Vocabulaire_7 Flashcards
Nous étions tous les deux épuisés
Both of us were drained
I’m in a bitter sweet mood today. i think it’s because i’m drained.
Representer, defendre
Stand for ( stand - stood - stood)
I stand for my brothers in arms
L’achèvement, la réalisation
The completion
The completion of this mission is total
Nous avions fait de notre mieux
We’d done our very best
Etre en meilleure forme
To be in better shape
The CDP Plan is in better shape now
the man is leysurely siting down the street
Prévu pour un moment moins mouvementé
Planned fo a less eventful
We don’t compromise with tidiness
Tout d’abord
First and foremost
First and foremost, I would like to say I’m glad to be part of this mission
Faire un compte-rendu de qqch
Report on sth
Etre à contre courant
To be crosscurrents
I’m still crosscurrent and I like that !
Le defi que nous avons relevé
The challenge we faced
Tirer le rideau
To pull the curtain back
It’s better for me to pull the curtain back
À plusieurs reprises
Repeatedly, I have asking for a new mission
To exemplify
I exemplify my speech with some schemas
Au dela de la lutte
Beyond the struggle
Beyond the daily struggle to rise up every morning
Le plus troublant de tous
Most troubling of all
Most troubling of all that i don’t have had any answer
Une crise qui s’enracine
A crisis rooting
We have to find solution to avoid a crisis rooting which will be catastrophic.
It’s embedded since yesterday
To put it bluntly, we screwup !
Un coup d’oeil rapide
A cursory glance
Let’s cast a cursory glance !
Ce que je peux dire avec certitude
What I can say for certain
Efforts inutiles
Misspent efforts
There is no misspents efforts, even Sysiph make muscle
I thing I would not betray a secret if I said…
A lot of question are centred on the IA
Un gouffre béant
A yawning chasm
I’m still surprised by the yawning chasm between the initial goal and the reality of the realisation
Une prise de conscience
An awareness
Ex : A global and nascent awareness about climate issue should permit to find solutions
J’en ait ete le temoin quotidien
I bore daily witness
A l’ecoute
We should stay attuned to the daily issue you will encountered
I sense without fully understand the cause that the collaboration will be harder than we hope
We can’t afford to have delay in this project without affected the next one
I only dimly understood
La vision du monde
The worldview
I would like to share with you my worldview
Je sais ce qui compte pour moi
I know what matter to me
Tous ce que j’ai observé sur..
Everything I observed about
Prendre forme dans mon esprit
Take shape in my mind
Si je devais voyager dans le temps
If i were to travel back in time
C’est un peu tiré par les cheveux tu ne trouves pas
It’s a little bit far-fetched don’t you think
Je l’ai pris sur moi
I took it upon myself
A force
By dint
By dint lot of work, I achieve my goals
I don’t want to downplay the stakes
Avec entêtement
With studbbornness…
Get to handle on something
If i get to handle Technical details, I could be on good position to apply to a new role.
Prendre la parole
To have the floor
Envoyer un email
Shoot an email
She shots me an email explaining the idea
Un suivi
A follow up
How could we ensure a follow up ?
Autrement dit
In other words
In other words, it’s a deadlock
Une impasse
A deadlock
We have to get out this deadlock !
In short