Vocabulaire_3 Flashcards
We started the meeting at the agreed upon time.
Un forfait
A flat fee
I pay a monthly flat fee for my mobile phone.
La duree de vie
The project’s lifespan.
Avec parcimonie, modérément, occasionellement
Of course, that is being done sparingly.
He is a tireless worker.
Se tenir au courant
To keep up to date
How can I keep up to date with the latest developments?
Uniquement, exclusivement
I’m solely responsible of that question.
This estimation must be based on the most conservative assumption.
La Competence, la maitrise
The expert showed his proficiency in emergency situations.
Susciter, declencher
I would not like to spark a controversy but the question is how can we been at this point
Suivre le cours
Take the class
If i’m taking class each day i thing i’m going to improved my skills
Pretendre, affirmer
To claim
The defendant claims to be not guilty.
Assister à qqch, constater qqch
To witness
The people in the street witnessed the scene.
It is a hugely successful program
The mining
the data mining can be a lucrative activity
En constante evolution, changeant
In an ever-changing world, it can be difficult to find the way
With IA, we’re trying to discover an uncharted territory
Un tirage au sort, égalité
A draw
The winner of the draw will receive a prize.
The match ended in a draw.
Decrocher le telephone
Pick up the phone
I can just pick up the phone and talk to her anytime.
Nanti, riche
The well-off tourists like to visit luxury boutiques.
Une forte baisse, un déclin
A sharp decline
La durée
The duration
How involve people to a broader project
Les uns par les autres
By one another
we have to set up a system where people level up helped by one another
Le rendement
The yield
we set up this feature but for what yield ?
Modifier qqch
To shift sth
How can we shift this code line without break out everything ?
Une allusion, une indication
A hint
Choose a hint that reminds you of your password.
To hint, to imply
It is not acceptable to even hint that you do not trust your partner.
Un peu plus lent
A tad slower
Maybe a tad slower.
Le verrouillage
The lock-in
If we suffer a cyberattack, we have to ensure the lock-in of the system
La preoccupation
The concern
My concern is to know if the solution we provided is apropriate or not for this case
Un caprice, un coup de tete
A whim
The decision may be based on any whim.
Quelle que soit
Regardless of
Regardless of the issue, it was a mistake.
Couvrir, recouvrir
It is provided to overlay the upper part
La liste
The roster
The technologies roster was not updated
Pour combler, pour relier
To bridge
Schools are well placed to bridge the digital divide.
Une solide comprehension
A firm grasp
They have a firm grasp of the stuff to do
Beaucoup mieux
Far better
Saper (la credibilite)
Undermine (the credibility)
It could undermine the credibility of the process
Surveiller, delimiter
Stake out
The police staked out the suspect’s home.
I have to stake out the scope of my project.
How can we tackle the subject with him ?
Ecart, divergence
The discrepancy
Let us not exaggerate the discrepancies.
A ce jour, dés aujourd’hui
As of today
As of today, the full costs are $6.1 billion.
Un extrait
An excerpt
The author read an excerpt from his new book.
Etablir qqch
Ascertain something
We ascertained the root of the issue
Un decalage
A mismatch
I see a mismatch between your figures and mine.
Le temps libre
The spare time
What do you like to do in your spare time now?
Continuer qqch
Keep sth. up
We must keep up our efforts in this direction.
Regler, ajuster
Tune, tuned, tuned
There are still two or three things to tune.
Presenter, exposer
Lay out, laid, laid
On each page, the text is laid out in two columns.
I would like to laid out my project.
Les points communs
The commonalities