Vocabulaire_11 Flashcards
Les plus et les moins
The pluses and the minuses
We are here to determine the pluses and the minuses of the solution
Bien, sans heurt
If you reorganise your report, the text would flow more smoothly.
The bulky guy
Le brouillon
The rough draft
Where did I put my rough draft ?
Clunk, clunked, clunked
From the start, we clung to the promise of a success
Propel by
This mission propelled me to the summit
Pour faire face aux changements
To address the changes
I think we have to be beside the enterprises to help them to address the changes
Pour commencer
For starters
For starters, let’s establish thinks to do
Le contrecoup
The backlash
We suffer the backlash from bad decision taken log time ago
To make up
If we want to make up the bad result we get last year, we have to work twice more
A la lumiere de…
In light of…
In light of her declaration, I think impossible to continue the mission.
Les defaillances
The lapses
In light of the lapses we found
Sortir de l’impasse
Break the deadlock
The solution purposed could be a way to break the deadlock
Une reticence
An unwillingness
He proofs his unwillingness to engage more over
A voix haute
Out loud
I prefer read the report out loud to identify eventual synthax errors
Participer à la reunion
Attend the meeting
It will be necessary to attend the metting to defend our standpoint.
You should proofread the email before sending it
Soulever l’idée
Raise the idea
I would like to raise the idea
Par opposition à
As opposed to
As opposed to what we have conclude till now…
I think we overestimate the importance of this person.
He overestimates himself!
I think we underestimate the importance of this person
Tenir au courant, communiquer
Touch base with
I think it’s important to touch base with all team members
Assembler (les elements)
If we try to assemble all pieces of the game, we will be able to see what it should arrived
Let’s me convey the evidences
Let’s me convey the evidences
Aller droit au but
Cut to the chase
To get out this trap, we need to cut to the chase
En pointe
The enterprise is still cutting edge
let we exercise with a mock exam
let we exercise with a mock exam
Le niveau de qualité
The quality bar
The quality bar to access to this level is very high
Un tour d’horizon
Let’s have a run-through
ëtre au courant
Up to speed on
I have to up to speed of the situation evolution
If I would like restating and summarising what we said…
Garder une trace
Keep track
To ensure a good follow-up in a mission, we have to keep track main events that composed it
The projected mission is still expected
Soumettre qqch à qq1
Run (something) by (somebody)
I would like to run this report by you
D’un coup
In one fell swoop
By setting up this tools, we would be able to solve, in one fell swoop, all the issues encountered.
Sketch out
Based on these recommendation we can, now sketch out the service to set up
La paperasserie
The red tape.
I still have to do the red tape
Déterminer quelque chose
To nail something down
Foremost, We need to nail the target down
Rien n’est figé
Nothing’s set in stone
Is it conceivable to finish on time ?
Une affaire conclue
A done deal
After the call, i thought it was a done deal
Pour règler les derniers détails
To tie up loose ends
There’s still a lot thing to do to tie up loose ends
To fret
I just saw him, he frets about the project
Franchir les obstacles
To jump through hoops
We have jump through many hoops to achieve our goal
Tete à tete, individuel
Each week, i have a one-on-one meeting with my manager
Etre affiné
To be ironed out
If we want to move forward, things have to be ironed out
Se remettre à
To brush up
For the new year, I would like to brush up to sport but i have some misgiving to do it
A misgiving
For the new year, I would like to brush up to sport but i have some misgiving to do it
to dread
Indeed I dread the consequences of his behavior