Vocabulary 4 Flashcards
V: Countervailing
Eng: To compensate; counteract
Port: Compensar
V: Sputter
Eng: crackle, crepitate, splutter, make a explosive sound
Port: barulho ensurdecedor
V: Stumble
Eng: miss a step, fall, stagger, trip
Port: cair, andar cambaleante
N: Bribe
Eng: payoff (corruption)
Port: Suborno
Tr. V: Aver
Eng: allege, say, affirm, assert, declare, maintain
Port: Alegar, declarar
V: Hasten
Eng: move at high speed, festinate, hurry, rush
Adj: Gloomy
Eng: gloomful, sulky, depressingly dark
V: Shoring up
Eng: Bolstering, support, strengthen
Port: Fornecer suporte a outro.
Adj: Brazen
Eng: insolent, bold, audacious, brassy, immodest, unshamed
Port: Descarado, sem vergonha
Adj: Boisterous
Eng: lacking in discipline, rambunctious, fiece, rough
Port: tumultuado
N: Slate
Eng: A list of candidates proposed or endorsed by a plitical party
Port: Lista de candidatos
N: Loftiness
Eng: Highness, impressiveness. stateliness
Port: Grandeloquente, Elevado, Amplo
V: Lambaste
Eng: Cane, lambaste, flog - beat with a cane
Reproof, take to task, rebuke
Port: Bater violentamente
Reprovar alguma atitude
V: Appeasing
Eng: Placating, Conciliating
Port: Conciliar, apaziguar
V: Stoked
Eng: Fueled, Stirred up, Stimulate, Aroused
Port: Estimular
V: Boomeranged
Eng: Backfired, rebounded, come home to roost
Port: Produzir efeito contrário, o tiro saiu pela culatra