Vocabulary - 14/1/2025 Flashcards
synonyms: destructive, catastrophic, ruinous, shocking, heartbreaking
Ex: It was a devastating blow to her career when she lost her biggest client
tàn phá, hủy diệt, gây tổn thất nghiêm trọng
synonyms: stress, tension, pressure, variant
Ex: Scientists are studying a more contagious strain of the virus
kiểu, loại (động vật, thực vật, bệnh tật)
synonyms: epidemic, pandemic, disaster, catastrophe
Ex: The plague spread rapidly through the small village, causing panic among the residents
dịch bệnh, tai họa
synonyms: Imaginary, made-up, invented, fictitious
Ex: The map in the book represents a fictional land, not a real place
hư cấu, không có thật
synonyms: revival, rebirth, renewal, comeback, renaissance
Ex: The resurgence of small businesses has boosted the local economy
sự hồi sinh, sự trỗi dậy, sự hồi phục
in conjunction with
synonyms: Together with, in collaboration with, along with
Ex: The medication should be used in conjunction with therapy for the best results
cùng với, kết hợp với, phối hợp với
synonyms: increased, escalated, spiked, rose, soared
Ex: Sales of electric vehicles surged by 30% last year
tăng mạnh, dâng trào, bùng nổ, tăng vọt
synonyms: more productive, higher-return, more efficient
Ex: Higher-yielding seeds are crucial for feeding the growing global population
năng suất cao hơn, mang lại lợi nhuận cao hơn, có hiệu quả cao hơn
synonyms: significant, historic, meaningful, pivotal
Ex: Moving abroad to study marked a momentous turning point in his career
quan trọng, có ý nghĩa lớn, mang tính quyết định
mortality rate
synonyms: death rate, fatality rate, lethality rate
Ex: The mortality rate from heart disease has decreased as a result of healthier lifestyle choices
tỉ lệ tử vong
worrisome to some
synonyms: concerning, troubling, disturbing, stressful
Ex: The rise in unemployment rates is worrisome to some families who are struggling financially
gây lo lắng đối với một số người, gây lo lắng
synonyms: turnaround,u - turn, shift, transformation
Ex: The country’s economy experienced a reversal after the financial crisis
sự đảo ngược, sự thay đổi
synonyms: supporters, advocates, champions, enthusiasts
Ex: Proponent of renewable energy agrue that it is essential for sustainable development
người ủng hộ, người đề xuất
synonyms: deeply, intensely, greatly, seriously, significantly
Ex: Her speech profoundly impacted everyone in the audience
sâu sắc, một cách mạnh mẽ, rất lớn
synonyms: for an unlimited time, for an unspecified period, perpetually
Ex: The office will remain closed indefinitely due to ongoing renovations
một cách không xác định, vô thời hạn, không có thời gian cụ thể