Vocab Week 5a contentio-custos Flashcards
contentio, contentionis f3
effort, contest, comparison
contentus, -a, -um
continens, continentis 3
holding in, continuous, self-controlled, restrained
continentia, continentiae f1
self-restraint, temperance, moderation
contineo, -ere, continui, contentum 2
contain, keep, confine, restrain, hold in/ together
contingo, -ere, contigi, contactum 3
touch, reach, happen to
continuo, -are 1
join, make continuous, prolong, continue
continuus, -a, -um
connected, continuous, uninterrupted
continuo (adv from continuus)
at once
contio, contionis f3
assembly, meeting, speech
contra (pre + acc)
against, opposite, facing, contrary to
contraho, -ere, contraxi, contractum 3
draw together, gather, shorten
contrarius, -a, -um
opposite, opposed, hostile
controversia, controversiae f1
dispute, debate
contumelia, contumeliae f1
insult, abuse, violence
conubium, conubii n2
convello, -ere, convulsi, convulsum 3
pull, wrench, destroy
convenio, -ire, conveni, conventum 4
meet, gather, agree
convenit, convenire, convenit 4
it is agreed
conventus, conventus m4
coming together, meeting, agreement
converto, -ere, converti, conversum 3
turn (transitive)
convertor, -i, conversus 3 dep
turn (intransitive)
convexus, -a, -um
convex, arched, hollow
convinco, -ere, convici, convictum 3
conquer, convict, prove
conviva, convivae m1
guest, fellow diner
convivium, convivii n2
banquet, feast
convoco, -are 1
call together
coorior, -iri, coortus 4
arise, rise up, attack
copia, copiae f1
plenty, supply, large amount, opportunity, (pl troops)
coquo, -ere, coxi, coctum 3
cook, ripen
coquus, coqui m2
cor, cordis n3
heart, mind
coram (pre + abl)
in the presence of, before, face to face
cornu, cornus n4
horn, wing of an army
corona, coronae f1
crown, garland, circle