Vocabulary - 7/1/2025 Flashcards
Synonyms: intricate, detailed, sophisticated, complex
Example: The plan was too elaborate to implement in such a short time
chi tiết, phức tạp, làm rõ, giải thích chi tiết
Synonyms: determine, verify, confirm, establish, find out
Example: She called the hotel to ascertain if her reservation was confirmed
xác định, chắc chắn, tìm hiểu chính xác
Synonyms: Fluid dynamics, airfowstudy, gas dynamic
Example: Students studied the aerodynamics of paper planes in their physics class
khí động học
rudderless glider
Synonyms: directionless, leaderless, unguided
Example: The engineers tested a rudderless glider to study alternative steering mechanisms
tàu lượn không có bánh lái
Synonyms: invent, create, design, plan, formulate, engineer
Example: He devised a new machine to improve productivity in the factory
phát minh, nghĩ ra, bày mưu
Synonyms: wing flaps, roll control surfaces
Example: The pilot adjusted the ailerons to initiate a smooth right turn
bề mặt điều khiển trên cánh máy bay
Synonyms: sideways, flanking, adjacent
Example: Planes must maintain lateral stability during turns
ở bên, thuộc về bên
Synonyms: guiding, navigating, controlling, directing, piloting
Example: The captain is steering the ship safely into the harbor
hành động hoặc quá trình điều khiển hướng đi của một phương tiện, đối tượng hoặc hành động
Synonyms: ship, boat, craft, container, channel
Example: The shipping company operates a fleet of vessels for international trade
phương tiện di chuyển trên nước, các loại dụng cụ chứa đựng
Synonyms: amazingly, unbelievably, extremely, remarkably, exceptionally
Example: She was incredibly brave to stand up for what she believed in
mức độ rất cao, khó tin hoặc ngoài sức tưởng tượng
internal combustion engine
Synonyms: combustion engine, gasoline engine, diesel engine, motor
Example: Many small aircraft and helicopters use internal combustion engines, especially piston engines, to generate thrust
động cơ đốt trong
Synonyms: flourish, expand, grow rapidly, boom, multiply
Example: the young entrepreneur’s mind was always burgeoning with new ideas
tăng trưởng hoặc phát triển nhanh chóng
Synonyms: rotor, fan, centrifugal blade, airscrew
Example; The pilot carefully checked the propeller before the flight
cánh quạt
Synonyms: Aeronautics, air transporation, flying, flight industry, air travel
Example: Aviation has greatly improved the speed and efficiency of blobal travel
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