Vocabulary 3 Flashcards
Eng: Millenarium
N: Bandwagon
Eng: Vogue, style, trend
Port: Estilo, tendencia
V: Stick
Eng: Deposit, wedge, lodge
Insert, pierce, penetrate
Stay, remain, linger, persist
Port: Cravar, enfiar
Ficar, continuar, persistir
V: Chalk
Eng: To mark, draw
Port: Marcar
V: Depicts
Eng: Describe, draw, outline, sketch
Port: Retratar, descrever
Adj: Relentless
Eng: Inexorable, grim
Persistent, continual, unremitting, unstoppable, unflagging, unfaltering
Port: Implacável
Persistente, contínuo
N: Maxim
Eng: Axiom
Port: Máxima
N: Outrage
Eng: Indignation
Desecrate, profane, violate
Port: Ultraje, ofensa
Adj: Quixotic
Eng: Unrealistic, idealistic, romantic, absurd, impractical
Port: Idealizada, não realista
V: Hark
Eng: Come back, recall, return
Port: Voltando, relembrando
V: Tangle
Eng: Knot, mass, twist, snarl, mesh, ravel
Maze, snarl, confused, jam, mess, shambles, entanglement, imbroglio
Port: Labirinto, bagunça, emaranhado
Adv: Piecemeal
Eng: Partil, unsystematic, patchy, fragmentary
Port: Pouco a pouco, gradualmente
Piecemeal solution = solução de compromisso
V: Bewilder
Eng: Confusing, surprising, amazing, stunning stupefying
Port: Desconcertante
V: Fleck
Eng: Dotted, specked, stippled
Port: Atingir
V: Alloy
Eng: Blend, combine
Port: Combinar
V: Elicit
Eng: Arouse, evoke, raise, kindle
Extract, evoke, wrest, draq out, extort, educe
Port: Suscitar, explicitar, trazer a tona
V: Entwine
Eng: Knit
Enlace, interlace, intertwine, lace, twine
Port: Entrelaçar
N: Patronage
Eng: 1 – nepotism, bias, favouritism
2 – clientele, business
3 – backing, backup, support, sponsorship, assistance
Port: 1 – nepotismo
2 – clientela
3 – suporte financeiro
Tr. V: Foreseen
Port: Previr
Tr. V: Thrust
Eng: 1 – push
2 – push up
4 –attack
Port: Empurrar
Colocar pra cima
Adj: Enmeshed
Eng: Entangled, involved, caught netted, trapped, implicated
Port: Envolvido
N: Cobbler
Eng: Shoemaker
Port: Sapateiro
Adj: Loosely
Eng: Slackly
2 - broadly
Port: Fruxo
Falar em geral, sem especificidade
V: Prevail
Eng: 1 –triumph
2 - dominate, predominante, reign, rule
3 –persist, endure, die hard
Port: Prevalecer, triunfar
Adj: Haphazard
Eng: 1 – hit-or-miss, random, chance, accidentl
2 – slapdash, slipshod, disorderly, disorganized, casual
Port: 1 – ao azar
2 – descuidado
Adj: Dizzy
Eng: 1 – giddy, woozy, vertiginous, confused
2 - airheaded, empty-headed, featherbrained,
Port: 1 – se sentir meio tonto (mareado;
2 – vertiginoso, vertiginasamente
Adj: Bothersome
Eng: 1 – annoying, galling, irritating, nettlesome, pesky
Port: Incomodo, inoportuno
V: Cajole
Eng: Blarney, coax, inveigle, sweet-talk, wheedle, palaver, persuade, tempt, lure, flatter, manoeuvre, seduce, entie
Port: Persuadir
N: Maverick
Eng: Unorthodox, dissenter, individualist, eccentric, nonconformist
Port: Dissidente, inconformista
N: Liability
Eng: Obligation, responsibility, debt
Port: Passivo, débito
V: Lobbying
Eng: Petitioning
Port: peticionando
Adj: Grim
Eng: Implacable manner
Port: Gravemente, com seriedade
V: Rebounded
Eng: set a limit
Port: Estabelecer limites
V: Retaliated
Eng: Struck back
Port: Retaliar
V: Stepped down
Eng: Quit
Port: Desistiu
V: Wield
Eng: brandish, manipulate, use, handle;
command, possess, manage
Port: Utilizar, exercer
Adj: Thrown
Eng: fall to the ground
Port: Cair no chão
Adj: prompt
Eng: on time, ready, quick, immediate, straightaway
Port: rápido, imediato
Tr. V: Resemble
Eng: Similarity, likeness
N: Plot
Eng: secret plan (illegal, underhand)
Port: Plano secreto
V: Hoodwink
Eng: Deceive, trick, fool, cheat
Port: Enganar
N: Ploy
Eng: tatics, move, scheme, maneuver (with bad intentions)
N: Myriad
Eng: Large quantity, too numerous
Port: Enorme quantidade
N: Sparse
Eng: Scarce, Small amount
Port: Escasso