Vocabulaire_ 10 Flashcards
As tu été verifié…
Have you been checking…
(polite way => have you been + “ing” verb)
Lay off (Laid, Laid)
I just been lay off
Look Into
More I look into this contract more i found mistakes.
Changement de rythme
A change of pace
With hollyday, it will be a very change of pace
Changement de rythme
A change of pace
With hollyday, it will be a very change of pace
Surgir, apparaitre
To pop up
When an opportunity pops up, we have to seize it
To send out
I send out an email to all people who are concerned by these controls.
Sous traiter
To outsource
I have to outsource this project
Debrancher, arreter quelque chose
To pull the plug
Hope this project will be pull the plug
Travailler non stop
To work around the clock
We have working around the clock to ended this project
I’m genuenly sorry
To consider
I have to consider seriously the next step of my carreer
Pour autant que je sache
As far as i know
As far as I know, it’s not a solution
Dépendre de
Hinge on
My career hinges on a dumb manager
Factice, fictif
It’s just a dummy request to see how the things work
To commit
I’m committed to solving this problem
Scale back
I will scale back my depenses
Scale up
I’m going to scale up the temperature
It’s a burdensome job
Trouver un equilibre
Strike a balance
We have to strike a balance if we want to be able to live here
my commitment to this project is total
Hocher la tete
If I was agree with you, I will nodding
To organize a good meeting, it’s necessary to set an agenda with some items
Compte rendu
The minute
Who takes notes and sends the minutes after the meeting
Trouver une solution
To come up with a solution
I was studying the issue you encountered and i thing to came up with a solution
Etre en retard
To run late
My apologies. I’m running late
Etre en retard
To run late
My apologies. I’m running late
Se permettre
To afford
Can we afford it ?
To bargain
To the point where we are, we should bargain
To chair
He will chairing the meeting
S’attaquer à
We have to tackle this issue before everything
Pointer vers, indiquer
To point to
everything is pointing to a huge mistake
Un pepin, un ennui
A hitch
Rencontrer des problemes
To encounter problems
I know you encountered problems about the deployment and the implementation of a connect instance
Lent, stagnant
Unfortunately, our progress are sluggish
Les compétences
The skill set
If i had to list my skill set, I will began by this which is the most important for me : My willingness
We absolutely have to streamline the customer process to be able to answer more quickly to their demands
Does the suggested solution eligible ?
être content
to be pleased
I have been pleased to work on this item
Jusqu’ici, jusqu’à présent
So far
So far , we don’t have encountered any issue
Précaire, instable
Despite our efforts, the situation remains shaky
Juste à temps
In the nick of time
During my first escape game, we’re succeded to go out in the nick of time
Je vois ce que tu veux dire
I see your point
Je comprends tres bien votre situation
I do see your point of view.
Go ahead
If we want to go ahead, we have to understand the reason.
Une découverte
The finding
I’ve made a amazing finding
Trouver une solution
Once we came up with a solution, we were happy.
Le debut
The outset / The onset
It’s just the outset fo the document : Details will arrive later in the body of the text.
Passer en revue
To go over
I’m going over all the contract