Vocabulary Flashcards
A lot of (x2)
beaucoup de,
plein de
the flea market (x 2)
la brocante,
le marché aux puces
the bypass
la rocade
apart from / other than
to the brink (exhausted)
à bout
(Tu vas me pousser à bout.)
a thing that serves a purpose
e.g.: a device,
a system,
a setup,
an arrangement,
a term or provision
un dispositif …
… de sécurité (a security device)
… de vote (a voting system)
… de scène (a stage setup)
… de travail (a work arrangement)
… du traité (a term of the treaty)
a trap,
to trap
un piège,
the English Channel
la Manche
service de renseignement (x2)
intelligence agency,
secret service
Distinguish des renseignements from le consignment
des renseignements: information
Le consignation: the consignment; the act of deposit, shipment or delivery (e.g. of goods, money, a pledge, a prisoner or anything); or written instructions or formalities, a piece of documentation, a record or log of a transaction.
plain, unseasoned (adjective)
to dread, fear
once, long ago
escape, run away
an area such as a private estate, a field of knowledge or expertise, a sector of the economy, or a sphere of influence
un domaine
marriage certificate
acte de mariage
your carry-on bag
ton bagage en cabine
ton bagage à main
« cliché »
stereotype (all senses, originally printing plate cast),
photograph (including negative, snapshot),
cliché (from the click clack of printing plates),
(to) sit (intransitive),
I sit,
I will sit,
I would sit
s’asseoir (reflexive),
je m’assieds,
je m’assiérai,
je m’assiérais
Ah bon
Oh, really.
I see.
jackpot, nest egg, gambling pot, etc.
la cagnotte
Please (Imperative)
(Literally: Be willing, imperative of vouloir, only ever used in the 3rd person plural.)