Vocabulary Chapter 34 Flashcards
√यत् (I यतते, -ति)
‘to stretch’
√अद् (II अत्ति)
‘to eat’ (ta-PTC अन्न-)
√मद् (IV माद्यति, -ते)
‘to be happy, delight in; to be drunk’
√दीप् (IV दीप्यति, -ते)
‘to shine’
√धृ (X धारयति, I धरति)
‘to hold, support’; middle: ‘to endure’
√स्तॄ (IX स्तृणोति, स्तृणीते)
‘to strew, spread’ (ta-PTC स्तीर्ण-)
√वर्ण् (X वर्णयति)
‘to colour; describe, depict’
अन्तरिक्षग- (m.)
‘bird’ (lit. ‘sky-goer’)
वर्ण- (m.)
‘colour; caste’
अप्रज- (ADJ)
कुशल- (ADJ)
‘able, clever’
पति- (m.)
‘master, lord; husband’
अधिपति- (m.)
‘king’ (‘over-lord’)
नृपति- (m.)
‘king’ (‘lord of men’)
कोबिद- (ADJ)
‘skilled, knowledgeable’ (–> √विद्)
‘spread out, great; strewn, scattered with’
मनु- (m.)
‘man, mankind; Manu (the first human)’
मनुष-, मानुष-, मानुष्य-
(ADJ) ‘human’; (m.) ‘human being, man’
अञ्जलि- (m.)
gesture of reverence (placing one’s hand together)
कृताञ्जलि- (ADJ)
‘putting one’s hands together; reverently’ (lit bahuvrīhi ‘by whom the añjali is made’