Vocabulary - 6/1/2025 Flashcards
Synonyms: anxious, uneasy, impatient, agitated
Example: I feel restless when i have a lot of work to do but can’t get started
bồn chồn, không yên, không ngừng nghỉ
appears as far back
Synonyms: dates back to, can be traced back to, originates from
Example: The use of herbal medicine (thuốc thảo dược) appears as far back as 3000 BCE
xuất hiện từ tận, có từ tận thời
Synonyms: forsake, relinquish, desert, give up
Example: The parents abandoned their child in the park
bỏ rơi, bỏ mặt, từ bỏ
Synonyms: alert, notify, caution, advise, warn
Example: The teacher forewarned the students that the test would be challenging
cảnh báo trước, báo trước
Synonyms: reality, presence, being, survival, continuance
Example: Questions about human existence have been explored for centuries
sự tồn tại, sự hiện hữu
Synonyms: unscientific, personal, casual, speculative
Example: The lecture was made more engaging with anecdotal stories about famous scientists
mang tính giai thoại, dựa trên câu chuyện cá nhân, không có bằng chứng khoa học rõ ràng
Synonyms: earthquake-related, tremor-related, seismological
Example: Seismic data is essential for understanding the structure of the earth’s interior
địa chấn, liên quan đến động đất, mạnh mẽ, có ảnh hưởng sâu rộng
Synonyms: better, higher-ranking, more advanced, preminent, excellent
Example: His skills are superior to mine in almost every way
vượt trội, cao hơn, hơn hẳn
Synonyms: see, observe, recognize, sense, understand
Example: people often perceive success differently, depending on their values
nhận thức, cảm nhận, quan sát
Synonyms: low-frequency, subsonic, ultrabas
Example: Scientists have studied how infrasonic waves affect both animals and humans
hạ âm, siêu tâm thấp
Synonyms: complaining, whimpering, moaning, fret
Example: I’m tired of hearing you whine about the same thing everyday
kêu rên, rên rỉ, rít lên
Synonyms: defect, imperfection, fault, weakness, error
Example: the flaw in the painting was hardly noticeable
khuyết điểm, lỗi, vết nhơ
Synonyms: basic, primitive, elementary, crude, simplistic, underdeveloped
Example: the computer system was rudimentary, with limited functionality
cơ bản, sơ khai, thô sơ
jumping off ledges
Example: The climber was nervous about jumping off the ledge into the river below
chỉ hành động nhảy từ một độ cao
Synonyms: plume, down, quill, feathering
Example: the peacock’s feathers (lông vũ của chim công) were vibrant and colorful
lông vũ