / eaten!
Translate the following sentence:
C’est le meilleur chiot que j’ai jamais eu!
It’s the best puppy I’ve ever had!
Translate the following sentence:
C’est le film le plus drôle que j’ai jamais vu!
It’s the funniest movie I’ve ever seen!
What is the negative of:
I’ve been to California before.
I’ve never been to California (before).
What is the negative of:
I’ve eaten squid before.
I’ve never eaten squid (before).
What is the negative of:
She’s seen that movie before.
She’s never seen that movie (before).
What is the negative of:
I’ve spoken to a famous person before.
I’ve never spoken to a famous person (before).
What is “un tel” as in “Je connais Monsieur untel.”
Example: I know Mister so-and-so.
What is “famille royale” and “monarchie” in English?
Example: My sister is a big fan of the ………….. and the …………..
Royal family
Example: My sister is a big fan of the **royal family **and the monarchy
What is in English:
C’est la première fois que j’entends ça!
It’s the first time I’ve heard that!
What is in English:
C’est la première fois que je vois ça!
It’s the first time I’ve seen that!
What is in English:
C’est la première fois que je fais ça!
It’s the first time I’ve done that!