Vocabulary 5 Flashcards
Adj: Heinous
Eng: Evil, atrocious, dreadful, terrible
Port: Mal, atroz, terrível
V: Dire
Eng: dismal, ineptude, causing gloom or depresion
Port: causar depressão
Adj: Ardent
Eng: Fiery
Port: Ardente
V: Renewed
Eng: Refurbished, renovate
Port: Renovar
V: Thwarted
Eng: Hampered, prevent the occurance
Port: Prevenir
N: Halt
Eng: Stoppage
Port: Chegar ao fim
N: Curb
Eng: Restrain
N: Strife
Eng: Conflict, Quarrel, battle, struggle, warfare
Port: Conflito
V: Foaming
Eng: Bubbling, efferverscing, spumy, foamy
Port: Espumando
Adj: Prior
Eng: Previous, preceding, before; to the rear of
Port: o anterior, o último
V: Disenfranchised
Eng: Subjugated, deprive
Port: Privar do direito de voto
V: Frazzled
Eng: Exhaust, stressed
Port: Exaustp
V: Hassled
Eng: Bother, pressured, stressed
Port: Extressado
V: Cowed
Eng: Frighten, subdue, intimidate
Port: intimidar
N: Unfolding
Eng: flowering, evolution, development
Port: Evolução, avanço
N: Slaughter
Eng: Massacre, carnage, butchery
Port: Massacre
N: Array
Eng: Gamut, range, scope, scale, extent, realm
Port: âmbitos
N: Ills
Eng: Evils, tribulations
Port: Maldade