Lesson of September 11, 2023 Flashcards
What is “J’ai changé d’idée” in English?
Exemple: Je voulais garder mon plancher actuel mais j’ai changé d’idée.
**I changed my mind.
Example: I wanted to keep my current floor but I changed my mind.
What is “aller magasiner” in English?
Exemple: Je suis allé magasiner pour des nouveaux planchers.
Go shopping
Example: I went shopping for new floors.
What is “plancher flottant” in English?
Exemple: J’ai décidé d’installer du plancher flottant.
Floating floor
Example: I decided to install floating floor.
What is “espérer” in English?
Exemple: J’espère que mon anglais va s’améliorer!
Example: I hope my English will improve!
What is “rare” in English?
And how do we pronounce it?
What is “travailleur autonome” in English?
Exemple: J’ai été travailleur autonome pendant 20 ans.
Independent worker
Example: I was self-employed for 20 years.
What is “traverser” in English?
Exemple: Je dois seulement traverser la rue pour aller visiter ma soeur.
Example: I only have to cross the street to go visit my sister.
What is “prendre sa retraite” in English?
Exemple: Je ne sais pas quand je vais prendre ma retraite.
Example: I don’t know when I will retire.
What is “directeur d’école” or “directrice d’école” in English?
School principal.
What is “directeur” or “directrice” in a business or organization?
What is “faire confiance” in English?
Exemple: Je te fais confiance.
Example: I trust you.
What is “commis-comptable” in English?
Accounting technician
What is “adjoint(e) administrative” in English?
Administrative assistant
What is “écouter” in English?
Exemple: J’écoute CBC à la maison et dans la voiture.
Listen to
Example: I listen to CBC at home and in the car.
NOTE: The verb LISTEN is always followed by the preposition TO in English. Examples: I listen to the radio in my car. I listen to a lot of music. I always listen to my English teacher!
What is “comprendre l’essentiel” in English?
Exemple: Quand j’écoute CBC, je ne comprends pas tous les mots mais je comprends toujours l’essentiel.
Get the gist
Example: When I listen to CBC, I don’t understand every word but I usually get the gist.
What is “souhaiter” in “Je souhaite améliorer mon anglais”?
Would like
(not “wish”)
I want to improve my English.
I would like to improve my English.
What is “plate” or “ennuyant” in English?
Exemple: Trop de routine est ennuyant.
Example: Too much routine is boring.
What is “une tablette” (for exemple: IPAD) in English?
Exemple: L’application est sur ma tablette.
Example: The app is on my tablet.
What is “chantier” (de construction) in English?
Construction site
What is “un projet-pilote” in English?
A pilot-project.