Trinity Week 3 Flashcards
tormentem, tormenti n2
torture, an instrument of torture, an artillery piece, seige-engine, missile
torqueo, -ere, torsi, tortum 2
twist, hurl, torment, torture
torreo, -ere, torrui, tostum 2
parch, burn, scorch
torus, tori m2
(marriage) couch, bier
so many
as many as
as many, the same number as
so often
as often as
totus, -a, -um
all, the whole of
trabs, trabis f3
tree-trunk, beam, ship
tracto, -are 1
keep pulling, drag about, handle, manage
trado, -ere, tradidi, traditum 3
hand over, surrender, hand down, betray
traduco, -ere, traduxi, traductum 3
lead/bring over, transfer
traho, -ere, traxi, tractum 3
pull, drag
traicio, -ere, traieci, traiectum 3/4
throw across, transport, take across, pierce
trans pre + acc
across, through
trans pre + acc
across, through
transeo, -ire, transii, transitum
cross, pass over, omit
transfero, -ferre, transtuli, translatum
carry over, transfer
transfuga, transfugae m1
transfugio, -ere, transfugi, transfugitum 3/4
flee across, desert
transigo, -ere, transegi, transactum 3
transact, complete, pierce, force through
transitus, transitus m4
crossing, change, transition
transmitto, -ere, transmissi, transmissum 3
send across, cross
transporto, -are 1
carry over