Vocabulary 09 Flashcards
Eng: to change an opinion, religious belief; convert
Port: Convertendo, mudando
N: Reminiscent
Eng: Evocative, redolent, remindful, resonant, similar, allusive
To reminiscent - to remember
Port: Nostálgico
Exp: Petty bourgeoisie
Eng: Middle class
V: Usher
Eng: escort, lead, direct, guide
Noun: Doorkeeper
N: Stratum
Eng: Layer, level
Port: Estrato
V: Galvanise
Eng: To stimulate to action
V: Revamped
Eng: To restore, renovate, refurbish
V: Eschew
Eng: Avoid, abandon, shun, elude, forgo
V: Halve
Eng: To divide equally; cut in half
N: Toil
Eng: Hard work
Port: Labuta, trabalho
Adj: Weary
Eng: Tired
Port: Cansado
Adj: Disinherited
Port: Não abastadas
Adj: Sorrowful
Port: Cansados
Adj: Stalwart
E: Loyal and resolute
P: Leal
E.. To surround with hostile forces
P: Cercado
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