Vocabulaire_11 Flashcards
Les plus et les moins
The pluses and the minuses
We are here to determine the pluses and the minuses of the solution
Bien, sans heurt
If you reorganise your report, the text would flow more smoothly.
The bulky guy
Le brouillon
The rough draft
Where did I put my rough draft ?
Clunk, clunked, clunked
From the start, we clung to the promise of a success
Propel by
This mission propelled me to the summit
Pour faire face aux changements
To address the changes
I think we have to be beside the enterprises to help them to address the changes
Pour commencer
For starters
For starters, let’s establish thinks to do
Le contrecoup
The backlash
We suffer the backlash from bad decision taken log time ago
To make up
If we want to make up the bad result we get last year, we have to work twice more
A la lumiere de…
In light of…
In light of her declaration, I think impossible to continue the mission.
Les defaillances
The lapses
In light of the lapses we found
Sortir de l’impasse
Break the deadlock
The solution purposed could be a way to break the deadlock
Une reticence
An unwillingness
He proofs his unwillingness to engage more over
A voix haute
Out loud
I prefer read the report out loud to identify eventual synthax errors
Participer à la reunion
Attend the meeting
It will be necessary to attend the metting to defend our standpoint.
You should proofread the email before sending it
Soulever l’idée
Raise the idea
I would like to raise the idea
Par opposition à
As opposed to
As opposed to what we have conclude till now…
I think we overestimate the importance of this person.
He overestimates himself!